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Everything posted by Paddywhack

  1. It looks like she is very similar to the Rogue Necromancy. As long as she is above 1/2 wounds she can be a monster. That to Attack AND Damage flips can be huge. However, just like the Rogue necromancy, she is a glass cannon. She is easy to hit and will get wounded quickly once attacked. I find with my RN I have to keep him back a turn or two and not throw him at the enemy the very first thing. He has to get the charge off and be above half strength to really shine and the Sow looks the same. It's really hard not to send them up field too soon, especially the RN as he has Stalk. That to Damage flips can make it easy to get a straight flip and then you can cheat to Moderate if it wasn't flipped.
  2. Still ends up being pretty huge, but would be epic I also am cheap and don't want to pay about $16 for only 1 5SS minion.
  3. I believe you are correct as well. It is still a Condition, whereas the FAQ refers to Abilities and Actions.
  4. Thank you for all the hard work Justin. I'm sure these decisions were not taken lightly, but I am glad that Wyrd is willing to do such things in order to keep Malifaux the great game it is. Nothing is perfect, but a willingness to make changes when needed is great for a game company. Bravo!
  5. The Autopsies are good as they start with 5 poison each and are relatively cheap. Meaning you start the game with a good deal of poison to move around. Three might be a bit much, but as you're starting out you may want to give it a try. Remember they also have Ceaseless Advance, basically putting your opponent on a 5 card hand. They may not win you the game, but give you some ranged attacks and some scheme runners. Two Nurses might be a bit much, but that list doesn't really have any heavy hitters, so you may need the Nurses to shut down the enemy heavy hitters. It also starts with 10 models, which is pretty hefty, but nothing that is really all that sturdy. I also suggest giving Rafkin Transfusion as well if you really want to try for more Expunges.
  6. I'm not seeing him on the release schedule, or am I missing him? I thought he was supposed to be out soon, but maybe they pulled him?
  7. It's hard to get three of the plastic ones on one base. I've been looking for the old metal one myself, but can't find them anywhere.
  8. But she could be Who knows who she is? Maybe she is one their ancestors? If they had released her in Book 4 perhaps she would have been given the status. Besides, she isn't great now as it is and this would at least give a reason to take her with Yan Lo. Just a thought really.
  9. Why or why did they not make her an Ancestor? This would have made her at least somewhat attractive to take with Yan Lo and would appear to fit theme-wise. Maybe a 0SS upgrade at some point? Would definitely make me think harder about her as I find she dies very quickly. Generally I can get more use out of a Dead Doxy or Belle.
  10. What about Guardian Games in Portland? There is an active community there that plays every Friday with special Beerlifaux events once a month. http://www.ggportland.com And Malifaux PDX is the Facebook group.
  11. RatJoy can literally get anywhere on the board, so how do you manage to 'hide' anything? Yes terrain can play a big factor here, but that ins't always going to go your way. And being able to survive Killjoy can be very hand dependant.
  12. Yes - there are players out there in every system that play only to win and look for every loophole or design flaw, regardless of what happens to the game itself or if the game is any fun to play anymore. You can play to win and still care about if the game is fun - and yes this applies even to tournaments. You can be competitive and play hard and still want your opponent to enjoy themselves too. And seeing as the game designers have already determined that this type of thing can be problematic through other rules put into place, I don't think it's incorrect to call this outside the normal Malifaux experience. The one chain activation a turn thing came about, if I recall, because of the old Family being able to pretty much activate all at once without the opponent being able to respond. RatJoy works a bit differently mechanically, but in the end is the same experience.
  13. Sorry - I thought there was notification saying someone had a recent post here and hadn't actually read this post in a while. I didn't see how old the last reply was, but I did want to reply to your post with follow up points as you too came across rather strong. No harm though - its all in an effort to make the game better. My apologies for upsetting you.
