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Guild Riflemen


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I'm curious how they fair when not theory-crafting, as I haven't picked them up yet but am strongly considering it


I'm looking at them from a Lucious/McMouring point of view, and wondering if they are a good single or double option, or do you need them in threes? I know they get better when you have all three, but if I only had room for one, would I be better off with the pathfinder?


I was reading their entry on the pull my finger page, and they seem pretty solid, but it doesn't really compare them to the pathfinder when you get into how many to hire.


I get that a lot comes down to strats and schemes of course, but assuming you were running Guild Lucious or McMourning wanted a range piece and only had room for one or two models instead of all three, would you grab the rifleman, or the pathfinder?

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I've used them to great effect with McCabe, he can move them around by giving them upgrades and re-activate. A trick I did was use Black Flash to give one Re-activate then give the badge to another pushing him 4" and giving him Nimble. Activate the first one move and Focus, the other can then nimble focus and fire, companion the first to reactivate and fire + focus or focus then fire. They can put out some pretty devastating damage. I've not tried a trio or Dashell with them yet but they are pretty good 5ss minions. Can't say how they work with Lucius as mines still in the box but I've heard a lot of good things. 


Pathfinders are also really good, I've never used them but played against one recently and the traps are an utter ball ache. They slow you down so much, luckily I was playing reckoning and bagged a tonne of points by killing traps but they held up my crew for ALiTS and Assassinate. Their damage potential is pretty nice but Riflemen given the right support will deal more damage given the opportunity. 

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Depends on the rest of the crew.


My friend usually hires 3 of them, but he has Dashel hanging nearby, in which case they can easily double-focus + shoot, or focus-walk-shoot. My opinion is that the Riflemen work better when there are other Guild Guard pieces helping them, and the Pathfinders are more of a solitairy model. 


So my opinion. If there are other Guild Guard support in the crew, like Sergeants or Captain Dashell or something, Riflemen will capitalize on that more. If you need something that is more all around solid, take the Pathfinder.


When taking pathfinders, make sure to not infiltrate them so they can be charged the first turn.

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A solitary rifleman is a sad rifleman, in my opinion. That doesn't mean that you need a bunch of riflemen though. Run him with an Austringer buddy and you have a surprisingly nasty fire base for a grand total of 11 stones. Don't expect them to survive any sidelong glances your opponent sends their way though - Df 4, 5 wounds, no defensive tech... Ah well.


They do have accomplice, so if Dashel gives one reactivate you can (0) Focus, Shoot, (1) Focus, Shoot, (0) Focus, Shoot. That's three focused Sh 6 attacks at 3/4/6 or 4/5/7 if you flip/cheat a ram.


I loathe Dashel, but I can't argue with the massive holes he helps me put in things.


Long winded answer to a straightforward question.

*Disclaimer: These observations are based on real-world performance in Lucius lead crews, YMMV

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Yeah, you don't particularly need to take 3 Riflemen. You will want to take them with some sort of Guardsman standing around nearby to give them the extra ram, but this is actually better if it's not another rifleman since the first one to activate won't get that ram. Singles and pairs are perfectly fine if you're taking other guardsmen.


Pathfinders don't really care about support so they're kind of more general purpose but they won't get the massive damage output that a supported Rifleman can give.

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They can do ridiculous damage and dashel whilst some don't like him gives them better flexibility due to being able to walk focus and shoot in one activation. I had one gunned down by Nino the other day the second double walked and 0focussed from dash then lucius issued command giving another focus+1 so he one shotted nino. They fall over in a stiff breeze so hugging cover is useful.

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They can do ridiculous damage and dashel whilst some don't like him gives them better flexibility due to being able to walk focus and shoot in one activation. I had one gunned down by Nino the other day the second double walked and 0focussed from dash then lucius issued command giving another focus+1 so he one shotted nino. They fall over in a stiff breeze so hugging cover is useful.

Just had to mention it didn't you ...


In the same game Dashel also bludgeoned Francisco to death.  Starting to think he's more useful than he appears.

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In the same game Dashel also bludgeoned Francisco to death.  Starting to think he's more useful than he appears.

He is useful. He is one of the most durable henchmen Guild has if you don't take Lead Lined Coat into account. He also has weak damage of 3 with critical strike or built in slow trigger. I wouldn't play him without bringing Riflemen, but he isn't some useless lump of meat if they happen to die.
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I run Dashel and a pair of Riflemen as a module which so far has never performed poorly. Lots of ways of laying down focused shots or focusing for suppressive fire. It'd be great if Dashel could do any heavy lifting himself, but he can still get them going. I've never taken 3 since that's a ton of points in a set that fragile, and I've never felt a single one is worth it compared to other options (more expensive, better shooters; or stuff like witchlings that are more well-rounded).

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Just had to mention it didn't you ...


In the same game Dashel also bludgeoned Francisco to death.  Starting to think he's more useful than he appears.

Sorry should also mention that in another game dashel one shotted a death Marshall rj dmg flip then put some hurt on bishop who popped out chain activated a rifleman who killed bishop, out popped killjoy to charge and kill the other rifleman and a hunter before dashel the next turn charged and slowed kj then finished him off with a good bludgeoning to the face on turn 3.
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Only used them with McCabe so far, after a few games 2 is what I go with to make sure there's enough points for schemers, beaters and/or interferers. For me, McCabe makes up for their main deficit, their speed, and if whatever is sent to deal with the Riflemen gets past the rest but fails to finish them off (which is usually what happens) it starts to be a very bad day for them; between having Guild Hounds maul them (giving the freed Rifleman an activated Guardsman for a :ram ) or having a Glowing Sabre stuck between their ribs. If the Riflemen die, then the enemy probably just expended some fast models, that could otherwise have been Scheming, killing some 5SS models that will likely not directly contribute much to VP.


Probably the most thoughtful game I had with them was the one time I also faced up against some Riflemen with Lucius/Dashel . The contrast in how we used our Riflemen was really cool, trying to get into the right position to take the other's shooters down.

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