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The dawn serpent should be pretty nifty with Marcus. Unfortunately I've not managed to get it on the table due to being unable to find a model I like to proxy it (a small "classic" dragon, is what I'm going for).

It doesn't have much defense, but with 2 activations per turn and Myranda, it should be a pretty good anvil, and not too shabby at killing stuff either.

Just a shame about its native faction struggling to use it

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Yup! Three raptors come out of nowhere, and if you manage to kill one in the ensuing fight a T. rex pops out of it! If you kill the T. rex without killing all of the raptors it can disappear and then pop out again when you kill another raptor! Sounds pretty dangerous to me.

Now if only the raptors were smart enough to leave Samuel Jackson alone and eat the annoying grandkids instead...

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Knowing what I know, statrocks are hilarious. They are a waste of space that could have been used for a good upgrade, but some people out there thought the game needed them.

As a newly recruited Ten Thunder player, I got two for them.

Samurai. So cool an idea, so terrible a model. If they didn't have the gun and the cost for the gun, they would be great.

Dawn Serpent. 10ss of ....something? Such a cool looking model (judging it will look like the art) but it just is not good at anything. At 10ss, the model should be good at least one thing and not just taking up space.

Completely agree on the statrocks... God, I can still remember the whining.

As for the Samurai, I'll put him on the table before bashing it more, might be pleasently surprised. As for the Dawn Serpent, it seems like a pretty nifty critter, it's gun is very nice and with Shenlong it can put out a lot of blast damage. Also hard to kill and a 0 heal is always annoying to deal with.

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I started with 10 thunders, but after many games I found myself never wanting to take more than one Torakage, I stopped taking Oiran unless I ran ototo, and eventually I just stopped taking Ototo (we have a lot of Lady J players at my store, stupid pinebox). Shang had his uses occasionally, but most of the time he just could never keep up with Misaki. This was all a great shame, as Misaki was made me want to play 10T, but I soon realized (in my opinion), that she is much better as an Outcast master :(

Switching to Neverborn, so far the only model I have had a hard time justifying is (like everybody else) Barbaros. 10ss is just such a high cost... For one more I could take a Mature, for less I could just go non-theme and take Bad JuJu. Sometimes I raise an eyebrow at the cost of Silurids, but I sometimes even find places for them.

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The emberling is pretty bah till you notice it's a significant wk 5 incorporeal minion. He is probably one of the best models cost/effectiveness for scenario purposes being able to skedaddle to a flank easily thanks to the incorporeal and start planting scheme markers. Also, dropping a scrap has given Mei Feng a good pivot once in a while.

I almost never take the Emberling -- when I first started playing Malifaux, I started with Mei, and since I came from 40k I didn't know I should focus on VP and not just killing, and he proved to be nearly worthless in the kill-game. I did use his scrap ability more than a few times to get Mei over gaps or around hazardous terrain.

He may require another look.

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Completely agree on the statrocks... God, I can still remember the whining.

As for the Samurai, I'll put him on the table before bashing it more, might be pleasently surprised. As for the Dawn Serpent, it seems like a pretty nifty critter, it's gun is very nice and with Shenlong it can put out a lot of blast damage. Also hard to kill and a 0 heal is always annoying to deal with.

I have nefarious plans to pair the serpent with McCabe for Black Flash+Swift abuse... that's a lot of accurate, decent damage shots.

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Ever play against three of them upgraded to be able to deploy six inches outside of your deployment zone, protected by not only Armor but Perfect Camoflage? They charge in, boxing in your models, and if you kill one a Bad Juju pops out? Right into an engagement with full AP available? Using Flurry and Landslide, possibly even getting off a Paralyze in the process? When you finally kill the Bad Juju he can just Bury and then Unbury again when another Waldgeist dies?

Having a slightly weaker zero action doesn't even begin to make Waldgeists useless. Not that Germinate is that bad now.

That's about 29ss. If over half your crew is built around something it should probably work.

If they're beating face for you, then go nuts, but repeated tabletime with both them and Juju show them as pretty meh combat wise. It'd be a cool list if you knew they were running a gun line.

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That's about 29ss. If over half your crew is built around something it should probably work.

If they're beating face for you, then go nuts, but repeated tabletime with both them and Juju show them as pretty meh combat wise. It'd be a cool list if you knew they were running a gun line.

I have never used it but have fought against it. It isn't so much the beating face (which does happen) but the confinement to your deployment zone from turn 1. Germinate creates severe terrain, which slows movement. Waldgeists have a potential Slow trigger. Models that can start is charge range of your crew get your models caught in engagements, often before they even get their first activation. Bad Juju pops out, and can hand out Paralyze via Horror checks, on a trigger from their melee attacks (did I mention they can flurry?), and can dish out area of effect Slows as a zero action. Even if they don't kill anything the first turn they have hamstrung you, which makes scoring with a bunch of Schemes and Strategies a lot harder.

