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Everything posted by Tors

  1. Correct. There is no limit linked to the conditions itselfs. So if you can get multiple effigys by whatever means (multiplayer games/crossfaction hiring/copying of zero actions/Control of enemy models), you can stack as many as you wish.
  2. Malifaux to complex, Thoughts and prayers for 3th Edition, Alpha Strikes to powerful... thats only in this area ad Hoc. Add a few hundred posts discussing nerfs to half the masters in game and the weekly change from Gremlins OP to Gremlins unplayable broken. I won't discuss this issue at long because this will become a quote war with textwalls like your one above and i am a non-native so that typing is terrible time consuming for me and it wont bring any usefull Solution either. People like to complain, especially on the Internet (and this skews even further as happy and content playerd don't have much reasons to voice their opinion, they usually just play the game) and it will be always easier to justify the own shortcomings with system immanent imbalances.
  3. Every week there pops up a new problematic combo/list/general idea here. Especially since the first balancing Errata. I almost wish wyrd wouldn't have opened this can of worms. If people played half as much as they complain maybe someone would notice the game doesn't have half as much problems as this forum wants you to belief.
  4. Thats evil! I wonder why this hasn't arrived at the tournament scene yet - vics should easily dominante with this. Maybe together with this awful Somer list posted elsewhere.
  5. 2ss Work just fine. Fastest Draw gives you a nice add to Ini. Monster Hunter, Debt and Heros gamble often do the Trick with Card draw. Jury gives you all the Mask you need. I prefer Badge for the importent RJ/Sever reduction. Otherwise df9 works just fine. Franc with h2k (through i prefer LLC) and 1-2 Stones is hard enough and upon dying you will get a stone back. And he doesn't have to be the Frontliner. Get Perdita up There and Let her Stats Take care of Things. Between Nephilim/abuela/perdita Obey it isn't really hard to get him in Position for another rund of protection. I play almost the same List and tend to activate Franc Late t2 and early t3. Chain into dita and he is save most of the Time.
  6. Two tickets bought for Nino Beck André Killing
  7. Post changed due to stop providing possible solutions
  8. Post changed to avoid hurting feelings with common sense.
  9. Sadly, comparing singular models cross faction never made much sense. And i think 'gremlin players' is a bit wide as it implys a whole group of players while mostly it seems to be the same 3-4 people who use every opportunity in this Forum to complain.
  10. Thats wrong. Stilts 'reduce' damage to Zero, they don't 'prevent'. I just checked again with the App. And you don't have to sit and wait. Walk, blink and hit him. Place him in range for the next changeling and repeat. Only SS prevention safes him and the placement from his own attack is triggerd after succeding. Obey/push/fast/lure the first changeling to add range.
  11. Changelings kill Zipp quickly. No reduction = no stilts. Ca4 vs his ht and you can place him (in Emissary Terrain for example).
  12. Stand Back! It's Evidence!Once per activation if a corpse, scrap, or sceme marker is placed within Aura(4) of this model, this model may push any model within 3" of the placed Marker up to 3" in any direction. As a non-native: How many Models can be pushed by this rule at Once?
  13. Why should anybody have two Teddys?! Thats absurd! I own six myself (2x plastic m2e, 1x Metal m1e, 1x m1e Nightmare and Misery and Luther as a proxy) and even that's barely a reasonable Number! At 10 pts i will take the Rider quite often! Teddy is mainly used with Dreamer or Pandora for Horror duels and his keyword, that won't change much. I barely used Mature before (Maybe with Titania), so he doesn't really lost much.
  14. It is the same text Aaron posted. Blastmakers within 8", don't need to touch. No reduction part is gone.
  15. All of the Two Player Starter box miniatures have very few parts or are single piece if i remember correctly. The Tortoise and Hare story encounter Box contains Pre assembled Models, through they arent made from the same plastic as regular Malifaux miniatures.
  16. I simply google a shit ton of pics, looking for Inspiration in other painted Minis or Artworks for color scemes, while using a few connecting Elements (for example every Guild Model got a red piece of clothing somewhere; my Neverborn often have a hue of turquoise and so on)
  17. Games Workshop Demons of Khorne Bloodletter Swords fit very well. Usually someone has some flying around if you ask nicely in any GW, as their package contains more then needed, i think.
  18. The one listed last but least under 'Upgrade fixes'? A model with the Conflux of Exploration upgrade may now equip a Lucas McCabe upgrade
  19. Tors

    UK Nationals 2017

    I don't quite remember, did we declare Faction while buying Tickets?
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