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M2E Starter Box! (Reloaded)

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The learning intro sounds good.

Any chance of getting a bigger pic of the renders? As the render pic is tiny (the minis are smaller there than in the main starter pic).

Also, as long as I'm making requests, any chance of getting an idea on how costly (in SS) the Bloodwretches are? I think that Neverborn could really use a cheap generic beater Minion.

Also, why are Bloodwretches written together while Void Wretches are separate? :P

Very interesting that all the minis are Mercenaries. I wonder how Angel Eyes will work with I Pay Better... Could be interesting depending on how her gun works.

Finally, I can totally not recommending McMourning since much of his box is unusable when playing as Guild.

Finally finally, do coroners have nurses in the real world?

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Yes. More Belles.


Pff, just keep making your own. It's the rest of us that need to wait.


As for the Sonnia/McMourning question, it has been made pretty clear that Grimwell is a sort of perverse psychiatrist bent on "curing" people of...something. We know that Sonnia has facilities for turning mages into Witchlings, I'm sure she'd take advantage of the asylum's padded walls and discrete personnel. Grimwell's chainsaw also explains why the Stalkers are so short.

Incidentally, I know that it would be a tiny bit anachronistic but it really seems like Malifaux "needs" a mad barber-surgeon; an Outcast who has set up shop in town again and is out for vengeance against the Guild armed only with a straight razor and pliers...

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The learning intro sounds good.Any chance of getting a bigger pic of the renders? As the render pic is tiny (the minis are smaller there than in the main starter pic).Also, as long as I'm making requests, any chance of getting an idea on how costly (in SS) the Bloodwretches are? I think that Neverborn could really use a cheap generic beater Minion.Also, why are Bloodwretches written together while Void Wretches are separate? :PVery interesting that all the minis are Mercenaries. I wonder how Angel Eyes will work with I Pay Better... Could be interesting depending on how her gun works.Finally, I can totally not recommending McMourning since much of his box is unusable when playing as Guild.Finally finally, do coroners have nurses in the real world?

Don't have any other pics on hand. SS cost wise:

Henchmen: 9

Enforcers: 8

Minions: 5

Single Upgrade for the Hench: 1

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Guild Minions for 5? Sounds promising...


I thought the point was outside Mcmourning with a specific upgrade, you can't use those models with guild, so you can't really recommend Mcmournings box to new players. 


I wouldn't recommend McMourning for Guild beginners, true. McMourning, Sonnia and the the Box that is topic of this thread, though...

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I thought the point was outside Mcmourning with a specific upgrade, you can't use those models with guild, so you can't really recommend Mcmournings box to new players.

Indeed, more than aesthetics or even story, Sonnia box was recommended because it's a good next step for new players from the starter. Her play is straight forward enough, their assembly is easiest, and witchlings are a staple for Guild.

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Don't have any other pics on hand. SS cost wise:

Henchmen: 9

Enforcers: 8

Minions: 5

Single Upgrade for the Hench: 1

Thank you! Much appreciated! Really love the new 5-cost Minions. Interestingly high-cost Henchmen and Enforcers, though. I kinda thought that they wouldn't be all that powerful since they aren't complicated but cool. Nurse Heartsbane being 8, though - really, really interested in seeing what she does!


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The starter booklet is divided into five teaching games, which allow players to learn as they experience the game. Each one builds on previous games with new concepts until you know how to play Malifaux! It is very much designed to be used by two people who have NEVER played a miniatures game, and get them ready for the full glory of Malifaux by the time they're done.


After a few explanations of what a miniatures game is, how to read a stat card, the fate deck, etc. the players begin playing.


Game 1)


 It's also worth noting that there is no need to explain Triggers at this point, as none of the basic minions have any.


Game 3)


In game 3 players add their respective Henchman to the two minions they already have. The Henchmen have more advanced things on their stat cards such as Triggers, zero Actions, and pulses. This game also introduces  :+fate and  :-fate flips, so it also explains how Accuracy Modifiers work. 


