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Everything posted by santaclaws01

  1. Void Record: At the end of the turn you: (a) unbury the model in base contact with the void marker, then (b) remove the marker. Automatically happens at the end of the turn. You perform (a), and then you perform (b) regardless of the result of (a). So if at the end of the turn the model is killed while buried or is unable to unbury in base with the marker, the marker is still removed. Now you see me...: After taking damage you: discard a scheme marker to (a) reduce damage to 0, then (b) place within 6" Can only happen after you've taken damage and declared the trigger, you have to discard a scheme marker in order to be able to do (a), and then you do (b) regardless of the result of (a). If your opponent flips a black joker for damage you can't do the trigger. If you get hit with an attack that does damage that can't be reduced then (a) is unable to happen, but you are still able to do (b).
  2. So what about falling precludes the model from continuing to push? And again, the very fact that climbing is a thing that pushes are called out as them being unable to do along with not being affected by severe terrain tells you that they interact with falls normally. Why would those two things specifically be called out as interacting with differently than a normal move but not falling?
  3. It will fall. The reason being it doesn't say pushes interact differently with falling than a normal movement, but in the case of climbing and severe terrain it specifically states that it ignores normal movement rules and has it's own set of rules for it. As for Fentons question for the gap, I see no reason why a model that is big enough couldn't just stand on the gap.
  4. Terror tots also work. Low cost models that can easily run away if your opponent tries to send someone after them.
  5. That is downright evil and I will totally not be stealing it when my local group gets around to running a campaign.
  6. Yes. Impassable only refers to your ability to move through/into it.
  7. I could get behind a master who works by looking at cards but has mediocre stats so that you can plan out attacks to their best use.
  8. I was thinking this http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/mizuchi-awakened for Shadow Emissary proxy and just putting it on a 50mm base instead of the 40 it comes with.
  9. You get to chose the order they apply, so yes.
  10. Why the increase is granted doesn't matter. It specifically says the models stat is increased, not the duel total that involves that stat.
  11. In the stat modifiers example it says "the Sh of the model is increased accordingly". Just the models Sh is affected. Not any Sh duel the model takes.
  12. She arrived before the first humans. The background for Lilith talks about her being interested in what humans are like during the time of the first breach, but she had already known Zoraida before then, and it makes it seem like she was known as the Hag even back then.
  13. Monks of Low River are good to get for a tar pit. Monks of Wandering River(wave 3, not out yet, unknown release date) will be an amazing pick up for shenlong due to their movement and scheme marker shenanigans. 10T archers give you a ranged option against enemy crews that like to bubble or for strats like Turf War Shenlong can also make a pretty good firing line crew master because of his ability to let people take focus as a 0 and Sensei Yu giving them a +1 to their duel when they attack with focus action.
  14. It's only the stat that is affected not the duel. The value you power loop in for the duel is unaffected by something that lowers the acting models stats.
  15. If you really want to summon multiple models but are already at waking 3 and don't want to summon LCB than it's useful.
  16. There are currently auras that provide cover, but all of them have a Ht specified instead of the models Ht.
  17. Hoffman can hire Rail Golem with the upgrade that lets him take MS&U constructs.
  18. It doesn't really save you AP because you still need to place them, but it does provide other important advantages. Namely when you push them with the target they don't have to all be 4" away from each other anymore(assuming placed with interact actions), and your opponent has less chance to get rid of them before you use them.
  19. Blessing of the Blood: Friendly models which begin their Activation within a(6) of this model may discard two cards at the start of their Activation to end all Conditions on them.
  20. Zoraida has actually been in Malifaux for a lot longer than that.
  21. What you're looking for is in the turn section of the rulebook(page 34/35). End of Turn effects happen during the upkeep step. Any End of Turn effects which affect things other than the model it's on go First Player -> Second Player. The next step would be VP scoring, then finally you check for encounter end starting on turn 5. End of Game effects don't happen until the encounter ends.
  22. The only one of those that you're even close to being right about is day dream, and that's because the models are called "daydream", 1 word. Searched the dreamer and he came up. Searched Hide & Seek(with "&" and with "and") and it came up. And why would there be an assumption of if it doesn't come up in the search that it would still be uploaded? True, it could say searching when it is still searching instead of no results found until it finds them, but it does still have the loading icon where the magnifying glass would be, so at least there's that.
  23. It is easily referable. You search for the model you want. If nothing comes up it isn't there.
  24. Boxes will be sent to LGS's with the model already. They won't magically disappear once Sep. 1st hits unless your LGS decides to take the item off the shelves for whatever reason. Hell, my LGS still has a Tara box with the promotional Graveyard Spirit from ages ago.
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