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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. To take a further cue from Warseer, I believe that there were different categories there for painters with varying production speeds. So 5-10 per month for the slow ones, 10-20 for the moderates and 20-50 for the really fast ones.
  2. No one knows. My guess is that it would be available during Gencon (from the Wyrd webstore as well as from the convention) and then released next autumn but this is just pure guesswork.
  3. Just installed it - looks very nice and handy. Thank you!
  4. Yeah, this. They aren't the best Master around but they lead to the worst games.
  5. Least favourite to play with or to play against? But got to say: crazy skills with MS Paint!
  6. Mah is a lot of fun. She is often seen as a premier melee beater but I think that she is more about positioning, being a threat and all in all making life difficult for the opponent. All in all I consider her very fun to play and perhaps the most fun melee-focused Master in the game. The sad part in her box is the Bushwhackers. They aren't horrible per se, but they have a strong anti-synergy with Mah. Mah needs to discard cards for several of her abilities and so do Bushwhackers. Also, as Dogmantra said, they are ranged models with a Master who buffs melee. Using more than one with Mah is very ill-advised IMO. So yeah, Slop Haulers are a very good addition as is Burt Jebsen (he is arguably one of the best melee beaters in the game, in fact). I also really like the Hog Whisperer and the Piglet he comes with. The Whisperer is surprisingly competent in melee and a Piglet allows for fun movement tricks and combos nicely with Trixiebelle.
  7. Great stuff, Ant! Much appreciated! One thing that you skipped but which is at least as common as anti-Armour and hurts Rogue way more than Izamu is blasts. Armor is really, really nice against blasts but ItW is completely useless. Personally it's been a really long time since I've used either RN or Izamu in a crew of mine since I feel that Ressers don't really need a beatstick of that price-range for anything.
  8. But she has only two AP and I really love her normal Attack (I value it quite a bit higher than the Bag attack). I can see that as being useful in some situations but I wouldn't spend 2SS on it. And, most importantly, it counts as her one Master Upgrade so she wouldn't be able to take Glowy while Wong takes Luck. I really don't see that as a good idea. The idea of Sammy turning an enemy Scheme Marker into a Stuffed Piglet and then the model that just put it there into a Piglet is certainly amusing, though.
  9. That's kinda the theory but I've never gotten much out of the ability to remove the blast/pulse immunity. It's just so much work, needs Wong to activate before you start bombing (and all in all use his AP for it) and the attack itself is rather lackluster. And finally you need for the opponent to keep the model clustered with something that you want to bomb and you need to succeed in said bombing. I dunno, it just doesn't seem like a very effective way to use Master AP and there's a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get the pay-off and it isn't all that spectacular. But I haven't tested it often. Have you gotten it to work?
  10. If you intend to use his bag you'd need at least one Piglet. I'm not suggesting you use his bag (it's not very good, though it doesn't randomize when shooting into engagement so it isn't completely hopeless) but just noting. It can be nice against Flesh Constructs, though, which can be a bit of a problem for Gremlins. If you decide to get Piglets, consider the Hog Whisperer as without him they are a bit random.
  11. Spoken like a true cultural imperialist!
  12. Funny, I didn't see a single comment that would even remotely imply something like that. In fact, most of the negative comments were arguably the opposite in that they found it boringly generic eastern dragon.
  13. Cool beans! Thank you for the informative mood! I also really appreciate the chance for fewer parts.
  14. May I suggest the following: McCabe for Guild Mei Feng for Arcanists Yan Lo for Ressers Lynch for Neverborn Misaki for Outcasts Brewmaster for Gremlins Shen Long for Ten Thunders ... (Not a serious suggestion)
  15. I've gotten quite a bit of mileage out of two Piglets and a Hog Whisperer. The latter is mostly there to keep the Piglets in check, give them Reactivate and then hit like a truck once something gets close. All in all a Hog Whisperer isn't actually a bad model even without Pigs. If, say, Guild had access to a 5-point Hog Whisperer I would be really tempted to take a few simply due to how crazy fast they are. I mean, naturally a Lightning Bug is better if you have no Pigs but it's not as if the Hog Whisperer is actively bad or anything. Truffles is really good on the first turn to get your models into position. A Reactivating Piglet can save you a lot of Walk AP on the first turn pretty easily if you plan ahead a bit. Especially nice for Slop Haulers but also for pulling Trixie along who can then pull other Gremlins. It can also be nice to pull your models out of Melee. But they do make nice missiles even without the Pigapult. You can have a Reactivating Piglet charge into enemies on the first turn pretty easy if you Lure it towards the enemy with Trixie. If you out-activate the enemy, give the Piglet Reactivate and heal it to full, then move it forward, have Trixie Lure it late in the round and finally Pigcharge into enemy and go into Def stance with your last AP. It can be extremely annoying to remove for some crews.
  16. It does, thank you. Yes, taking anti-armor when your local scene is full of armor is metagaming, agreed. But the way you presented the Gracie example didn't have anything to do with metagaming. Unless your point was that the Gracie player was wrong to even take Gracie since he should've known that Armor is useless in your environment since it is so prevalent that everyone is tooling against it. I'm not 100% sure what your aim is with these articles but I think that you could collect them someplace as a resource for gamers. I was offering critique on what to change in order to make it a more useful resource. I do think that your presentation is more convoluted than necessary and I'm not exactly sure whether I agree with all of it or not (I do know I agree with Adran but I'm not sure whether you're agreeing of disagreeing with him).
  17. Squeel is a Push away from the Attacker. It's pretty easy to stop, though it might need some set-up so you can't blindly execture the Vik-slingshot but need to think a bit.
  18. Hamelin is also the king of outactivation which is really useful for this Scheme. Sure, you might need to hire something from outside of his theme and Outcasts aren't noted for their wealth of amazing Minions at the 5-7 SS bracket but there's still quite a few good candidates.
  19. I can't comprehend what you're saying here. Consider writing it again? Having an Armor-ignoring model on the opposing side of the table doesn't really have much to do with meta, though. It's simply bad play to run Gracie into it and the reason for that likely isn't that PMF said that Gracie taxi works but more that they didn't know that a Gunsmith could do that.
  20. Because about 90% of my work is about dealiing with metadata, I feel obligated to correct here a bit. Metadata is data about data. For example, you might have a document which contains data and then data about that document. Metadata is often divided into structural metadata (date of creation, who made it, and so on) and descriptive metadata (what the content is about). You can layer more metas on top - metametadata is metadata about metadata. Meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-meta-data is often referred to as 6-meta-data.
  21. I Pay Better is, by a wide margin, the best non-model-specific Upgrade in the game. It should cost four or five and would still easily be worth it. Just don't give it to a Master if your Master doesn't have room for it.
  22. I would be surprised if all the Emissaries weren't out at Gencon. This isn't based on anything, mind, no insider information or anything, I just think that it would make sense. As for the render, I like it for the most part. It looks like this might be the first Wyrd mini that I need to paint in pieces, though... And I really hope that you can pin that bait Gremlin to something. The pig looks excellent!
  23. Two Trappers with I Pay Better and you have the upper hand (such a broken combo). Add the Rat engine for outactivation (Obedient Wretch and maybe an additional rat or two if you want to really go overboard) and the Gremlin player needs to be a lot better than you to stand a chance, basically. Of course depending a bit on the terrain.
  24. Ironsides and Deliver a Message? Also, you can just skip that Scheme for single Master tournaments if it is deemed disruptive.
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