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Design a Master Upgrade


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This model gains the following abilities

Mithridization: When this model would suffer damage due to the poison condition, instead it heals 1 damage.

Can't feel anything else: this model gains armour equal to its poison condition, to a maximum of +2


Because what Mcmourning needs is damage reduction and more healing right? Don't worry, he loses the pushes from That's the stuff.

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Arcanists - Colette

"Casting Call" 3SS, Limited

Colette gains the following Tactical Actions:

(0) Audition: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 14:tome/Rg: 8): Target model gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the turn

   :tome:tome A Chorus Line: Take the action again, this action may not declare Triggers

   :tome:mask Callback: Target gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the game

(1) Stunt Double: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 13:tome/Rg: 8): Place friendly Minion or SHOWGIRL within 1" of target friendly Scheme Marker into base contact with Colette.  Place Colette into base contact with target Scheme Marker.  Discard Scheme Marker

  :tome:maskEncore: Target Scheme Marker does not need to be discarded

  :tome:crowOn Cue: Target Minion/SHOWGIRL may take a (1) Ml Action against any model within range

  :tome:ramIntermission: Colette heals 2 Damage

I would not use this, which might actually mean that it is pretty balanced. The price seems bit high.

...Actually I might use it occasionally. Pretty good upgrade.

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Arcanists - Colette

"Casting Call" 3SS, Limited

Colette gains the following Tactical Actions:

(0) Audition: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 14:tome/Rg: 8): Target model gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the turn

   :tome:tome A Chorus Line: Take the action again, this action may not declare Triggers

   :tome:mask Callback: Target gains the SHOWGIRL characteristic until the end of the game

(1) Stunt Double: (Ca: 7:tome/TN: 13:tome/Rg: 8): Place friendly Minion or SHOWGIRL within 1" of target friendly Scheme Marker into base contact with Colette.  Place Colette into base contact with target Scheme Marker.  Discard Scheme Marker

  :tome:maskEncore: Target Scheme Marker does not need to be discarded

  :tome:crowOn Cue: Target Minion/SHOWGIRL may take a (1) Ml Action against any model within range

  :tome:ramIntermission: Colette heals 2 Damage

I would not use this, which might actually mean that it is pretty balanced. The price seems bit high.

...Actually I might use it occasionally. Pretty good upgrade.

Here's why I thought 3SS was the appropriate price...

Howard Langston/Miss Step with Showgirl characteristic now is subject to Disappearing Act and Stunt Double. 

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Can't completely any actions but I think it would be refreshing if the new upgrades changed things up entirely. Maybe even dropping the most over-used actions to get a new take entirely on the master.

Colette loses prompt but gains something else (something less ridiculous preferably).

Sonnia loses flameburst but gains something still related to fire. I could see her being some sort of buffer/debuffer with the burning condition.

Nico might lose reanimator to get even more buffs to the stuff he already has or some gimicky attacks that place markers and whatnot.

Lucius could get an ability that he can actually pull off without cheating AND stoning at the same time...


The abilities could tie in to the thematic crews since a lot of the models already have strong themes. I also like the idea of opening up for hiring more out of faction models to branch out the theme because lets face it, the designers at Wyrd are nice people but it seems just silly to add tons of stuff to the game that doesn't force us to buy more models. Strong synergy with crossfaction models would reinforce the need to branch out much like crossfaction masters are designed to do so while at the same time add some new angles to our favourite masters.

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Path of the Ancient (Limited):

Inner Peace, Outer Fury: While Yan Lo has the Chi condition of any value greater than zero, he has +1ML on ML attacks.

Deceptively Agile: During a Lightning Dance action, after successfully placing Yan Lo in contact with target, but before placing the target, Yan Lo may take any (1) ML attack available to him other than Lightning Dance against the target at -1ML. Then complete Lightning Dance as normal.

Ageless Spirit: Yan Lo's Fortify the Spirit trigger on Df/Wp now fires on either a :tome or a :mask


Path of the Noble Ancestor (Limited)

Yan Lo begins the game with 1 Chi condition.

Noble Guardian: Yan Lo gains an aura with a radius equal to the amount of his current Chi condition. Friendly Ancestors and Retainers activating within this aura gain Regen +1 and Wk +1. Friendly Spirits within this aura gain Chaotic Feedback: After taking damage from an enemy model, this model may give Burning +1 to a single model within 2".


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Sewing Kit

Restrictions: Zoraida, Limited

Cost: 5 SS

► This model gains the following Ability:

Casting Expert: This model gains 1 additional AP which may only be used to take Ca Actions.

► This model gains the following Tactical Actions:

(1) "I Will Sew You a Friend." (Ca 7:mask / TN: 15:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 2 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Wicked Doll into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:ram"Here, Catch!": The Wicked Doll is summoned into base contact with a model that is within 6" and LoS instead.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.

(1) Stitch Together (Ca 7:mask / TN: 17:mask:mask): Discard any combination of 4 Scrap, Corpse or Scheme Markers within 6" and LoS to summon a Stitched Together into base contact with this model.

