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About tallghost

  • Birthday 06/21/1974

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  1. Yes! I'm intrigued by the concept, and I'm intrigued by the idea that this is going to lead to a new TTB book being released sometime soon?
  2. What size card protectors fit Malifaux cards? I bought a pack, but they are just barely too small, and the cards bend.
  3. Yeah, I don't even play Arcanists, and I'm buying a box of these. They will pop up in my TTB game. "Who's a cute little icon of science gone amok? You are! Yes you are! No, no there's nothing wrong with my voice, that was just an affectation. You can un-clamp my throat! Guuhhh! "
  4. Some say she was horribly scarred in a fight with Resurectionisits, others that she used to be an Archanist who hides her same behind a mask until all of her ex-compatriots are destroyed. A very cautious few whisper that she wears the mask in homage to her unrequited crush, Lucius Mattherson. whatever the reason, the porcelain baby doll mask just adds to the intimidation one feels when face to face with Sgt. Snow. Also, she nets me 6 points for May.
  5. O.K, so I think I found a way around my feeling that some the face detail was gone...baby doll mask! Now that I have the color scheme down I have to do some clean up and some shade/highlighting...
  6. We're all pulling for you. I know what it's like to have a hectic schedule.
  7. This month, I'm offering up a Guild Sargent. I ran out of my usual primer, and I think the new stuff I tried ate up some of the detail on her face. Or is she naturally baby faced? Either way, as soon as May is over, the school year will be over for me, and I hope to offer up more models per month!
  8. It looks like April is my Mulligan Month. I knew this was going to be a tough month for me, but i thought I could maybe squeak something out in the end, bu no dice. I haven't even had time to check the thread! Well at least now that may is here and my school schedule has some openings in it, not only will I be able to paint, but it looks like I will have a lot of awesome inspiration from this month's thread. I want to go back at look at stuff more closely, but there is some really nice work went down this month!
  9. Gah! Sorry about that. i was so excite about getting them in on time. Those 3 are worth 12 SS.
  10. Getting in under the line. March turned out to be a busier month than I thought it would be. sorry about the poor photography. Here are my Guild Autopsies.
  11. I'm gonna start off with these Guild Autopsies. they should put me at 12 SS, just a scoonch over my Enforcer level
  12. I guess I better jump on the merry-go-round this time 'round. Put me down for Enforcer, please.
  13. Thanks for the advice guys! I got my Belles painted last night, just have to get some finish coats on them today, so they'll be ready to go tomorrow. I also go a hold of a scanned copy of the Belle's card, so I can use that. ( My Belles are 1st ed, and I never got the cards because at the time I wasn't playing) I'm very excited because my FLGS that runs Malifaux on a regular basis is actually about an hour and a half drive for me, so between that and a demanding work schedule, I don't get there very often (which is why I don't play) This has been a big help to me. As I said earlier, I don't expect to win. but if I can have fun, and be challenging enough to be fun to play against, it will be worth it. thanks again guys.
  14. Thanks, Jolly Green! The idea of dropping my autopsies and working on the belles is just the kind of advice I am looking for. The crew list is helpful too, since i don't have the kind of optimal set-up that the guides assume. I have been buying models based on what i think looks cool or might be flavorful to my Through the Breach games, not necessarily for Malifaux play, so my collection is wonky.
  15. Hey all! I've been painting and collecting Malifaux on and off for awhile, but I've only played the game once or twice (with the starter set, and I entered a tourney with Sonia and gang) This weekend, I'm going to a 50ss tourney at my FLGs, and I'd like to play a resser crew (the obvious best faction in the game.) I'm looking for advice on crew build and play tactics for a newbie. I've thumbed through the guides, but I don't have the table experience to picture it all in my head, and apply it to my situation. I figure I will lose a few games, and I'm fine with that, but I want to be able to put up a fight. These are the models I have at my disposal: Nicodem set Transmortis set Grave Spirit Crooked Men Mindless Zombies Guild Autopsies Bette Noir I also have a set of three Rotten Belles and three extra Punk Zombies, but I don't know if I'll have them painted in time. (I'm currently working on the Guild Autopsies)
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