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ROF 5 new upgrades spoilers?


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Fuhatsu's upgrade gives him +1 Wk and a respectable mean melee attack. I'm not yet convinced it makes him worth taking over an Earth Samurai, but it's something I guess. 


The Low River Monk upgrade gives all Low River Monks a spell to heal other models, with a possible trigger to also place a scheme marker. I always felt Low River Monks had their place in certain crews, but this definitely helps improve their usefulness. 


Equality gives the model a bonus once per turn when your opponent scores a VP - either a heal, draw a card or dump a scheme marker. I quite like this one, if only because it's a good, non-discard type upgrade to throw in for helping to achieve Show of Force.


Death Contract is exactly like the Arcanist's Killswitch, except there's only one "decoy" type upgrade to go with it and instead of dealing damage, it flat out kills the attacker unless they discard two cards of SS. Miskai's going to love it. :)

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Awsome thanks for the info. Not sure I am super excited for any of them but could be some use in there. If I had some one to take the upgrade in my mccabe crew I would be a lot more excited about the low river upgrade. I like them for condition removal but that is about all I take them for.


For now I think the terracotta warriors remain my most exciting new toy from new book.



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Equality sounds cool; does it have a rider about being behind in points like Asami and the Amanjaku got? Or is it just whenever an opponent scores?

I still can't believe we voted to give the buff to the Low River Monk rather than the High, but as long as we have it, I'm going to take it. Thunders have a lot of healing options, but given as how LRM's were a good model anyway, the ability for them to heal other models will be welcome.

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Equality doesn't care about points differences. So as long as your opponent scores a VP, you get the bonus. 


I wish the High River Monks had recieved an upgrade too. I was quite happy with the Low Rivers, whereas ivec almost never taken Highs. But so be it. At least it's not as big a travesty as Iggy's Enraged Tantrum. :rolleyes:

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Glad fuhatsu got an upgrade but thinking about it not sure I like it. As soon as you give him a sword the he fills the exact same place as a samurai in any list with a very similar cost. Not sure why I would go that route when you cant pick from the 3 samuari upgrades at 1ss less. Thinking they should have taken him another direction.



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I felt very much the same way about Fuhatsu's upgrade at first as I thought it was cool he had such an awesome shooting, but no melee.  However, if one model got in with him he was useless.  Now he has some reliable defense against a model that he can't push.  He plays a much more devastating role than a samurai at range, but is still slower and can't be pushed.  While both models have a +++ shooting attack, I think their similarities end there.  Before samurai were always the better option, now they will both be viable.

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I think that giving out the saber made quite a few models reach a higher level - which is part of the unique McGabe experience. However, I'd like to add for the 'give everything a saber' guys above that not everyone likes or wants to play McGabe. There are still six more Masters in the faction and Asami, who is yet to be released for everyone. Having the option to use a single Master with a cookie cutter solution to pretty much everything does not mean that this is the only Master people need, simple because 'saber'. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to give another point of view here, not to start a bitter argument or something - the best thing for Wyrd as well as for us is if there is as much balance in the game as possible and everyone has cool, at least somewhat viable options.
As for Fuhatsu's 'fix' - I'm not sure he needed it so much, he was pretty unique the way he was designed. Now he will definitely take over Ototo's place of 10 SS immovable tarpit for me (despite having 1 less :melee). Pretty solid and comparable to a Samurai, but heavier and still different enough to have reason to take both depending on what you need. Oh, speaking about Samurai - they are going to hilarious with Terracota Soldiers. Take one 0 SS upgrade, swap it for another - almost a mini-Shenlong with a Gatling gun!

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14 hours ago, tomjoad said:

I still can't believe we voted to give the buff to the Low River Monk rather than the High, but as long as we have it, I'm going to take it. Thunders have a lot of healing options, but given as how LRM's were a good model anyway, the ability for them to heal other models will be welcome.

Agreed, I use the Low River fairly regularly but not High. They seem pretty solid with the new Upgrade. Healing is one thing but dropping scheme markers as well, wow.

And Fuhatsu feels like he's lost a bit of flavour. He was pretty under par but I feel like just whacking on a melee attack (with a very solid spread) is a dull compromise. Not that I won't be taking it anyway, but, y'know.

Overall this book looks to be **** exciting, can't wait to get stuff on the table.

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I have to agree with Fuhatsu just being a slightly beefier Samurai now. I mean to a degree he already was, but...

I'll admit I never liked Fuhatsu. I hate his model, I hate his fluff, I dont care for his playstyle since there's cheaper stuff that does the same... This changes nothing. Sure it's nice that he got something but this is not the way to buff his character. The walk was desperately needed because the no pushing by friendlies would kill just about any TT model, but the sword just seems so... off? He already has his madman with a gun thing. He'd be better off with +1 Df so he can actually get out of there. Damage has pretty much been thé thing he had over the Samurai - this should've been magnified with like :+fates to damage flips or higher low damage or something. Give him an actual niche rather than try and trump an existing one.

