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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I had to stop here to say this aloud a few times. "Brewie crewie." If you do get him to work, let us know! I tried for a while but gave up - I just found him really frustrating in the long run. I'll use him every once in a while but he just didn't work for me as an extended project.
  2. Yeah, this is a good point that I forgot to mention in my post - taking both Moon Shinobis and Brewmaster is probably too much a handicap! Use Basic Gremlin stuff with Brewie and you'll do a lot better. Also, focus on Swill and forget about the bubble and Poison as much as possible.
  3. You can also take Seamus and basically autokill Zoraida turn 2. His gun and no SS prevention against Z's defenses means a dead hag in two shots and there's very little she can do. She'll make a fine Belle, though... One of the hardest counters in the game, IMO.
  4. You think that Seamus is worse than Brewmaster?
  5. Moon Shinobis are fun against Riders - attack against Wp and you'll bypass the Df Trigger and get positive twists to Attack courtesy of Stubborn Yin also appreciates Moon Shinobis! But really, taking Brewie is a fun choice. I don't think that he is optimal for anything but if you're more skilled, you'll win with him. And Moon Shinobis are a bit lacking but they aren't actively horrible. You won't lose because you took them but there are better choices.
  6. Taxidermists have hair. And depending a bit on where sideburns stand on hair-beard-scale (how high do they need to be to become hair instead of beard?), metal Pere Ravage also might count as having hair. Also, several male Gremlins have facial hair (though not Wong).
  7. I'm not feagaur but I think so. Even though Iggy is nice I think that he is a bit expensive with the Merc tax. He is the best at stacking Burning but I really don't have problems messing up Hemmed targets without him. I think that the absolute core for Zoraida is pretty small but she can build a huge variety of different lists. My favourite funny list is double Nurse+Moon Shinobi with Piglets and Lenny+Trixie. Not the most competitive but really fun. Three Waldgeists really changes the character of a list. Gracie + Lenny I already mentioned. Spawn Mother is interesting (remember to take McTavish in this case). First Mate, Fingers, Sammy - all have their place. And so on and so forth - the list goes on. Oh, and remember Wisp's Call and Animal Form - a funny combo.
  8. Good report, thank you for taking the time to post it! And a good showing after a hiatus as well! Your only loss was against a tough list (and apparently a well-versed player at the helm) at a minimal margin. Had the first game gone to round five, do you think you could've won it? Just to show that I read it all with thought, it looks like Marcus killed the Carrion Emissary on turns two and three Oh, and that Molly list was strange - super minimal killing power!
  9. Zoraida is my favourite Gremlin Master. She is awesome. It's true! I'm currently playing her in a slow grow league which is fun (my list for the first round, due to the limitation imposed by the format, was Zoraida with Crystal Ball, Sammy, an 8SS Merc Silurid and three Roosters). Her synergies are less obvious than with other Masters and she takes a bit more to make her sing but I do think she is hugely underrated and vastly better than, e.g., Brewmaster. The thing I love about her is that whenever there is a problem on the board, you can activate her and solve the problem. Her toolbox is just insanely deep. Oftentimes simply Obeying an enemy model to Walk can deny the opponent VP. She is also amazing in amplifying your models. You can have models all over the place but then apply big pressure from her boost into a specific small area when needed. Gracie with Saddle hauling around Lenny is pretty potent with Z. Obey allows the Saddle to work (unlike Pushes) and Nurses can heal Lenny nicely. Finally, she can Obey Lenny back into position when the opponent messes with him due to his low Wp. Synergy! Waldgeists can be fun - Gremlins don't have anything with nearly their staying power so taking three and deplying them From the Shadows can be a horrid surprise to the opponent if they know what to generally expect from the faction. Sammy's Jynx of Twisted Mind on a Voodoo Doll can be super annoying as the Doll can fail the test pretty easily. Preferably have the Hemmed model activate first and only then Paralyze it with the Doll's failure. And don't forget Bewitch! It can be an amazing weapon when properly wielded. I once Bewitched a Pandora and drew eight cards from it. In one game I Bewitched a pair of Punk Zombies who decided to pass their turns rather than Flurry (or do something else) effectively Paralyzing them. But she does have weaknesses. Seamus just about autowins against her, basically, as he can kill her absolutely trivially. All Snipers are very bad news for her in general. Though doe note that she can heal herself by Obeying a Nurse (you get Paralyzed which merely ends you Activation - not a big deal if you do it on your last AP). She is also impervious to Charges unless the model gets positives twists somehow and her Wp is naturally ridiculous. So she is squishy in weird ways.
