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Everything posted by rancor709

  1. I think at the 28 and 4 mark you have the sweet spot. Does it mean tighter schedules and greater ownish on speed of play.
  2. That's Huge, creating the sense of danger is much more important than actually having the party in mortal danger. You want to make them feel like its a life or death fight, but mechanically you don't want to hurt the party this early in the adventuring. I think the system really lends itself more to narrative style combat than pure stat crunch.
  3. sounds like an excellent first session.
  4. For me it was All about Seamus and his Merry band of Undead Ladies of Disrepute.
  5. Toshiro-command the grave Guild autopsy I amu rotten belle The list is built to have
  6. Unix bravely held off the advances of the fever and the mother of monsters. Von Schill and his consciencemerry band of enforcers put the hurt on Hoffman opening the way for mama z to spread the fever among the Ortega clan. The bRave pig king ulix provided value research to stop It's spread but the forces of the neverborn made the fever grow.
  7. It all starts tonight. I've got a fever and the only prescription is more cow bell
  8. I kinda really want simon Pegg as Nicodem & Nick Frost As mortimer comedic gold.
  9. My concern is less with the avatars themselves and more so with the way manifestation is being handled. I do think the revision to planned is a great step forward, however I'm still not seen a compelling reason for making manifestation a minigame. However I think the simplicity of Planned and Sacrificial could be extended to the other manifest types. Perhaps Bloody could be simplified to just killing a model instead of worrying about how many stones it is. And instead of taking dmg on the master and going down, why not have it be again tied into a simple tractable board state, such as losing a model. We don't have to go as simple as turns, but I don't think we have to break out our calculators and endanger our masters directly.
  10. I go back to something I've said for a long time. There are 5 turns in the game, There are 5 manifest cards Each of the Manifest cards should just correspond to a turn with increased manifest events upon manifesting later. The reasoning is its a simple solution, nothing is quite as simple as at the start of the game you pick the turn you want to manifest and nothing more tricky than knowing turn 3, I turn avatar and x happens how do I make that work for me. This solution also provides a real scale for balance them as upgrades, essentially reinforcing the avatar may come out any turn so it has to be balanced front and back to ensure tactical choice. The manifests events on the avatar themselves can be tailored as well to the style of manifest most befitting them or the power of there event. We eliminate the hopes or the outside the realm of VP acquisition and opponents action on your manifestation and give complete agency to the player throughout the process. Under no circumstances should Manifestation be tied into giving additional VPs. I would argue manifestation should be a separate simple to follow mechanic in the true vein of the upgrade that enhances the flavor and options within the game to achieve victory and not be huge, help or hindrance to the achievement of said points. In essense taking the avatar or not should have the same impact on the game as not taking One upgrade over another. And at present the manifest system directly makes them more of a hassle than there impact will ever be worth.
  11. Great post. Really shows off the system. Question how long does character creation take on average. Did you and your FM flip with the group or was it done individually
  12. Special achievement: for week 1. For team fever - end the game with 3 enemy models being infected For team team cleaner- end the game with fewer infected models on the table than at the start. Week 1 mission 1- one small step for Fever one giant leap for infection kind. Deployment corners Strategy - turf war Scheme pool-lis, protect territory, breakthrough, power ritual, entourage. Scheme pool caivate-only team infected may select breakthrough, only team cleaner may select protect territory. Special scenario rules team infected - all significant models of team infected count as having the infected trait. They all get the (1) spread -ca5/tn13 rst wp RNG 2 target gains the infected condition, this condition may only be removed by the research action. Team cleaner all significant models of team cleaner gain the research attack action. Ca5/tn 14/ rst wp RNG 2. (1) action this action removes the infected condition and this model earns 1 research. Special terrain rules- all sever terrain gains the hazardous trait
  13. Be good to meet you. I'll be playing outcasts for the league
  14. Oh some Flavor Text for you all. "Spring has finally broken after a harsh winter near the breaks leading to the badlands. And instead of shedding snow the poor residents of the Contract Towns and settlements are coming down with a harsh fever. Its killing off the sons and daughters of the towns, but also spreading to the local wildlife including the neverborn. It has even started to spread into the bayou. The death toll rises as does the risk of the infection spreading to the city proper. The disease is threatening the guild tenious control and the populous and a quarantine would cause mass rioting. The source of the disease is unknown but it appears commonly after sightings of undead or after the sound of the grinding of gears. Tensions are rising on the boarders as rumors of the fever coming down toward the quarantine zone and into the city proper are causing old rivals to band together and new allies to try and advance an unseen hands nepherious plan. Will you stand against the Fever or will you succumb and try and embrace others in its misery." Spring Fever a malifaux Campaign Achievement League
  15. When: April 23rd and every wednesday till May 28th What: Story Driven Campaign Achievement League, Pick a faction for the duration of the event and help decide the Fate of the great Spring Fever Epidemic. Where Flat land Games 90 South Wixom Road Wixom, Michigan 48393 Phone (248) 773-7854 Dah Rules: You will select your faction for the duration of the League. Your faction will be fighting to either stop the spread of the Spring Fever as its being called or actively helping to spread it. One faction is actively playing both sides of the fight. Trying to Stop Trying to Spread Playing Both Sides Gremlins Ressers Outcasts Guild Arcanists Neverborn 10 Thunders How Playing both sides works At the start of your game prior to set the Outcast player will Flip a card from there fate deck, on a Tome, crow or Black Joker they are attempting to Spread the disease. On a Ram, Mask, or Red Joker they are attempting to Stop the disease. Achievement sheets will be distributed at the event. Additional weekly scenarios and Achievements will be unlocked. Each game played will be tallied and will advance the story line of the Campaign League. This event is for all skill levels from Pro to first timer. Its meant to be a bit of wacky fun and getting a bunch of games in with some interesting scenarios and rules. Including Campaign only Upgrades, Special Scenarios, and Much Much More. 5 Dollar entry going toward Prize support.
  16. I love that it is a story heavy system. I play miniature games for my tactical combat fix. I like my role play to bemore about story and immersion. Additionally nothing stops a FM from adjusting those fixed TN for purposes of narrative perhaps they come across a wounded master. Or an elderly mature.
  17. Awesome and thank you. I much prefer running off PDF than book when I'm Dming online.
  18. rancor709


    planning upon official release a full review on the show as well as planning a play by Skype campaign. I have a lot of material from an actual malifaux campaign league I ran years ago that should slot nicely into the RPG.
  19. Justin if you don't send mack hate mail the terrorists win. Never forget that
  20. I don't feel mech is op. I think she hasn't been seen by everyone and you had strong utilization of it. I think its more people not having seen one and less about it being op. All that said I'm quite keen to see if jousting is an effective counter measure
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