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Your Malifaux Collection

Michael Curran

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Augmented (complete), Elite (partial), Guard (partial), Journalist (nearly complete), Marshal (stub), Witch Hunter (nearly complete*); Machina (complete and newly, albeit not well, based); Amalgam (nearly complete); versatiles (stub).


*I don’t like thralls...or the scales of justice either...seems being chained is my no-no when it comes to sculpts

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Needs- exorcists, spellcasters, DMR, dade, the new field reporters and alan reid.

Painted- Lucuis, scribe, 2 lawyers, 2 investigators, doppel, 3 changeling proxies (old metal tots)

Daschel, Queeg, 2 executioners, 2 mounted guard, 3 guardsmen, 3 riflemen, 3 wardens, 1 guild sarge.

Phiona, 3 field reporters, printing press. a proxy for dade

Sonnia, sam, flame, 2 thralls, 3 stalkers, 2 quellors, 1 handler

perdita, frank, neph, santiago, papa, nino, abuela, 2 monster hunters, 2 pistoleros

lj, judge, jury, scales, 2 death marshalls, 2 domadors

hoffman, peacekeeper, joss, howard, guardian, 3 hunters, watcher, Ryle

Pathfinder, 2 austringers, 4 traps, crockett

stewie, effigy, converted emissary from death marshall, pale rider.  Have access to starter set as needed. 

CR7 full set

unpainted- new lucius box set, new Basse Box, replacement nellie for the one I lost (how?)

Painted other factions

Lilith, tots, young neph, nekima, mature neph, Lynch box, beckoners, depleted, the other guys I can't remember their names 

spiders and swarms, spider summon master (that I can't remember his name)

some assorted painted and unpainted gremlins

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Painted: Hoffman, Watcher, Guardian, Mechanical Attendant,  Hunter, Peacekeeper, Brutal Effigy Sonnia (half-painted!)

Unpainted: The rest of Guild except for the models I don't have yet.

Still to build: Raptors, Basse's box

Still needed: Monster Hunters, Greed, Domador de Cadavres, and Death Marshal Recruiters.



Painted: Mobile Toolkit

Unpainted: Kaeris' box, Burning Bridges box, Arcane Effigy, Arcane Emissary, second FIre Golem, Saboteurs, Steam Arachnid(s), Steam Arachnid Swarm(s),  Joss, Howard Langston, Metal Gamin, Metal Golem



Unpainted: Angel Eyes, Maurice, Bloodwretches


Ten Thunders

Painted: Mounted and Dismounted McCabe, Sidir Alchibal, Luna, Ruffians, Kang, Rail Workers

Unpainted: Youko's box, Misaki's box, Lynch's box, Ten Thunders Brothers, Tanuki, Katanaka Snipers, Shadow Effigy, Shadow Emissary, Mei Feng, Forgeling, Mr Graves, Mr Tannen, Dawn Serpent

Still to build: Youko's box, Tanuki, Shadow Fate, Katanaka Snipers



I think that's everything (although I do have a box of Nurses on the way, and several M3E boxes on order for when they make it to the FLGS!)


EDIT: no it isn't!  There's also:


Dead Man's Hand

Painted: Ryle

Unpainted: Ramos, Brass Arachnid

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Seems like a topic for the general malifaux boards but I'll play.


Guild: LJ box, Perdita box, Hoffman and all oldschool constructs, Lucius old box and various mimics working in m2e, Sonnia old box and handlers, Dashel and all old guard models. 

Arcanists: Marcus and most beasts.

Ressers: McMourning and most of his theme (the old stuff that had metals). 

Neverborn: Zoraida and some assorted swamp fiends. Lilith and most nephilim (not Nekima). Teddy.

Outcasts: many of the previously cross faction mercs. 

Thunders: McCabe, the better part of Lynch's keyword.

I have a few bits and bobs that I can't use anymore as well.


Unpainted: Pandora box, Mei Feng box, Nekima, many old mercenaries.

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3E kind of left me in a weird position. I have a lot of crews, but few that I feel I have enough to really play


Guild: Every master except Base. I feel can field Hoffman and maybe Lady Justice, Sonnia and Perdita but missing a few key models for each crew

Arcanist: Rasputina, though missing too many models to use

Neverborn: Dreamer and Nekima. Can field Dreamer not sure on Nekima 

Bayou: Sommer, Ophelia, Zipp, Wong, Mah, Brewmaster. Can field Mah, Ophelia, Brewmaster and Wong

10T: Lynch, though no where near enough to actually field him

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Mine's fairly easy.

Guild - Everything released prior to M3E painted. Cornelius Box owned.
Resser - Everything prior to M3E painted except Draugr, Little Gassers and Bone Piles (all in progress) and Von Shtook (also in progress, though only one each of Val and Students, need more)
Arcanist - Everything prior to M3E painted except Sandeep and Kudra (in progress)
Neverborn - Everything prior to M3E painted except a second Lelu/Lilitu pair (in the mail), Carver and proxy Vasilisa (in progress), Cyclops (owned, but waiting on Euripedes box).
Outcast - Everything prior to M3E painted except Steam Trunk.
Bayou - Everything prior to M3E painted, except Smugglers (not owned), Flying Piglets, Survivors and Criers (in progress).
TenThun - Everything prior to M3E painted except Wandering Monks (in the mail), Fermented Monks and one KataSniper (owned). Crime Bosses and Lotus Eaters (in progress). Have three proxy Hucksters (three different Miss Anne Thropes) painted, and a proxy Desper (Witchita Witch by Reaper) in progress, that I felt was a much better fit for McCabe. Converting the coiled whip into a rope grappling hook.

Most of the "in progress" stuff should be finished by end of next month, and everything else in the mail or owned done by the end of the year. And I'll probably get the Bayou Smugglers even though I doubt I'll ever use them (Both Parker and Zipp look like they have better toys).

EDIT: Two notes, 1) A good chunk, maybe 30% of this are metals that I'm happy with*, and 2) I haven't painted a single miniature myself. Combination of buying second hand, and commission paintings. Don't have the skill or temperament to do so. The few models I have painted (Freikorps, and some Marshal) were so bad they're in a box.
* I am having a plastic Dead Rider done, because the metal one I have is not suitable to travel.

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On 9/12/2019 at 6:02 AM, Morgan Vening said:

Most of the "in progress" stuff should be finished by end of next month, and everything else in the mail or owned done by the end of the year. And I'll probably get the Bayou Smugglers even though I doubt I'll ever use them (Both Parker and Zipp look like they have better toys).

So, a friend got me a gift certificate, and so I got the Bayou Smugglers, which means once my November commission happens, I'll have everything done, except the special order stuff and anything new delivering in the next couple months. 

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Hmmmm, let's keep it simple. I mostly have just crew boxes and a few extra models, I don't have a complete keyword yet.


PAINTED: Raspy +  Lilith + Ophelia + Pandora (almost there)

UNPAINTED : Colette + Mah + Zoraida + Nekima

WISHLISTED : Reva + Molly + Lady J + Titania + Nightmare Ulix + Kaeris

PLAYED : let's not dwell into this 😅

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