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2022 Monthly Painting Challenge - August


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Managed to not black joker the marriage flip and still squeezed in some time to paint a mini! Thanks @DemiMurgos for your kind words :) 

@OctaBit I've been there, sometimes even the "pressure" of this challenge has gotten to me and I just don't want to do it, but I've found that what works for me is to immerse myself in hobby inspiration, or passive hobbying as I think of it. I watch YT vids of painting styles, battle reps, read up on other aspects of the hobby; essentially engage with the hobby BUT don't actually DO any hobby. I find that if I'm in that slump this immersion rebuilds my enthusiasm and rekindles the spark of joy I feel when I build a new model, convert something, paint, or play a game with friends. Then at some point I'll feel inspired enough to paint a mini, usually in a paint scheme I saw on a video somewhere 😆

Anyway here is my effort, Tannenbaum from Jedza's crew... although despite his competitive damage track he is seldom seen on the battlefield, probably mapping the nearest exit to the fight!


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So, my grad program really kicked my a$$ all through July, so I was cut off from the hobby for a bit... but I came charging back this month. 

I got a huge swath of my Fae crew done up, and there's only four models left for that crew and they are done! That is my goal for the next two months. 

That said, without further ado, here are my 39 stones for the month - Alt. Titania, The Thorn (Autumn Knight), the Gorar, and three Bultungin! 

I am particularly proud of TItania's base, and the stream I made on one of the Bultungin. 

I do want to contribute to the burn out conversation, but I'm wiped now from working with all those dang pictures! :) Save that for tomorrow. 







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Probably the last mini for me this month. I'll be working on some Kaltgeists and Euripedes2 as the final models for my savage keyword (now they've arrived) but I imagine those will be my first models for September as oppposed to getting finished in August.

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Alas at this point of time I will have to part from the yearly painting challenge as I am currently busy with painting a whole lot of 3d printed minis, mostly bloodbowl teams.
Still have a large backlog of malifaux but can't bring myself to paint them atm.
I'll still drop in and post pictures of my painted minis though.

For all of you still in the game/challenge, godspeed and happy painting :)

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Caedrus, reporting in!

Or, rather, Caedrus screeching in with two hours to spare.

...and, I can't upload an image via imgur (it's inexplicably down), and the file size is too large for a direct upload (exceeding 65kb?!?), so I shall instead ask you to trust me that I have actually completed:

3 Ailuromaniacs, 2 cat herders, and 3 Malifaux Cats ... so I managed just enough points, in just enough time. Whew!

As soon as I can upload some images, I definitely will!



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Due to a whole ordeal of madness happening in August and an unsuspected covid session which took a pleasant 1.5 weeks out of my life, I have managed to finish a whooping 0 soulstones for August and hence, pulled a mulligan.

I did manage to squeeze some painting in and might finish one figure today, but I don't want to cheat and count it towards August. Given that it currently is in itself challenging to sit for longer periods, I might have to drop out of the challenge, but we'll see in September. Great content however, peeps, you keep the eagerness to paint alive in me! ❤️

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Thanks for the helpful suggestions on how to manage burnout and find inspiration. There's some really good advice in there and it gave me a lot to think about. I've been looking through past projects and I think I've found some ideas that should help get me back on track. I'll post up in the September thread a bit later about it.

For this month though, I've finished up painting Maxine. Love the model, but I need to work on my camera work. I really should set up that light box sometime...



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So here is a rest of my painted minis - 3 surveyors and Colette du Bois (has nothing common with Harry du Bois). With all of this I participated into contests (one City lights and one in our local hobby group) and it was great experience! So I’ll try to continue doing this :) 

So total score for august is incredible (for me) 54 soulstones, wow!large.62F53989-D2FB-4B03-A136-2629CE7A76B9.jpeg.83a0ca7e84910623330a5aae5b1add7c.jpeglarge.C48DA871-2D92-4C02-AD6C-4C0996610D1A.jpeg.864c9751d1b805a387fce7ac74786acb.jpeglarge.89D632F6-C738-442A-B6C3-B34F7CCA90CD.jpeg.9d19a3f1fce01320c596b6449db4b405.jpeg

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22 minutes ago, Hawkoon said:

Yay! More angles!

You really should make a collage next time. I got an even better impression of it now.

I thought about it, and did a couple of tests, but i was afraid it might divide the attention and lose “wow effect”… so i opted for only 1 pic with just the sweet angle where the osl and the blue outline looked the best.

In my experience the picture is a very important part of the submission, as important as the quality of the paintjob and the originality of the piece.

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On 9/2/2022 at 10:54 AM, Diddick said:

Now that the winners for the painting contest are announced, I can share my entry.

It got me 1st place in the singles category ^^.   I'll share it here even though it was my July pledge



close up of the shoulders/arm

I'm honestly really proud of how this ended up looking (to the point that i even shown the pics to non-painter friends 😬 )


Was my first time trying the "luz de recorte" technique (no idea how it's called in english, cutting light??? ), but is this thin blue line on the shadow bit that helps framing the otherwise very dark mini, and the results are great, will most likely use it from now on on darker minis.



Haha i was thinking about entering with the same mini, i reserved for when i would have time to work on OSL.

Well it will keep, congrats on the awesome work :D

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Another slow month on the painting front - hopefully now the summer is drawing to a close I'll be able to get back to churning out some models.  Apologies for the delay in posting these; I've been on holiday and I was at a tournament yesterday.

I've managed to complete another 5 models for the Frontier keyword - 7 models over 2 months, half my accustomed rate.



I'm reasonably happy with the way the piebald pony turned out - although the skin on the rider does not have as much contrast as I thought it did when I finished it - perhaps because I was using lights that I don't normally paint under.



Paul looks OK IRL - these pictures are too big & expose the flaws & gaps in my accuracy!



As you might imagine, the trained raptors took as much (or as little) time as befits a 3ss, insignificant model with a Stat 4 attack and no bonus action.  A small prize to the first person who can explain what these models are useful for (other than summoning other useless models) :)




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