:mask:mask:crow"It's... Perfect": After succeeding, the summoned model does not gain the Slow Condition.


The reason why the Tactical Actions are Ca 7:mask is to make them consistent with Zoraida's other Ca Actions. That is why TN is :mask:mask and why Triggers have 3 suits.

Yours doesn't have to be a complete Upgrade though, but I would love to see some. A concept would be enough - someone might expand on your idea.

I really like this, btw. It's very fluffy and I like the mechanics. Maybe a bit expensive (as it's competing with Obey  for an Action and Obey is pretty damn rad).

Also, a reason to bring Wicked Dolls with Zoraida would be very nice (I like the thematics of it, but I feel that Wicked Dolls are a bit lackluster).

Thank you.

I was afraid that for less than 5 SS the Upgrade would be too strong. Casting Expert as an Upgrade is worth 2 SS itself (vis The Captain's Patron's Blessing Upgrade) and being able to use Scheme Markers and not just Corpse and Scrap Markers feels very strong, especially in conjunction with Silurids. I would prefer if the Upgrade would be a bit on the weak side than a bit too strong. Or do you think that 4 SS is more balanced? I haven't played enough games yet to develop the sense for what is balanced and what is not.

So you think that "I Will Sew You a Friend." would be used very rarely and that the Upgrade would be used mainly for Stitch Together? It is definitely not the problem of TN and if it would use a single Marker I feel that it would be too strong. So either make it (0) Tactical Action (Which would be nice because Zoraida doesn't have a single (0) Action unless she takes the Hex Bag Upgrade. But now she has a (0) summon, 3 General AP and 1 Casting AP. Would that be a problem or a solution?) or add a Trigger.

The thing is that I think that Wicked Dolls become much better model when they are near Stitched Together because of their (0) All Sewed Up Tactical Action:

This model suffers 1 damage to heal 1 damage on target other model within 2" and give it the following Condition until the end of the Turn: "Brand New Strings: This model gains :+fate to any Attack flips it makes outside of its Activation."

This means :+fate on Obeyed Gamble Your Life and healing for a model with Hard to Kill and Eternal Nightmare Abilities:

When this model suffers damage from an Attack Action which reduces it to 1 Wound, it gains the Reactivate Condition.

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Can we add ideas for non master upgrades? 


Hard workers

1ss Rare 1 Guild

Crews containing this model may hire Guild Autopsies regardless of declared faction, Guild Autopsies hired this way lose the (0) Leak Necrotic fluids.

This model gains the following abilitiy: 

"Damn fine discipline": Friendly undead beginning their activation within 3" may suffer 2 damage to gain fast.

This model gains the following Tactical action:

(1) Crank faster: Discard a card, target friendly Guild Autopsy gains the following condition until the end of turn: Overloaded: When this model activates it gains fast, when this condition ends, sacrifice this model, if this model is sacrificed all models within (2) suffer 1 damage and  gain the Poison +1 condition.





This model gains the following abilities:

Focused on the killing: this model is immune to damage from conditions.

Better use for it: This model may target corpse, scrap and friendly scheme markers with its (0) Trail of gore.


Eager for bloodshed


This model gains the following abilities:

Get me into it: Friendly models may target this model as though it were a minion.

Better use for it: This model may target corpse, scrap and friendly scheme markers with its (0) Trail of gore.

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Might be interesting for a master (probably a gremlin master given how they tend to copy others) to have a McCabe style "throwing upgrades about" except they are upgrades with negatives on them. One of them would probably be a live grenade or something with a (1) action to pass it to someone else.

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Sweet little children?

Limited, Pandora

Pandora gains the following abilities

Called by the box - all models hired into this crew with the Lost characteristic cost 1 less SS. During the upkeep stage of each turn any Lost models with LoS to Pandora may push 4".

Disturbing children - all friendly Lost models gain the following ability

Innocent face - all enemy models in :pulse5 suffer :-fate to WP duels.

Edited by Clockwork Top Hat
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Immolating Injustice - 0ss

When this Upgrade is purchased, it is attached face down. While face down, it grants the model no Abilities, Characteristics, or Actions. If this model leaves play, and it did not start the game with this Upgrade attached, reattach this Upgrade face down to the model which originally purchased it.

This model gains the Tormented Characteristic.

This model gains the following Ability:

Death by Immolation: Whenever a Condition on this model is removed or ended, this model immediately suffers 2 damage which may not be reduced. Whenever this model makes a Duel generated by or against an enemy model, this model gains Burning +1.

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(2) Penance: Discard a card to flip this Upgrade face down.


Jack Daw, Cursed


(This torment is basically just burning at the stake, simple and plain.)



Mastication Injustice - 0ss

When this Upgrade is purchased, it is attached face down. While face down, it grants the model no Abilities, Characteristics, or Actions. If this model leaves play, and it did not start the game with this Upgrade attached, reattach this Upgrade face down to the model which originally purchased it.

This model gains the Tormented Characteristic.

