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Seize the day?


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When I have the 'Seize the Day' upgrade, is the reflip from, an equal value initiative flip, also done with a bonus card?


In a game, I lost the flip with 2 cards, so I used a soulstone, got an equal value and then tried a reflip with 2 cards again, much to my opponents dismay. The one SS cost of the upgrade seams just a little to good.


John D.

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All Seize the Day cares about is if it is an initiative flip or not. It is very binary, are you making an init flip? If yes gain a :+fate. This counts for all reflips and Soulstone use, since using a SS cause a reflip of initiative. If no then Seize does not apply.

Yes. You get the :+fate in all those instances. It's a fun upgrade.

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Interesting, it's one of the first, if not the first upgrade I put on my master. Maybe it's dependent on the master you play? I'm pretty much only playing Colette when I'm playing and she doesn't really care about her upgrades anyway.


Still, I do think that 1ss for a much higher chance to determine activation order is amazing. It won't matter all the time, but when it does matter it can be seriously powerful.

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So a 54 card deck, arcane reservoir 7 hand, stone 2 draw  initiative 2 cards, re-flip 2 cards. Before doing 1st activation you just went through 13 cards. You just went through 24.07 cards in a deck, not to mention you either won initiative or just burned a bunch of low cards that will not come up. If you can fit it, Take it!

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For me, it depends completely on the master and how I prefer running him/her. It usually gets a consideration if I plan on playing aggressively. 


Marcus may want initiative as his "beast" conditions fall off at the end of the turn and being able to activate and place beast on whatever scary model is engaging him can mean the difference of life and death for marcus or the poor chap with beast on it. 


Mei Feng will often like initiative if you tend to throw her into a group of enemies as I tend to do. I often activate her last to dive into a group of enemies to do some damage and hopefully win initiative on the following turn to continue the slaughter of to rail walk to safety. She also seems relatively flexible with her upgrades and so affording seize the day is not usually a big sacrifice. 


Ironsides is arguably one of the masters who relies most on initiative flips. The dream is that she is surrounded by enemies and activating first will guarantee delicious adrenaline that you can use to reposition, heal or pummel things. Unfortunately I also feel like Ironsides has heavy competition for her upgrade slots so the choice is not always a simple one, but usually a strong consideration depending on how you like to run her.


Colette will often take seize the day in my lists if for no other reason than her personal upgrades are very optional. It's also pretty sweet prompting models around before your opponent has time to react. Also Cassandra often likes going first just to put up her southern charm. 


The rest are not really strong contenders for the upgrade or have better options available to them in my opinion.

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The rest are not really strong contenders for the upgrade or have better options available to them in my opinion.

ZFiend has been using it with Ramos to a devastating effect (give Langston Reactivate, activate him last, go again, win initiative and go a third time - that's a lot of death).
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The masters I find most space for it on are Ramos and Raspy. Marcus has three upgrades which I see a prett much mandatory.

For Raspy people are more likely to leave models in a perfect position for an ice mirror blasting at the end of the turn hoping to hide it again at the start of the then, getting in there before they get chance can make raspy even more devestating than she already is.

With Ramos the previously mentioned reactivating trick works with Howard and also Lazarus loves to reactivate and Fire off 6 shots a turn.

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I've never taken it. And in all honesty I don't think I would ever take it.

I personally play as if I'm going to lose initiiative anyway. I much prefere Arcane resevoir and Imbue Energies from the general upgrades for my master.


I guess its presence on the board may change an opponents play, but I'm probably not going to have more than 1 critical turn where initiative matters, and for the cost of the upgrade, I'd get a second flip anyway.

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