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Everything posted by Bengt

  1. They have only been printed in the TT wave 1 arsenal (and new Rail Crew boxes) so if you don't want to use PoD you'll have to either look in the second hand market (presumably a fair amount people who have bought TTw1A wont need the Rail Crew cards) or photocopy/scan the ones in the book.
  2. It really really shouldn't be. The scale in 3D programs is arbitrary and I wouldn't be surprised if any vanity mm relations in the sculpting program is lost anyway when the file is converted to whatever format the milling machine uses. It seems like one would have to provide the scaling information independently of the 3D file, i.e. this model is x mm along this axis. The kneeling models are all instances of several models on a single frame that should have different heights, right. So either this information is provided in a way that is open to interpretation (e.g. all models is x mm from feet to head) or there has been some language or cultural barriers to getting the size information across. What I find flabbergasting is that these kinks haven't been found and ironed out after four years (or however long Wyrd has done plastics). Do they like change production partners in China every year or something?
  3. As I consider the official Arcane Emissary model to be an absolute travesty I decided to make my own (I guess there is a trend here). As there was a contest going on I decided the enter it there so this posting is a bit late. I used Ama No Zako for the body and scratch built the stuff that is white in the unpainted images from plasticard/rod. I used the same scheme as for the Arcane Effigy and the Mechanical Rider as I consider these three models to be their own clique.
  4. My October stuff 3 Union Miners - 15 SS Arcane Emissary (based on Ama No Zako) - 10 SS 5 Mindless Zombies (based on TtB kits) - 10 SS Total: 35 SS Closeups can be found here. Not sure I'll get any painting done in November, some RL stuff has piled up...
  5. I find it really puzzling that a process was not put in place after the first time this happened (or the first set of mistakes if we assume several were in production before it was discovered). But it has happened again again over the years. It's hard to believe that it's intentional, e.g. take the lowered price on Nekima after it was discovered she was human sized. While I was never in the market for Mounted Guild Guards, tenny tiny Reva has made me skeptical about purchasing her box once it is released. I think it's a nice sculpt, and it may not be totally unrealistic (there was some argument about this in another thread), but it looks kind of silly next to other Malifaux models.
  6. Nothing happens. Technically you play all activations and turns as normal, but most of the time you can figure out how many VP each player will get by watching the board and perhaps move a few a models to see how far they can get etc. The player with no models remaining can get VP each turn for things like hunting party if the opponent doesn't have any peons or minions left. Or for scheme markers already placed for schemes where just their location is important. It is even possible for the tabled player to win.
  7. Damn those things looks really fragile. And huge.
  8. Thanks. I don't particular like the official ones so these are more replacements than extra. Though I guess I could paint up the one that's supposed to go on Nicodem's base (I just got his box) for a semi official one. While I don't doubt you can ge more in play if you put your mind to it, I think six should be plenty for most occasions.
  9. Both the push on the target and on the Doxy are "up to" so you don't have to push the Doxy anywhere.
  10. Using your Master AP to give multiple to Ca/damage seems kind of terrible to me. That first is always going to be the most valuable and lets face it, even with all the (i.e. four card flips) you wont reliably get severe damage without cheating. So IMO the fact that Undead Crowning stacks is a trap, one application is by far the most efficient use and combined with Corpse Conductor makes Nicodem a very solid buffer. But to circle back to the topic. Carrion Emissary is a decent beater (though not being Undead hurts it some when compared to other options for Nicodem) with good utility, but does anyone use Nicodem's conflux? It doesn't seem to add much of anything to Nicodem. Either the generic one to buff any summoned minions that have run away from Nicodem's or My Little Helper for double shards/defence seems infinitely more useful.
  11. Well I hope they are not really made from tin as tin is not noticeably attracted to magnets. While a lot of stuff is made from iron/steel since it's an abundant and versatile material it's probably a good idea to bring along magnets if you go hunting for bargain metal boxes. Another thing to consider is how to get the models away from the metal as RE magnets are quite strong. I slide them of trays cut from steel sheets, the lipped bases are not very easy to grip and grabbing the model itself would break a lot of models if I were to try to lift them up from the metal. E.g. a metal box with a fold along the rim would make it harder to get the models out.