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8 hours ago, Eclipse said:

I think that giving out the saber made quite a few models reach a higher level - which is part of the unique McGabe experience. However, I'd like to add for the 'give everything a saber' guys above that not everyone likes or wants to play McGabe. There are still six more Masters in the faction and Asami, who is yet to be released for everyone. Having the option to use a single Master with a cookie cutter solution to pretty much everything does not mean that this is the only Master people need, simple because 'saber'. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to give another point of view here, not to start a bitter argument or something - the best thing for Wyrd as well as for us is if there is as much balance in the game as possible and everyone has cool, at least somewhat viable options.
As for Fuhatsu's 'fix' - I'm not sure he needed it so much, he was pretty unique the way he was designed. Now he will definitely take over Ototo's place of 10 SS immovable tarpit for me (despite having 1 less :melee). Pretty solid and comparable to a Samurai, but heavier and still different enough to have reason to take both depending on what you need. Oh, speaking about Samurai - they are going to hilarious with Terracota Soldiers. Take one 0 SS upgrade, swap it for another - almost a mini-Shenlong with a Gatling gun!

You are correct about not wanting to play mccabe but its not like high river has no place in 10t. I personaly think all the monks could use a little love but they are far from what i feel to be bad models and do have there uses. I think fuhatsu was crap. I am not sure if this fixes him but i plan on giving him a go.

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Being a fellow Fuhatsu hater (as above, his model, his fluff, etc.) I really could care less about his upgrade.

But I use LRM regularly, and with so many hard to kill models, that healing bop with scheme marker drops is fantastic. I'd take one just for Asami to get healed up after charges then have scheme markers around in case she needs more. One LRM can potentially keep Asami in front lines. That's ballin'.

Equality is fantastic for me. I have so many reasons and places I would take this upgrade on so many different models. ALL TEH THINGS. Again, see HtK... oh what's that, you dropped me to one health and turn ends? You scored a VP? So sorry, I'm back over threshold again.

And that death contract is just so funny. We have so many in your face beaters that this is just silly on. I mean, there's mind games, but why play them? Throw death contract on your beater, and the false decoy on your back row support. Does s/he know which one is which? Damn straight. Does it matter? Nope. AND DOESN'T AFFECT YOUR UPGRADE LIMITS! :huh:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8 août 2016 at 0:07 AM, Rathnard said:

Death Contract is exactly like the Arcanist's Killswitch, except there's only one "decoy" type upgrade to go with it and instead of dealing damage, it flat out kills the attacker unless they discard two cards of SS. Miskai's going to love it. :)

Hello. I didnt get how this works. Can anybody give me some more details? The fact that it is face down, does it mean the opponent does not know which upgrade is attached to the model? In this situation, how do you do with your crew list? You dont reveal it to the opponent at the start of the game?

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30 minutes ago, Franchute said:

Hello. I didnt get how this works. Can anybody give me some more details? The fact that it is face down, does it mean the opponent does not know which upgrade is attached to the model? In this situation, how do you do with your crew list? You dont reveal it to the opponent at the start of the game?

Death contract consists of 2 upgrades. One is the actual Death Contract for 1 SS, the other is a fake for 0 SS. Neither of them count towards a character's upgrade limit, they're both placed face-down, and you can only take the fake if you take the real one. So if I get an Ototo and have Recalled Training and Call of the Thunder attached, I can still attach one of these two face-down to him.

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I tend to hand my opponent the cards I am using and have them at the bottom of the pile telling them one is on x and the other is on y not mentioning the names of the upgrades.

I can see where Death Contract can really mess with a persons head or cost them big if they have no cards, "Yes Lady J is scarified". I put it in the mind messing with column which seems a little bit on how the 10 Thunders are going with there pure masters; which I think is a good thing. Also it will probably catch a person once or twice before they just expect it. What in the faction can cause card discards in your enemies hand?

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2 hours ago, D_acolyte said:

What in the faction can cause card discards in your enemies hand?

Misaki. Tannen. Yamaziko. Asami.

... must be more.

I actually see this more as the upgrade draining opponents hand, rather than draining their hand for the upgrade to kill the model. It will happen from time to time, but the fear of it is key.

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59 minutes ago, Skitt_Happens said:

Misaki. Tannen. Yamaziko. Asami.

... must be more.

I actually see this more as the upgrade draining opponents hand, rather than draining their hand for the upgrade to kill the model. It will happen from time to time, but the fear of it is key.

I think it is a mix of both, if you kill with it it is gravy but otherwise it is more strangling for resources. We can also buy pride and he may be worth it in this. Keep them on there toes and making tough calls.

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One last thing about Fuhatsu, and why I like his upgrade.

I always want to take him for reconnoiter, but am always afraid he'll get rushed and die.

But now he's less likely to die, and as a henchman, he'll be valuable for schemes like make them suffer among others.  I think he's still situational (I would rather have ototo for turf war I think).

As for the TT kill switch, I figure it'll mostly be cutting down in their hand rather than killing them, though a late game misaki assassinate after it would be fun.

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It also combos nicely with Yamaziko's Master Tactician, particularly on an early turn. It's especially fun to put the Death Contract on Yamaziko herself. 

Yamaziko: "Discard 4 cards."

Opponent: "Ouch! Screw that!" (murders Yamaziko with extreme prejudice)

Yamaziko's Corpsr: "Death contract. Discard 2 cards...or 2 stones...or just die."

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