This model gains the following Ability:

Death by Mastication: Whenever a model is summoned within :aura3 of this model, this model suffers 2 damage which may not be reduced. Whenever this model declares a Walk or Charge Action, the crew which purchased this Upgrade may summon a Malifaux Rat in base contact with this model. The summoned Malifaux Rat may then take a (1) Ml attack against this model before this model moves, which deals +1 damage when damaging.

This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(2) Penance: Discard a card to flip this Upgrade face down.


Jack Daw, Cursed


(This torment is derived from having a rat trapped in a metal bucket and holding the pot up to a human torso, before heating the pot. As the pot heats up, the rats attempt to escape through the only route - through the tormented party's exposed torso.)



So, I think we've established that I am one of the more messed-up people here, no? XD

~Lil Kalki

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Might be interesting for a master (probably a gremlin master given how they tend to copy others) to have a McCabe style "throwing upgrades about" except they are upgrades with negatives on them.

Didn't you just describe Jack Daw?

I was not familiar with Jack Daw! Never faced him and he ain't a gremlin so I'm not wasting my time doing things like reading what masters do.

I guess great minds think alike then?

Well yes but probably a bit more gremlin like jack Daw. Like "attach this upgrade to any model in los: sacrifice the entire crew" 

i feel like someone has had some bad gremlin experiences

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i feel like someone has had some bad gremlin experiences

There are other kinds of gremlin experiences?

I hear there are good experiences too, but that's usually the Gremlin players saying that.. If that matters? ;) I didn't have much fun with Gremlins though when you have to apologize all the time for what Ophelia does on the table. :D  

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Unstable Alacrity

Limited Upgrade, Nicodem

Hasty Preparations - Add :crowto the flip when casting the Reanimator action.

Improper Practice - Models summoned by Reanimator gain the following condition:

Lurch: This model gains an additional 1 AP when it activates.  Sacrifice this model at the end of the turn.  If this model dies, it does not generate markers of any kind.  This condition may not be removed.

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Take away the harness and what are you?

Limited upgrade, Kaeris

By foot - Kaeris wk becomes 4 and looses flight

Burning strength - all friendly models in :pulse6 gain a :+fate to all attack actions if they have burning.

Perhaps I am simply tired, but I feel like the meaning of this is a little muddled.  Is this saying if the attack causes burning?  Or the target is burning?  Or that the model attack is, itself, burning?  I am leaning towards the last option, but I feel it could be cleaned up as a sentence.

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Take away the harness and what are you?

Limited upgrade, Kaeris

By foot - Kaeris wk becomes 4 and looses flight

Burning strength - all friendly models in :pulse6 gain a :+fate to all attack actions if they have burning.

Perhaps I am simply tired, but I feel like the meaning of this is a little muddled.  Is this saying if the attack causes burning?  Or the target is burning?  Or that the model attack is, itself, burning?  I am leaning towards the last option, but I feel it could be cleaned up as a sentence.

re worded it - how does it sound now?

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Prey on Your Mind 1ss

(1 or 0) Like a Deer Caught in the headlights (Ca 6/ TN:12 / Rst WP Rng: 4) Target model becomes paralysed

I think this could become a 2ss upgrade, especially if it gave Seamus the Smell Fear ability. Then the player would have to choose whether Bag Seamus should be used, or Sin Rep to get the WP down further.

Dum Dum rounds 1ss

replace Seamus' gun profile with Sh 6 / Rst Df / Rng 6 :ranged dmg 3/3:blast/5:blast 

May be fired more than once a turn.

Its a slighty stronger version of the Carrion Emissary's attack, but with no triggers (as per the .50)





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Take away the harness and what are you?

Limited upgrade, Kaeris

By foot - Kaeris wk becomes 4 and looses flight

Burning strength - all friendly models in :pulse6 gain a :+fate to all attack actions if they have burning.

Perhaps I am simply tired, but I feel like the meaning of this is a little muddled.  Is this saying if the attack causes burning?  Or the target is burning?  Or that the model attack is, itself, burning?  I am leaning towards the last option, but I feel it could be cleaned up as a sentence.

re worded it - how does it sound now?


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Fate is cruel - 3ss

Neverborn, Zorraida

Mocked by my own cards: Starting from turn 2, during every upkeep phase make a flip - Zoraida and all enemies within 12" receive the following condition based on the flipped card. (This card may be cheated)
:mask Slow
:tome Burning +1
:crow Poisoned +1
:ram Paralysed
Red Joker: Choose any suit, Zoraida does not suffer the condition
Black Joker: Zoraida and all other affected models take 1 damage. This damage cannot be reduced.

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Spirit host

Kirai, limited

Kirai gains the following ability:

Invoke the spirits: this card may use Ca actions and defence/willpower triggers from friendly buried models with the Spirit characteristic. These actions use the ca value and triggers from the buried model's card.

Kirai gains the following tactical actions:

(1) Drawn into me: (Ca 7/TN 14/Range 12") Bury target friendly model with the spirit characteristic

(0) From the ether: Unbury one friendly model with the spirit characteristic within 6" of Kirai

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