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Hooded Rider


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Late 2 or early 3. Use him to hit high priority targets (for the love of the gods put Retribution's Eye on him) or hit where there are multiple scheme markers. He can also soak with the best of them (team with Black Blood Shaman for more lulz), sit back and know he is a worthy investment

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I've tried him a few times. I wasn't all that impressed, It's a high investment to be holding on your deployment zone for 3 turns at least. I would like to give him another chance but I don't really have all that many Neverborn models to run him with it. I only have Lynch basically and he doesn't quite fit in there. :D 

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Last time I ran Hooded was in a summoner Dreamer crew. Since I could summon all the things, I started off with Hooded, Teddy, Kade and a couple of Daydreams. Played vs Leveticus and had an absolute blast. By the end of the game I had summoned the twins, a stitched, coppelius and an insidious :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Some slight threadomancy here. Anyone got something more to say about Hoodie? On paper he looks quite solid, especially his damage potential. The marker interactions is nice too, something Neverborn doesn't have heaps of at least. The push thing is nice, can be used as a delivery system for Silurids if Deliver the Message is in the pool.


I am thinking whether to get Hoodie or a Strongarm Suit. At the moment, I am leaning towards the latter, but if some can convince me about the Rider I am all ears :D

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Sure, Mech is in a league of its own. The Pale Rider can be very good with McCabe, and together with the Plant Evidence upgrade it can do some serious end game scheme running. Dead seems to have a lot of potential. Its brings even more offensive movement for Ressers. I like the friendly placement after the push, but it seems a bit "meh" in comparison to the others tricks. Also, its a melee beat stick that cannot get into the thick of it for real until turn 3 maybe. Sure can disrupt flanks in the meanwhile, but such a big model won't be easy to hide from shooting or charges.  

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In all the rider posts I'm a little surprised by people holding back until turn 3.


Armour 2 is considered amazing on other models but Riders can get this by throwing in the right card on turn 2. Also most other Neverborn beatsticks are very low DF, so hooded has a massive advantage here. Turn one ok you have to keep him out of sight but you have plenty of movement to get him into a better position. Turn two you can pick someone up for the push, then charge and have a 3" engagement range, this threat range is huge with such a powerful beater. You also have another nasty model now in range hopefully to charge in.



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While things that can bypass armor can't bypass rider-armor, things that can target willpower can, as it's a DF trigger. As can things that just ignore dfenesive trigger. So, there are threats to a riders safety that certain crews can just dig into. As for hooded- I love the idea of mimics blessings to give it more defensive options, and I think pairing with a black blood shaman is another fantastic idea- make that big base into a black blood pustule machine, and drop crows so any damage the rider takes can be healed back.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess on paper I don't see him as being as good when compared to his siblings, which is a shame because aesthetically I like the looks of the hooded rider the most. I suppose it's an issue of how much support he can get from his crew, but for example if taking pariah of iron with Leveticus, I don't think I could ever reasonably take the hooded rider over the mech. 


Pale and dead are about on par with each other in my eyes, though I have never played with either and have only ever faced Dead and Mech. Would love to hear more from more experienced players 

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I have not used him, but I can not wait to get the model and start.

I tend to have 1 model with Retribution's Eye in the list, normally teddy or a mature, though his damage out put might change that.

Some of my friends are very shocked by my use of 12-13 ss models after upgrade and yes they all wonder how Gracy and other armor 2 dies quickly to me.

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<..>and I think pairing with a black blood shaman is another fantastic idea- make that big base into a black blood pustule machine, and drop crows so any damage the rider takes can be healed back.



Sorry to say, but you can't heal the Hooded Rider with the shaman. The shamans spell specifically states that it targets a model with the Black Blood ability , which the hooded rider doesn't have. The shaman can give him the black blood condition but because the spell is worded so specifically to target the ability, you're out of luck there.

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I think if it specifies condition and ability there shouldn't be any reason for debate? :D

My reasoning too. Asrian claims he has heard otherwise from "upstairs" (although we shouldn't read in too much to that, but it throws a last wedge for the hopeful). As of now, I would rule it as it is a condition, thus it doesn't work. I just want to throw it out there that it isn't a clear cut (yet, but it sure will be).

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We have played it as "no" for the most part. That doesn't make him any less scary with a BBS behind him. Hooded Rider can do respectable work no matter what his purpose is. SOmetimes he's a model killer, sometimes he likes to deliver the message, sometimes he's just so threatening he secures a vector of the board all on his own and sometimes he's a giant mounted distraction to keep my opponent busy while I do what needs to be done.

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