  10. You could of course use it against an enemy's strike as well but half the damage of Francois is more than the full damage of the enemy... Which is a bit strange when you come to think about it
  11. With the clouds and the Place effect of his Melee attack, Zipp seems like he would be pretty good for Extraction - why don't you like him in there?
  12. Mah and five Moon Shinobis is totally a title for a movie I would go and see again and again. It's also an utterly bonkers list! I love it!
  13. Mechpork has the surprisingly useful station ability - it's a Minion. It is our toughest Minion and that can be useful, especially so in GG2017. Also, I find that all Pigs (barring Gracie and Stuffed Piglets) really need the Pig synergy to get the full fun out of them. For example, I consider an unsupported Sow somewhat lackluster but I really love her when I give her enough support to make her sing. Now, I'm not saying that they aren't just a wee bit overpriced - they probably are! But they aren't bad, either and they do have their place, IMO. One big thing about them is that they don't put a strain on your hand. Bayou Two-card and the positive twists that they give can really work to your advantage when your Master, for example, is hogging up cards like there's no tomorrow.
  14. Somer giving them Crows for autoslow is pretty fun but six still seems quite excessive. I've been mostly favouring two like EpicWaffle.
  15. I do agree but wish to note that there are "fishy" models like that in the game already like Wind Gamin.
  16. I must agree with Joel 100%. Whiskey Golem doesn't suck outright or anything but he can be a bit clumsy on certain boards and his endurance is a bit weird and he can be brought down somewhat easily if properly concentrated upon. His engagement reach is his most critical limitation, IMO. If he had a 3" reach I would use him a lot more. But I wish to stress that he isn't horrible and he has his place. And he does have fun synergies around. For example, Sparks and Mechpork offer fun stuff for him.
  17. Zoraida with Lenny and Gracie is pretty nice. A Nurse can full-heal Lenny without adverse effects and Lenny riding on Gracie's saddle gives Gracie extra protection and Rams. Zoraida Obeying Gracie to Walk allows the use of the Saddle (unlike Pushes and Lures) and Obeying her to hit something with Lenny's Rams is pretty golden. Lenny and Trixie pair with Mah is pretty fun. There are the obvious Ml bonuses but Mah can also Push Lenny when the enemy moves him out of position (due to his awful Wp). Too bad about the loss of Rams for Mah but the protection Aura is still nice and it also means that you are less prone to bundle them up when it isn't actually needed.
  18. Thank you for the battle reports! Very high quality and I enjoy them a lot. You have such unorthodox lists (meaning both you and your opponents) that it's quite refreshing. Sad to see you switch sides, though
  19. If you can get his Aura to work, I think that he is fantastic. If his Aura isn't of use, then he pales a bit in comparison with our other 7-Stone options. His buffs are neat but I don't think they make him worth the Stones alone. So I'm guessing that you're going right rather than wrong.
  20. Do Over on McTavish seems just so wrong! But yeah, that's a very nice list - thank you for sharing!
  21. That's brilliant! Saddle - also known as a "Lunch box"... Edit: No, wait, Eat Your Fill specifies Enemy model. Take a Bite would work, however.
  22. Yes, she is both, a Neverborn and Gremlin no matter which faction was declared. See also McCabe being unable to hire Lazarus when going Ten Thunders.
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