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Crossroads Story Discussion


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Probably the best fluff book by far. My absolute favorites in bold:

The Best:
Kaeris (Well done, Justin!), Lucius, Molly & Kirai, McCabe, Dreamer, Jacky Jacky Jack Daw

Not the Best:

Shenlong (Not at all what I envisioned from the artwork and kinda tame.), Hamelin, Collodi (not as creepy as I expected based on past stories)

All other stories were good, but not enough to explicitly mention.

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Probably the best fluff book by far. My absolute favorites in bold:

The Best:

Kaeris (Well done, Justin!), Lucius, Molly & Kirai, McCabe, Dreamer, Jacky Jacky Jack Daw

Not the Best:

Shenlong (Not at all what I envisioned from the artwork and kinda tame.), Hamelin, Collodi (not as creepy as I expected based on past stories)

All other stories were good, but not enough to explicitly mention.


Do you mean "Molly's" and "Kirai's" story? Or do you mean "Molly and Kirai's" story? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Must. Get. Book. ... Must. Read. Stories. ... Damit! Why is Gen Con in the U.S.? We should totally start our own Gen Con ... With Blackjack. And Hookers.


Hmmm ... Idea forming.


We in the penal Colony feel your pain

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I'm enjoying most of the stories so far, though I wish a few of them could have been a bit better edited.  It's mostly just minor issues here and there, but it's something that tends to stick out when I read things.  I haven't finished the Ten Thunders stories yet, but otherwise the whole book is pretty great. 


I was surprised to see that Mancha Roja is apparently the Lord of Tekken.  @___@

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So I am about half way through the book and while I have really liked the stories so far I do have one major issue.  You have not moved overarching story forward in now the last 3 books.


I am only through half the book so that could change but I would doubt it and my big question is now 3 books into this trend are we going to move forward with the story or are we just going to get more side stories.

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So I am about half way through the book and while I have really liked the stories so far I do have one major issue.  You have not moved overarching story forward in now the last 3 books.


Eh, I disagree.  We've seen the Gremlins come together at Zoraida's behest to form their own faction, and references to Lucius grabbing up more power as he distances the Governor from everyone else, as well as Jack Daw floating around and causing chaos in the outlying towns.  There might not be cataclysmic events happening, but after the earthquake/plague/magma plumes, I think that Malifaux could do with a period of rest as the various characters take care of their personal business.  There's been a *lot* of character development lately, even just in the recent Molly and Kirai stories with Molly breaking away from Seamus and Kirai coming out of her depression to find a new calling that isn't just emo revenge. 


So, while the story of Malifaux proper might not be moving forward as much as before, I very much like that it's giving the characters time to advance their own stories.  One need only look back at Legend of the Five Rings to see what sort of a mess you get if you throw too many world-shaking events at the story one after the other. 

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Still no Marcus story. :(


I really enjoyed the Dreamer and Hamelin stories.  I like Hoffman's story, too, mostly for the change it brings to his character (but honestly, who hires guardsmen with the Hoff?).  Ulix's story was a fun read, and I liked the glut of background information in Lucius's, plus the character is just cool.  He must be a blast to write.

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Still no Marcus story. :(


I really enjoyed the Dreamer and Hamelin stories.  I like Hoffman's story, too, mostly for the change it brings to his character (but honestly, who hires guardsmen with the Hoff?).  Ulix's story was a fun read, and I liked the glut of background information in Lucius's, plus the character is just cool.  He must be a blast to write.


*Raises Hand* Not last week but the week before for Hoffman I had 6 Guardsman models *Two Guild Guard, two Guild Hounds, and Two Wardens*.  I really wanted to play Hoffman and we flipped Reconnitter so I threw the two guards and two hounds in to boost my numbers and help with protect territory, they served Hoffman well even if one guard and both dogs died by the end of the game.  Took out 2 Necropunks, a punk zombie, and some fire from two crooked men.


That said I reiterate, I want my book to read all these and all you people are not helping.

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Normally I'm not a huge fan, but this book really made me look at the Gremlins differently. I'm still not going to play them, but I've really enjoyed their stories. I felt like I got a lot of insight into the Wave 2 masters in this book, a feel for who they are. I admit, I'd like to see the Wave 1 masters get the same detailed, individual treatment. I know at least a couple of them have in Wyrd Chronicles, so I'll hold out hope there.

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