Game 4)


 simple duels, Target Numbers (particularly how target numbers work within an opposed duel), defensive triggers, interact actions, and conditions.


Game 5)


In game 5, the players attach their Henchman's Upgrade and learn the basics of Upgrades and Soulstone use.


Oh, and the Faction dynamics of the models were switched up a bit (with Neverborn getting some shooting and Guild getting some fast melee) to hopefully make these models more appealing to you veterans despite the simplicity in design that being included in the starter necessitates.



So, using my powers of miniature game augury, I can make some pretty educated guesses about what the models in the box are going to do.


-The two minions are going to pretty much have blank card backs. No triggers, no (0) actions. Since there is no accuracy modifiers, neither will be Hard to Wound, and since we won't learn about simple tests till game 5, they wont be terrifying. That leaves Armor, Regeneration, and possibly Hard to Kill as defenses; that being said, Wyrd might do something new we haven't seen before. For 5 stones a piece with such a bare cards, they will probably have reasonably good stats.


-The Enforcers are introduced last, interestingly enough. Combined with that, they are fairly expensive for models that (in Nurse Heartsbane's case, at least) don't look like they bring overwhelming physical abilities to the table. My guess is that they are going to provide some kind of buffs to the Orderlies and Bloodwretches to expand their capabilities a little. I can't otherwise imagine stats high enough to counterbalance the simplicity of the models. Since we learn about TN numbers in their game, they will be the first models that are eligible for CA actions and Horror duels, which I think fits either or both of the Enforcers. Both will have Defensive Triggers (or, less likely, give defensive triggers to their minions). We also learn about Conditions, so they may have any combination of Slow, Paralyze, Poison, or Burning abilities on their cards.


-The Henchmen are probably going to be pretty much solo beaters, which is interesting. We know that they will have triggers on their attacks, (0) actions, and some access to accuracy flips, both positive and negative. One or both of them will have access to a pulse effect. There is no mention of Aura effects at all, but I assume something in the box will have one, most likely the Enforcers. Since they are introduced in a mission that has no TNs, Grimwell probably doesn't have a Ca attack, meaning he is all melee, all the time. Since Angel Eyes has a gun, he probably has an identical threat range; no one wants to spend their first game getting kited around by the only person with a ranged weapon. Considering Rifles in this game have a range of 12-14 inches, that is a pretty respectable distance to cover on the charge, especially since I doubt he has a melee range greater than 1. Their upgrades could be anything, really, but people should temper their enthusiasm. They are most definitely faction-locked and, if Wyrd wants the two of them to be feasible mercenaries, they won't be big game changers.


I can't wait to crack this thing open!

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Most of the power from the minions comes from pure stats. They do each have a tactical action, but it's mostly to show that not all actions are attacks, and likely will be situational. So, some pretty good guesses. :)

The Guild minions do have an ability which heals them one damage at the end of their activation, which makes it very similar to regeneration but with a different timing point. This was in part to make it a better answer to black blood, which they will face, but mostly so I could avoid the "heal +1 damage" language that regeneration uses. I was worried new players would misinterpret the + symbol, as stacking conditions is not something a starter needs to go into.

Anyway, I have said enough. I leave this thread to guesswork and discussion. Enjoy. :)

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In fact Asylum being "Witch Hunter" is not rare at all. They have people that might be dangerous in dark cells and you should carry for them. The patients might have secrets in their twist minds that the Guild dont what to share.


I want more info about the Sanatoriums (Guild Sanatorium and Malifaux Sanatorium). The starters talks about the second one, ruled by Blackwood and Pandora who has gained my hearth with that sweet movement, i mean... she will have acces to a lot of insane minds, pretty the sort of things she like.

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I think it makes sense for the Guild guys to not have the same "aesthetic" as the rest of Sonnia's Crew. The Guild Leaders head up departments of the government. That includes non-stereotypes. Think of the FBI. Some of the people working it for it are accountants, human resources, etc. which fall out of line with the stereotype that we think of FBI.

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