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Nicodem how to beat him


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I have played many games, and won and lost mana games but one master I cant beat is Nicodem

, he can solve any schemes and starts. I have nearly any models for Arcanists.


What tools do you bring to beat him? I have heard some talk about Ramos but in a turney, you only know The fraction, not master. So if you know you are up against Resser do you always take Ramos, seems sad if it is the only master there has any chance against him.


Thanks in advance


 - Exarkunn OUT!


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I've found the best way to beat Nicodem is to play around him. He's probably the best Master in the game at drawing enemies into a killing zone and beating them through attrition, so it's usually a bad idea to try to out-fight the undead horde.


The rest of it comes down to playing the Strategy and Schemes. I wouldn't say that Nicodem is particularly good at the majority of things, though he has some great strengths.


Nico's very dominant in Reconnoiter, but so is Ramos - if your aim is to win (in a tournament, for example) you should probably be picking Ramos for Recon regardless of what your opponent declares. Ramos can beat Nicodem at the summoning game, since he needs fewer resources to do it - swarm the board.


Nico can make his crew quite killy for Reckoning, but he also tends to let his own models die (and recycle them), so he's not necessarily as effective as hit-and-run Masters like Tara and Seamus. (I'd recommend Rasputina to beat him in Reckoning - his crew likes to clump up for his auras, and Raspy adores a crowd. She's a good choice for Reckoning against anyone.)


Turf War is probably his strongest strategy, because he can gather in the centre and force the opponent to come to him. A lot of people play this strat as if they need to get their whole crew within 6" of the centre - it's worth keeping in mind that you only need two models to score. Ramos, again, is fantastic at this due to summoning and a wealth of activations, but anyone can do it - send in cheap or survivable models to claim the strat, and use the rest of your crew to win on Schemes. As long as you can kill off the Resser scheme runners (usually Necropunks, which are surprisingly tough to take down, or Crooligans) you'll be fine.


Squatter's Rights and Stake a Claim are his weakest strats in my experience - Nico doesn't like to spread his crew out, and he's not very mobile. Colette can run rings around him forever in these matchups, and Mei Feng can strike wherever his forces are weakest to disrupt his plans.


In general, avoid playing his game - attrition war - and force him to play yours instead. Don't get drawn into an 'honest' melee fight, because you will always lose. Instead, use your advantage in ranged damage and mobility to harass him while focusing on scoring points. If you can find the stones, models that can remove corpse markers are always nice to bring along.

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In general, avoid playing his game - attrition war - and force him to play yours instead. Don't get drawn into an 'honest' melee fight, because you will always lose. Instead, use your advantage in ranged damage and mobility to harass him while focusing on scoring points.

:+fate :+fate

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I realise it sounds like a contradiction. Essentially, summoners have an inherent advantage in Recon. Nico doesn't like to spread his crew out if he's trying to fight, but in Recon he doesn't really have to - he can just spam as much stuff as possible and send it everywhere. He's not as good at it as Ramos (or the One True King of Recon, the Dreamer) but he's better at it than basically any Master who can't summon 2+ significant models every turn.

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Nicodem likes to keep his models bunched up to benefit from his abilities, so you can either use models like the performer to lure his models away or can use this against him and use blast attacks to hit more of his models.  If you can find a way to take him out then his crew tends to fall apart, so models such as Hans who can snipe him leave the crew severely weakened. But the main thing is not to get bogged down with trying to win a war of attrition, focus on the scheme.

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I agree with the idea of just sticking to schemes and not getting too invested in killing hoards of undead. However I had some decent results using Mei and more specifically Kang in a strait up fist fight. Kang himself gives a  :+fate to attack and damage to friendlies against undead and the foundry generic "hard worker" upgrade allows you to ignore H2W and armour. Combine all of that with Mei's ability to chain combos against clumped up enemies, she can very effectively deal with the mass of undead with the help of Kang while the rest of the crew accomplishes schemes.


Also her vent steam is one of the better ways of dealing with lure in our faction.

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I have to concur with several of the above posts. Avoid the death ball when you can. If you have to go in (turf war for example) try to minimize los/charge lanes. Use movement tricks for positioning, to disrupt his combos, or maximize yours. Accept that whatever goes in is probably not coming out. Attack Nico directly where you can. Either you'll get him, or force him to burn resources and minions. Either is a win. Focus on your schemes. Get your 6 and a few strat points while attempting to deny his. Pretty standard in any game, but particularly important to keep in mind here.

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Personalyy, I always find using Marcus with 5 attacks minimum damage 4, or a Cerberus with at least 3 attacks plus triggers (I really love imbued energies), is a good way to bring Nicodem down.

Rail Golems and Howard will do similar pain to him.

And then the list that is designed to produce lots or Corpse markers, has nothign to do with them all.

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Ramos is fun to play against him. Ramos' summoning is massively less resource intensive (as far as cards, stones and AP are concerned) and so your starting crew can be much better tailored to the strat and schemes - or it can just be madly killy and you can count on the spiders to run schemes. A Nicodem crew is usually a well-oiled card and corpse generating machine, and a turn 2 reactivating Howie can be a massive spanner in the works.

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Theoryfaux question for the wily vets - what about hiring Taelor?  I know she's a merc so not techinically in-faction, but wouldn't her 'Welcome to Malifaux' go a long way to whack-a-mole-ing his summons?  I've never been on either side of Nico, but on paper that seems to be one of the things she's built for.

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Trying to clear out his summons is playing Nicodem's game. Sometimes you have to, but I find it better to get Nicodem under severe threat as fast as possible, and keep the pressure on him as long as possible.

If Nicodem is using his high cards, stones, undead, triggers, and or corpse markers to stay alive, then He isn't using those same resources to summon. He still might get a few off, but far less then if you threaten him. You might not kill him, but keeping him using his stuff to stay alive is definitely worthwhile I feel.

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Taelor is way better on paper than in practice, I've found. First, she has to activate early in the turn to turn Welcome to Malifaux on. Second, it's surprisingly easy to block her charge movement (or LoS) with other models - she's already activated, so just park a couple of mooks in front of her and summon behind them to your heart's content.

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One thing personally that makes my life hard is when you ignore Nico's crew and just send damage at Nico himself, you probably won't kill him but he has to then devote his limited resources dealing with the threat instead of what he wants to spend them on.


So Langston, Golem, or any ranged thing like Acolytes (especially them cause they give slow and force out his very important cards)

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