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Troubleshooters crew box missing Patron's Blessing


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Me and some other people didn't get The Captain's upgrade card Patron's Blessing in the crew box. Is this intentional? Or is it just missing from some boxes? Can we get the card through the report missing stuff procedure?

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I suspect Bengt is posting here rather than go through the regular mispack service because it's kind of strange for a large number of people to receive the same mispack. Perhaps there's something wrong with the lot, perhaps it's an intentional loss. If it's intentional, it's not precisely a "mispack," so I think it's worth posting. 

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The Captain's Upgrade (Patron's Blessing) is not included in the Ironsides box.


We haven't announced it yet, but we're doing a General Upgrade box that includes all the Upgrades listed under General Upgrades for each Faction. The Arsenal Boxes are not (and were never intended to be) a permanent answer to the game. They are fill-ins to help people move from M1E to M2E. As such, they will intentionally phase out.


That said, there were General Upgrades included in them that are not available any other way. This was unfortunate for newer players, as they didn't need to buy the Arsenal Boxes in order to have the stat cards, essentially creating card waste. So we planned on a box that includes all the General Ugprades.


The General Upgrades box will include all 7 Faction's General Upgrades. This is for a variety of reasons, but the primary is one of cost -- we can offer it cheaper to customers overall by combining them.


Anyway, all that is by way of saying that The Captain's Upgrade is included in the General Upgrades Box. That's where it's listed in the book, and that's where it's included from a production standpoint. It's not in the Ironsides box. Those of you who bought the Arsenal Box have it, as will everyone who buys the General Upgrades box.


This box should be available at GenCon. The usual disclaimers apply, of course, but it's our intent to have it there!

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That's great to hear. I was hemming and hawing over the Whiskey Golem upgrade since it wasn't in the NE box, especially since I'm not particularly interested in pure Gremlin (have Brewmaster, considering Zoraida), but the general box would get me that upgrade and several other faction upgrades.

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The Captain's Upgrade (Patron's Blessing) is not included in the Ironsides box.


We haven't announced it yet, but we're doing a General Upgrade box that includes all the Upgrades listed under General Upgrades for each Faction. The Arsenal Boxes are not (and were never intended to be) a permanent answer to the game. They are fill-ins to help people move from M1E to M2E. As such, they will intentionally phase out.


That said, there were General Upgrades included in them that are not available any other way. This was unfortunate for newer players, as they didn't need to buy the Arsenal Boxes in order to have the stat cards, essentially creating card waste. So we planned on a box that includes all the General Ugprades.


The General Upgrades box will include all 7 Faction's General Upgrades. This is for a variety of reasons, but the primary is one of cost -- we can offer it cheaper to customers overall by combining them.


Anyway, all that is by way of saying that The Captain's Upgrade is included in the General Upgrades Box. That's where it's listed in the book, and that's where it's included from a production standpoint. It's not in the Ironsides box. Those of you who bought the Arsenal Box have it, as will everyone who buys the General Upgrades box.


This box should be available at GenCon. The usual disclaimers apply, of course, but it's our intent to have it there!


So does this mean that there won't be Wave 3 Arsenal decks?

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The Captain's Upgrade (Patron's Blessing) is not included in the Ironsides box.

We haven't announced it yet, but we're doing a General Upgrade box that includes all the Upgrades listed under General Upgrades for each Faction. The Arsenal Boxes are not (and were never intended to be) a permanent answer to the game. They are fill-ins to help people move from M1E to M2E. As such, they will intentionally phase out.

That said, there were General Upgrades included in them that are not available any other way. This was unfortunate for newer players, as they didn't need to buy the Arsenal Boxes in order to have the stat cards, essentially creating card waste. So we planned on a box that includes all the General Ugprades.

The General Upgrades box will include all 7 Faction's General Upgrades. This is for a variety of reasons, but the primary is one of cost -- we can offer it cheaper to customers overall by combining them.

Anyway, all that is by way of saying that The Captain's Upgrade is included in the General Upgrades Box. That's where it's listed in the book, and that's where it's included from a production standpoint. It's not in the Ironsides box. Those of you who bought the Arsenal Box have it, as will everyone who buys the General Upgrades box.

This box should be available at GenCon. The usual disclaimers apply, of course, but it's our intent to have it there!

I approve the General Upgrades Deck, as I was one of those suggesting it, since the Betas (even though I needed both Arsenal Decks anyways).

I am quite confused about the Captain specific Upgrade, though: I believe more generic Upgrades (e.g. requiring Ancestor/M&SU characteristic) should be into that Deck, but the Upgrade with the name of a Henchman included in a Crew Box, should come together...

"Oh, I just bought a Crew Box, but if I want to play those 5-ish General Upgrades too, I must buy the cards for the models of my entire Faction, including doubles of my Box" sounded quite bad some times, but

"Oh, I just bought a Crew Box, but if I want to play my Henchman's specific Upgrade, I must buy the cards for the Upgrades of all the Factions" sounds somewhat stranger.

There will be less doubles overall, and that's positive. This Captain thing is the only one surprising me Got what happened in the General vs Crew Specific Upgrades division, if it won't be the rule, I can live with it :)

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This is a great idea, as someone just barely getting into the game (I only have the Ramos and Mei Feng boxes, along with December Acolytes and Metal Gamin) trying to figure out the arsenal packs and what I actually need for the game has been frustrating.  Putting everything into a "Start Here" sort of box sounds like a terrific change.

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How is an upgrade that can only be equipped to a specific named character something you decided would be a "general" upgrade, rather than an upgrade that came with that character? 

I kind of feels like bureaucracy gone wild. :P It didn't fit on Ironsides' page in the book so they had to put it on the general page. Then when it comes time to organize the crew box it gets left out since it's already been printed on the general page.

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Rogue Necromancy's Pack, Nekima's The True Mother, Spawn Mother's Protect the Young, Widow Weaver's Hand Bag, Nothing Beast's Void Shield, Karina's The Faces of Oblivion, McTavish's Cute Critters, Mancha Roja's Extra Gremlin, Mud Toss (McTavish or Mancha Roja) and Samurai's Favor of Heaven, Favor of Earth and Favor of Jigoku. All these upgrades are considered general.

Acording to Gmorts Chaotica: Unboxing Malifaux though, Rogue Necromancy comes with Pack upgrade, Nekima's box does contain The True Mother, Herald of Obliteration - Tara Box Set contains both Void Shield and The Faces of Oblivion, as well as Samurai box contains all three Favors.

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That's an interesting point, Laika. It makes this statement:



The Captain's Upgrade is included in the General Upgrades Box. That's where it's listed in the book, and that's where it's included from a production standpoint.


Puzzling and inconsistent with the precedents set in previous releases. I find it far more likely that the card in question was forgotten (either on Wyrd's end or the printer's) and that rather than further delay Ironsides' release while it was sussed out (for a kit that was already delayed for problems getting cards) they decided to ship them as-is, and have Aaron come play damage control by spinning an obvious oversight into a sales pitch for a new product. 
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One more update: I have checked multiple webstores and Rogue Necromancy, Nekima and box of Samurais do not come with those upgrades anymore.

Box Sets (Herald of Obliteration and Of Metal and Flesh) still do though.

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