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Everything posted by Mxbedlam

  1. My 2 cents (not that its worth that much all in all): Johan (now a no hire to very niche. Too expensive with other options in the faction). Captain (went from never hire to sometimes. He could do some work in Show of Force but ultimately he's still very squishy for 9ss and his mandatory upgrade hurts him). Cojo at 6ss (Marcus will take him now. I think the monkey has some counter play in schemey pools). Rattlers at 6ss (I like them. Tanky for 6ss. Add a steamfitter and if Myranda sticks around they can do work. Also its funny to alpha a master who's in melee with them and have him die trying to walk away). Ice Golem 9ss (meh. might get a summon every now and then, never hire still). Dawn Serpent 9ss (will see play with Marcus). Shikome 7ss (meh. flight is somethign we don't have a huge amount of access too but meh). Porkchop 6ss (Mei buff. not a substantial one but any spare SS will do. Still an auto include in her lists). Trapper 7ss (doesn't effect us in the slightest) Students ss reduction (meh. Sandeep has better options that aren't so niche pick)
  2. Supply Wagons has a perfect master. his name is Ashes and Dust. He does the strategy all by himself. Seriously though, I will probably just be taking Hamelin, Viks, and maybe....Levi? Tara is a fringe but Jack, Schill and Parker just don't make the cut for me.
  3. Mages definitely really mess up Dreamer's plan. Sending models back, giving them slow + casts to ignore incorporeal and a really solid WP buff with any M&SU henchmen to avoid terror checks. Amina might be a thing to. She can put a debuff on a teddy that makes it not able to attack your models.
  4. Talos has a pretty high WP and can become tormented. Giving Jack a WP 7 Bury
  5. I think Jack himself is ok because Neverborn don't see a lot of plus flips.
  6. Debt to the Guild is way more busted than IE and I think it will show up as Guild gets stronger this year. +1 damage to all attacks is huge in a faction that has heavy access to crit strike.It basically makes it so that those models who would have survived 2 AP can't anymore. Turns 7 wounds into as useful as 6. Add to that the fact that they don't have to toss Debt when they do it, and its insult to injury. I'd like to see Debt get the same treatment as IE and Oathkeeper and have to be removed when used.
  7. These kind of pools are actually really good for Tara because of how much slow she can hand out. Scheming is very hard to do when you only have 1 AP. Problem is, Aionus being as expensive as he is hurts your potential for schemey models in the crew and the activation control you need in order to keep control of those games
  8. Yeah. sorry was 2 seperate thoughts in one post. Indeed Scion can't get suit or bishop. However I've seen him drop out NB plenty of times.
  9. Scion also allows you to pop your beater out with almost any model you take, not just Tara, so your opponent isn't always able to cover every avenue. Nothing Beast gets the most out of this because it's got a huge charge with a 3" melee and 4 swings thanks to Ml expert. I've seen strong arm suit and Bishop but I like NB best
  10. Sarcasm. Sort of. However, there's some new Outcasts players around so its always good to have a discussion about Ashes. He's 13SS with a heavy hitting track good ml, the possibility of making little abom babies. Breaks into 2 for activation control that hand out fast and remove scrap/corpse. Can't be charge. Immune to conditions and drops no markers himself. 2 seperate questions; Does Ashes and Dust need a visit from the cuddle hammer? What crews does he show up for you the most in and if you don't take him with certain crews, why not?
  11. Yeah Kaeris is definitely not a go to vs Hamelin. Honestly, I don't know that she's gonna be my take into outcasts at all. You know Ashes is gonna be a tough model for you and she does nothing to him. oand his condition removal is pretty much ever present.
  12. Toshiro can't use his summon upgrade in Levi so I don't know if it really justifies his points.
  13. Without a doubt Effigy is a big staple. Its hard to overlook all he does for just 4 points. Johan makes it in to quite a few of my lists thanks to his M&SU synergy though he's not an an auto pick. Mages show up a lot these days. Anytime there are gonna be enemy scheme markers I put performers in for seduction. Its amazing
  14. Yikes. Yeah he should have definitely put up Vent on Mei to stop getting turned into a beast. She definitely doesn't wanna go toe to toe with Marcus, especially not with min 4 damage and 4 attacks.
  15. That's my major problem with this list. Almost everything in it can die to a single activation of a beater model and once you lose the rougarou your damage output drops significantly. My local meta seems to be a bit down on rougarou. Its a model that looks good on paper but doesn't perform as well on the board. I've been tinkering with a similar list : Levi (Pariah, Deso Soul) 2 Waifs Ashes and Dust Rougarou Thorn Claw 2 Belle. Less spammy and the Tooth and Thorn do Dig your graves and the like pretty well.
  16. Why not Power core? Seems like he could use that exta AP to start sniping stuff that's stuck on the other side of those markers
  17. Play it and get back to me! I'd love to be convinced that upgrade is halfway decent.
  18. I think this year will easily be dominated by Deep, Marcus and Ironsides. Ramos lost his big strategy with interference changing to ours. Mei, Kaeris, Raspy and Colette just don't bring enough to the table to justify them. At least on a competitive level. As far as individual strategies: Marcus and Toni can do Public and Ours really well. Deep can do Symbols, Wagons and Ply pretty easily. Colette has a bit of play in Wagons, I think as Prompt allows a model to keep up with the wagon, but I don't know if she's better than Deep would be at it.
  19. Did Mei player not have steam vent up to put your Feral cast on negatives? Seems like it would be tough to turn her into a beast without first hitting her with the trigger.
  20. Yeah that's my thought too. Getting slow on buried VIk of blood could put a hurt on the alpha strike
  21. Aionus is one of our big cost models in the faction and offers some fairly unique abilities both in faction and in game. However his reverse incorporeal isn't much of a defense and his damage track isn't much to write home about. When do you pull him out of the bag? Have you used him and he's done work or have you used him and wished he was something like Hannah instead? I always have a hard time justifying any model that isn't Ashes and Dust over 10SS in my games and Aionus is no exception. There's the obvious counter bury play but that is honestly just a rare occasion. (Levi, Talos and Viks) Raptors used to be a thing, but they are seen less and less lately. So is he mainly a counter pick to Levi and our new bury Viks?
  22. That works. I'm not a huge Howard fan. He's always got a huge target on his forehead.
  23. Sandeep (Command, Enlightened, Arcane Reservoir), 3 Mages, Amina, Valdectorian, effigy, wind gamin. Plenty of beef and enough versatility to do whatever you need.
  24. What scheme/strat were you trying to accomplish with this build. Seems like it would have trouble with any interact heavy games.
  25. So the Ironsides model had Warding Runes, how did she get paralized?
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