In the enemy backfield they still have models left, moving into position, getting ready to score. Fun times.

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Completely agree on the statrocks... God, I can still remember the whining.

As for the Samurai, I'll put him on the table before bashing it more, might be pleasently surprised. As for the Dawn Serpent, it seems like a pretty nifty critter, it's gun is very nice and with Shenlong it can put out a lot of blast damage. Also hard to kill and a 0 heal is always annoying to deal with.

But I have used both. Would not dis them if I never tried them. The Samurai is just too many points for not enough pow and same for the dawn serpent. I want to like them, it is just hard. Maybe with some different master.

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I really want to use the Dawn Serpent with Marcus. Lots of CA actions in a standard Marcus crew, so pretty reliable healing. I'm just usually taking 3 other really expensive models already (upgraded Myranda, Cojo, and Cerberus.......that's over 30ss right there) so I haven't had the room.

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The dawn serpent should be pretty nifty with Marcus. Unfortunately I've not managed to get it on the table due to being unable to find a model I like to proxy it (a small "classic" dragon, is what I'm going for).

It doesn't have much defense, but with 2 activations per turn and Myranda, it should be a pretty good anvil, and not too shabby at killing stuff either.

Just a shame about its native faction struggling to use it

Should you want an ideal proxy here ya go


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But I have used both. Would not dis them if I never tried them. The Samurai is just too many points for not enough pow and same for the dawn serpent. I want to like them, it is just hard. Maybe with some different master.

Oh, never said you didn't, I meant myself.

The Dawn serpent I only used once with Shenlong but I liked what I saw, focus on that flamebreath is HUGE.

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I would never hire Hans, simply because I refuse to tolerate a model that can be bribed into not shooting somebody.

As for the statrocks, has anyone ever bothered, or is even capable, to do some math to check the probability of a:+fate being more useful than the stat increase of the stone?

Unfortunately I can't figure out something like that for myself, sometimes I really miss the D6 of other games.

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I would never hire Hans, simply because I refuse to tolerate a model that can be bribed into not shooting somebody.

It's only Masters than can pay him off and it's at the cost of two cards. It gives enemy masters the choice/ability to avoid having ALL their upgrades shot off with his "Smile you son of a..." action. It's perfectly justified and he is easily the best sniper in the game.

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I would never hire Hans, simply because I refuse to tolerate a model that can be bribed into not shooting somebody.

As for the statrocks, has anyone ever bothered, or is even capable, to do some math to check the probability of a:+fate being more useful than the stat increase of the stone?

Unfortunately I can't figure out something like that for myself, sometimes I really miss the D6 of other games.

Hans is one of the very few Mercenary models I would even consider using now.

IMHO it seems to only be the higher cost Mercenaries that are worth paying the extra 1SS tax on.

I dont think Id even consider 'convict gunslinger' or 'Desperate Mercenary' now :(

(Scrap the Merc tax Protest!)

Edited by Pierowmaniac
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It's only Masters than can pay him off and it's at the cost of two cards. It gives enemy masters the choice/ability to avoid having ALL their upgrades shot off with his "Smile you son of a..." action. It's perfectly justified and he is easily the best sniper in the game.

Wouldn't even be needed if Smile you son of a didn't exist... but that's another debate.

---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 AM ----------

You can't really ditch the Merc Tax otherwise there wouldn't be much of a point to half of the Outcasts faction.

As someone who has played warmachine and was pretty much sick of seeing Gorman and Eyriss everywhere, I'm very pro towards the merc tax. They are their own faction first, and mercs second and as mercs it's more of a "spendy choice to cover a hole I can't cover with something else". Yeah, the desperate merc took a big hit because of that, but we all know it was broken as all hell before.

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You can't really ditch the Merc Tax otherwise there wouldn't be much of a point to half of the Outcasts faction.

There is also the fact that paying one SS extra for a model means that you are playing with a 49SS crew against a 50SS crew (but with extra flexibility in crew construction). Hardly much of a handicap.

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As someone who has played warmachine and was pretty much sick of seeing Gorman and Eyriss everywhere, I'm very pro towards the merc tax. They are their own faction first, and mercs second and as mercs it's more of a "spendy choice to cover a hole I can't cover with something else". Yeah, the desperate merc took a big hit because of that, but we all know it was broken as all hell before.

I'm not a fan of true "Mercenary" models in general. I like models that work for multiple factions quite a bit, but Dual Faction or Warmachine's "this model will work for" implementations are more compelling to me personally. Even Gorman and Eyriss have a good selection of factions they won't work for after all.

I can't say I wholeheartedly support the Merc tax simply because it means Mercs are almost certain to be overcosted out of faction. The 2 Merc cap is probably a good enough restriction, IMO, but as Math points out, since you're only playing 1 or 2 points down, its not a deal breaker by any means. Mostly it just limits Mercs to things expensive enough where 1 point isn't vastly over paying.

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