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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. From what I've seen, the Viktorias can fall down, or they can be incredibly brutal. They're fantastic against clumped enemies. I was surprised when my whole Ulixball got eaten by Viktoria of Blood on turn two one game. Where did that come from? Other times, they can fall down. When playing Leveticus, I can usually melt the Viktorias before they can slingshot in and eat me.
  2. Yeah! I'll need to read them all (I have read a few, but need to reread) and I'll vote within the next day or two.
  3. I should've included a Rooster Rider named Chanticleer.
  4. Here's my last-minute submission! The Campfire.
  5. In a few weeks these badlands foothills would have been another boomtown, flooded with soulstones from the vein the prospectors had found, stones moving downstream and scrip moving upstream, and everyone eager to stand in the crossfire and get rich. And we'd have been the lords of it, managers and mayors and sheriffs, making everything happen, the town founders. It was a solid, prosperous vein, and the foothills were close enough to the river for quick inexpensive transport back to Malifaux City. They sent us in to found a mining town -- ditch-diggers and engineers, dock-workers and foremen, carpenters and dynamite-men, and every one of us loaded with weapons to keep nature at bay. Where there was wealth there was danger. We were settling in quickly to become a new town together. On our first night after broking and laying down foundations, we gathered outside our tents and built a fire there. If we were going to start this thing together, we might as well learn who were were jumping in with. The dock-worker brought out a generous bottle of honey-whiskey liqueur, laced up with well-knotted rope to carry easier. He told us his mother back home made it for him. We all cheered for his Momma, because that honey-malt was fine: sweet and rich, full of flavor and kick in equal measure. You could put it over ice and make a dessert fit for the Governor, it was so sweet, but that would be an awfully drunk Governor. We all shouted at the dynamite man when he tried to take a swig, telling him it was a sipping drink. He apologized and went back to his tent, and brought out a wheel of good hard cheese to make it up to us. Someone else had found some rum, so we were passing around two bottles now, one to sip and one to slug. Cheese, too, and the foreman broke out the tack rations. It was getting to be a feast. Nobody really expected the enchanter to join in the conversation. She'd spent all day with her machines, setting up spidery mining equipment, keeping the grime of the wilderness off her with parasols and canopies and frocks and gloves. Enchanters seem to come in two stripes: grease-handed Union men, and delicate-handed intellectuals. She was definitely the second sort. She seemed to be unmarried, and had probably spent a lot of time fending off roughneck courtiers if she was doing jobs like this. More than anything, though, she just gave off a feeling that she was something better than us. So we all were just stunned when she stepped down from her weird metal shell-wagon and joined us around the fire. She even shared a nibble of cheese and a sip of the drambouie, and gave proper compliments for each, and then her own tale. None of us knew quite what to say, but it was a kind enough gesture, and maybe we hoped she might have meant it. She looked around as if to ask us who was next. I stood up at the same time as the engineer, both clearing our throats to tell our story next. I gestured politely to cede the stage, and sat to listen and compose my own story. His voice -- its voice -- was like waves on a shore, so relaxing. We all watched the fires, and we all felt ready to let go of our pains. It whispered to each of us our names, our stories. It swore to us that it would not forget our tales. And when it was done, there was nothing left. Our camp and our bodies, all of us, were consumed in fire as it had promised. Even the constructs were melted to slag and covered in ashes. And now I am the only one remaining, because I hold one regret: I never had the chance to tell my own Earthside story around the fire. And so I remain here in this place, until someone will hear my tale. No, stay, please!
  6. I play her fairly often in a Levy Crew, joined up with a Coryphee. The pair make an incredible combo of Objective-Runners together and can operate independent of the rest of the Crew. Outside Levy/Collodi, she can't hire a Coryphee, but I've found she does nearly as well with a Stitched Together in that case. Really, Vasilisa needs some kind of mid-powered Puppet for all her synergy speed tricks and prompted actions. At that point, you've got a terrifying pair that can handle a lot of different situations, move fast, and break things.
  7. Yeah, Flesh Constructs always seemed like a good possibility, but I haven't tried them. They seem like they'd be great for Strats where you want to hold a position (like Turf War and Extraction). And you can take them with either Pariah! I haven't really thought about bringing in the Carrion Effigy before. I love the Shadowy Effigy and Hodgepodge Effigy with Levy, and keep almost using the Arcane Effigy, too.
  8. I suggest changing the base and playing it as a Rooster Rider. Rooster Riders are incredibly good.
  9. Congrats, Ierthling! Glad it was helpful! Tara is coming soon! I've been playing Tara to get more experience with her. I also have a Jack Daw video here:
  10. You've got a great start there. Now get a few games in! The best way to see what's missing is to start trying it out. I'm working on an intro to Tara right now. First advice about Tara: Use her to run schemes. She's got a lot of AP. Her sword and gun don't pack a lot of damage, so use those sparingly and let your Crew do the killing.
  11. Yeah, you're right, I totally was implying that the 6" Wk would be enough on its own, and it isn't. You need another trick to budge further to get a Stake a Claim a turn. My bad. Good catch.
  12. Yes, on average a will raise the value by about 2, and a will lower the value by about 2. But it's not at all the same. First, the maximum possible score doesn't raise. If you cheat, that doesn't help you at all anymore (except that it makes it more likely that you can cheat second). If you have a Ml 4 and your opponent has a Df 5 and you both cheat in a 13, that positive flip doesn't matter. You lose just as much. On the other hand, a does plenty to prevent really low flips, because it introduces a weighted curve. It's almost impossible to flip a 1 with a , but just as easy to flip a 13. It doesn't so much add a value as it bends the results upward, without changing the maximum.
  13. Yes, you're correct, and yet. It can get extra movement from destroying and reforming (which happens at end of turn, so it can Interact the next turn still.). It can also get extra movement from pushing to a Scrap Marker with a (0) action.
  14. As far as a tournament format, I guess the problem is that someone might pick the wrong crew and be unable to correct as they learn what's wrong. One advantage, though, is that turns probably go faster. As far as sticky models go, maybe use a sponge and just a dab of lightly soapy water?
  15. There's someone in my semi-local meta who plays the same Crew for a tournament. He makes a well-rounded Crew that can handle both Reckoning and Make Them Suffer, with a good mix of beatsticks, runners, Minions, and so on. He always ends up on the top tables with it. The advantage of running a sticky Crew is that you can practice with it, and get really good with each model and its interactions. The other advantage is you avoid any last-minute decision mistakes. The disadvantage is your Crew options are limited. You won't play any specific counter models, but tend toward a balanced list of fast beatsticks (for objective running and fighting), plus maybe a ranged model or one or two utility models, with a mix of big models and a few reclusive Minions or Peons. The thing to do to make it work is refine it with a lot of practice games.
  16. I have found Scramble to use super useful for A+D. Well worth the 2 extra Soulstones. With Swift, the effects are exaggerated, and it's great to breeze through Severe terrain. It's especially good for Stake a Claim, of course, since it means A+D can drop a Marker a Turn.
  17. Personally, I love Ashes & Dust as a Scheme Runner for Leveticus. It's crazy fast (more so with Scramble) and also a durable beatstick and summoner. However, it's only available in the old metal. And it's the most costly model in the game. Necropunks and Crooligans are also great, but also only in metal. I also love Soulstone Miners. Also in metal. Hm.
  18. The key to killing Yin is Focus. When you Focus, she goes from unkillable to vulnerable.
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