  12. I have refurbished one of GWs original hard skinned foam cases from the 90s to use magnets. Its foam was intended to fit 108 (3 layers of 36) standard infantry type models. It can now hold 10 trays of 14 30 mm based typical Ht 2 models, two of the trays get a little extra head room for Ht 2 models that wave their weapons in the air and some Ht 3 models. Now obviously I get less than 140 models in there as 40, 50 mm bases means fewer models per tray and I'll have to shift (I used 15 mm dividers with 1 mm gaps to slide the trays into) some trays to make room for taller models (I can also shift down some trays for a fair amount of Ht 1 models), but the same goes for foam cases. My point is, at least in my case magnets didn't mean I could fit less models in a given volume. Anyway to give a concrete example, from Arcanist I own Ramos, Rasputina, Mei Feng, Ironsides, Colette, Kaeris and all models that aren't beasts (or Gunsmiths) from wave 1 and 2 (and some from wave 3). All that (and a few select mercenaries) fits at the same time. My Resurrectionists have their own sets of trays, so I have to decide in advance which faction to play.
  13. "a corpse marker" is a single marker. Compare with Titania's "Into Thorns" trigger.
  14. Devour only work on Living models.
  15. Yes he can. As long as it doesn't also say "other" a model can target itself with tactical actions.
  16. I've added Ripples of Fate, here is a link to the list update. I don't use google drive a lot so let me know if the link doesn't work.
  17. FAQ: 24) If a model moves (or is Pushed, Falls, is Placed, etc) 0" (zero inches), does it count as having moved? No. Same answer for Pushing, Falling, Placement, etc. And the damage one for completeness: 17) If a model suffers 0 (zero) damage, does it count as having suffered damage? No.
  18. Click the message icon up top (the one between the globe and the brush), then Compose New.
  19. While Gunsmiths can get around a fair amount of defences, Incorporeal isn't one of them.
  20. I've painted up the Mindless Zombies I built from the TtB kits. First one has her legs and feet turned inward and her torso tipped forward. The bullet wounds are drilled. The second has his head tilted to the side as if his neck was broken and one leg thrust forward in an awkward way. I think I did some adjusting to the arms as well to make him more huggy. No gore as his neck was just snapped. I didn't change anything about the third one's pose, just chopped of most of his limbs Black Knight style. So watch out, he is about to bleed on you! He also has the most snazzy looking clothes so I painted him as he wore a nice suit before his little... accident. On this one I changed the knees, ankles and tilted back the head a little. And added a knife in her back. And finally, the really gory one. The intestines are made from plasticard rod. His back foot is turned sideways and his head severely tilted forward. His tongue is hanging out as well but it's hard to tell from this angle. I also drilled a hole in his forehead, I guess someone was kind enough to put him (temporarily) out of his misery.
  21. Performer, what's not to love about removing scheme markers at a distance? More pool dependent than Master, but she do have some poison utility.
  22. Interesting point. To expand a bit on it, I wouldn't even think Arcanists, Resurrectionists, and Outcasts consider themselves factions as such. Several Arcanists definitely consider themselves union men/women, but it feels like the Arcanists label is something the Guild has coined at some point to build up the menace of "renegade" magic users. Some individuals do perhaps embrace the label in an attempt to take it back, but Arcanists as such doesn't have an official membership or hierarchy. Resurrectionists have a similar feel of a label applied by others, but even lacks formal sub organisations. There are friendships and alliances of more or less temporary nature, but that's it. I wonder if Outcasts are a thing at all in 'verse? The running joke may be that Gremlins is not a real faction, but it is perhaps Outcasts who most deserve the label. Ten Thunders obviously have an organisation and while some have divided loyalties I would think they are somewhat tight nit even if they don't broadcast their membership to the world at large.
  23. Civilization 6 is cutting into my painting time. /
  24. The standard game size is 50 soulstones (the "points" of Malifaux, SS for short). Most crewboxes is about 30 SS, so to play at 50 you would need a two crewboxes or one crewbox and one or more small boxes. To get some variety and more optimised crew a bit more still. In Malifaux you randomise the Strategy and Schemes (the objectives) before building your crew so it's beneficial to have at least some options. You can spend a lot on Malifaux, if you want play lots of different crew or just want to paint, but you don't have to. The free rules manual is the full rules. The bigger book also contains fluff and cards for the wave 1 models. The later books contains cards for subsequent waves. Edit: E.g. if you buy the Viks box and Vanessa (Viktoria's sister) you'll have enough to play 50 SS by using all your models. This crew wont be very optimised and will struggle in some Strats/Schemes, but it lets you get some experience to decide what to buy next.
  25. The Horror Immunity is not a Condition. That combined with the wording of Unrelenting Terror makes me think that Vicky gains the Immunity, it's just suppressed while The Hanged is still on the table. "Unrelenting Terror: Enemy models in 4 which did not Charge this model during the current Activation lose all Immunities to Horror Duels, including Immunity gained by passing a Horror Duel."
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