  14. Yup. The old AT43 game from Rackham (my first alternating activation game) had a mechanic to kind of help. If you had fewer units than your opponent you could Pass your Activation once per Turn. This helped avoid one side totally steam rolling the other with activations, but that game never took off (and some would say was the downfall of Rackham) so it never got to play out long term to see how much it helped.
  15. Yes, Activation control and learning in which order to activate models is a part of Malifaux, but the Ratjoy and variations takes that element completely out of the equation for one player. it turns an alternating activation game into an IgoUgo game. Even Wyrd admitted that too many chain activations were a bad thing for the game play and removed it in 2nd edition. Summoning and Burial are also somewhat limited in scope to help avoid this issue (though I agree that summoning isn't perfect yet and could use some tweaking in the next edition - so could burial and paralyze imo). A handful of aces and twos is part of the game itself and can happen to either player on any round at any time. It also (hopefully) won't happen every turn. This is not different than rolling 1's too often, but most gamers wouldn't blame the game for that - thats part of the random nature of the game play involved. Facing a RatJoy army is not random or part of the normal Malifaux experience. It is a big fat NPE - often for both players (unless one really only cares about winning). It was this kind of thing in V1 that kept me out of the game honestly. Again - it's not impossible to beat if you know you are facing it and can plan accordingly, but even then it can be a very steep uphill battle. There are some good suggestions from Icemyn in this thread for possible fixes - after he won Adepticon using RatJoy.
  16. Not quite as Paralyze is removed at the end of the Activation, not End Step. Say a model has not activated at all yet this turn and somehow has both Paralyze and Reactivate. 1st Activation - oh no, I'm paralyzed! Do nothing and end Activation. Paralyze is removed. Model still has Reactivate. 2nd Activation - yay! I get to activate as normal (assuming it hasn't gained Paralyze again sometime since he ended his first activation).
  17. That is the one. Note that no where does it say a BJ is an auto fail. I think this might help and others please correct me if I am wrong: Attack flip: Attacker - Flips Black Joker = Counts as '0' and no suit. Attacker may not Cheat fate Attacker - Flips Red joker = Counts as '14' and one suit announced on flip. Defender may not Cheat Fate. Defender - Flips Black Joker = Counts as '0' and no suit. Defender may not Cheat fate Defender- Flips Red joker = Counts as '14' and one suit announced on flip. Attacker may not Cheat Fate. It looks like you have Damage Flips correct. Pretty straightforward on that one. RJ = Severe+Weak and any one suit of choice - can be cheated (if desired). BJ = '0' Damage and no damage is dealt for trigger purposes (so neither player can use triggers that are after Damaging, etc.) - cannot be cheated.
  18. This first, but I am still looking at your other items. The Black joker on the attack flip is not an auto fail. It counts as '0' and has no Suit (p 17 of small rules manual) and gets added to your stat as normal. Attacker may not cheat fate. The bit about the triggers should be in your section on Damage Flips. The BJ on the attack flip has nothing to do with damage. Theoretically both players could flip BJ on the Attack and the Attacker might have a higher total and still win the Duel. Then they would perform a Damage Flip as usual.
  19. Figured, but thought I'd put it out there. I'm willing to let them go cheap.
  20. I have the Nicodem box all in box except for Mortimer (I want to keep him), but it is the old metal versions. I also have a couple metal Mindless Zombies and metal flesh construct (I think) that could go with for cheap.
  21. I was hoping they would change his pose somehow. I already have the metal painted and didn't see the point of buying another copy of the same pose. The metal version is pretty nice already so this plastic doesn't do anything for me...
  22. No worries at all I wish fun could take precedence over work. If only it weren't for pesky things like mortgage, gas bills and other mundane stuff. I sent a PM so hopefully he likes my choice.
  23. Thanks, but I actually work for the school. Of course I'm always learning But my job deals with exams so Finals week is a huge headache. That and students insist on cheating... I sent a PM to admiralvorkraft.
  24. I can't seem to find a PM about it for my ingredient. It's also Finals week so working about 60 hours this week....
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