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Which wave 2 models will become Henchmen?

Math Mathonwy

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Thought it would be fun to place some predictions. There are quite a few obvious choices like Cassandra, Coppelius and Datsue-Ba but then there are some rather interesting ones as well.

Will Nix become a Henchman? Somehow that seems a bit unlikely. Chiaki? Would be a surprise.

So, what are your guesses?

My list is Cassandra, Coppelius, Datsue-Ba, Sidir Alchibal (though here I'm a bit fifty-fifty), Rafkin (again, not certain by any means), and finally, as a really out there kind of choice, McTavish.

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What would be his other faction? Outcasts?

I can see chiaki getting the bump, given how important she is to yan lo.

I think nekima for neverborn though - she is lilith's sister after all.

Most unique models in the 8+ soulstone range could be considered though.

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I can see chiaki getting the bump, given how important she is to yan lo.

I'm not sure I can see her leading a crew, though? She would also differ from the current henchmen in that she is very much a support model (not that that is a bad thing, mind, just noting).

I think nekima for neverborn though - she is lilith's sister after all.

Nekima is an interesting case. Will Lilith allow her to lead crews? Or is she just the ultimate enforcer?

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I'm not sure I can see her leading a crew, though? She would also differ from the current henchmen in that she is very much a support model (not that that is a bad thing, mind, just noting).

It could be pretty cool actually, if they go for a more 1.5 Molly type with her. Granted we don't know how Yan's ancestors will look in m2e, but I have to assume Izamu is still powerful, and Yin is still horrifying, and Toshiro will still support ashigaru and punks, so really a 100% support piece might be really cool to have around. even if she is the leader.

of course, we'll have to see if they all still work the same.

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I am wondering about the guild (Lucius) crew...

The Guild Captain could fit in as a crew leader for small skirmishes but on the other hand he is not a unique/named character and you are alowed more than one (at least in 1.5)?

Ryle doesnt seem like a henchman material.

The Lawyer could also fit the bill, but was a bit of a special case selection in 1.5.

Maybe a new character will see the light and join the Guild as a henchman? Or maybe it will be a neverborn/guild model?

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I would prefer Snow to Blessed, but only because I prefer the model.

Second'd I love my Snow Storm, I hope he's who gets the Henchman bump.

I'm assuming that Cassandra will be bumped up to Henchman since she already was functionally with her ability to use soulstones before.

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Some guesses (I haven't read the new book or the majority of Book 4 so I could be missing important pieces of fluff):

Lucius: New character I suspect. While I certainly see some ability to bring Guild and/or Neverborn into whatever faction he is playing, none of them really seem like they would be good with going Dual Faction by themselves.

Hoffman: I'm not sure. Ryle maybe? It makes sense on some level, at least as much as Madam Sybelle does.

Kirai: Considering that the Hungering Darkness is now a henchman, I am going with Ikiryo.

Molly: This is my hope. Phillip Tombers. Put him in his baby carriage with a zombie pushing him. Come Wyrd. Phillip needs an upgrade!

Rasputina: Snow Storm seems like a solid bet....

Collette: ....as does Cassandra.

Kaeris: No clue. New character?

7th Arcanist Master: I have no idea who it is. I don't think anyone does at this point. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Collodi: Weaver Widow. Makes sense to me. She was important enough to be hired by Collodi despite not being a puppet.

Dreamer: I actually suspect Lord Chompy Bits will be made a Henchman. I don't think two model Masters will exist in ME2.

Hamelin: Nix. Any Henchman under Hamelin will not have free choice or anything. Zombie dog makes sense as much as anything.

Tara: New character. She's not due out for another year at least. She'll probably get the rest of her "standard crew" then. It'd be kinda cool if the undead Marshal, Hansen, would become the Henchman like how Madam Sybelle is a special Belle.

Another Outcast: I think there is still one more Outcast I am not accounting for. I am sure if it has not been announced, I don't know it, or I know it and am having a brain fart.

McCabe: No idea. Other than the blurb in Book 4, I know nothing about him or his clue.

Yan Lo: Chiaki seems like the top suspect.

7th Ten Thunder: I don't think the 7th Master for the Ten Thunders has been revealed. So, I assume new character.

Gremlins: Considering they are a new faction, I am assuming all new people.

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Has it been said that every master will even have a corresponding henchman? Some of them could just be solo operators with a few enforcers running around.

I could see chompy and ikiryo being really big enforcers. Chiaki I think has to be a henchman mostly because she can't be a master, enforcer, minion, or peon.

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I want my Weaver Widow Henchman.

I want my capable, actually usable in-game Weaver Widow Henchman.

I want my capable, actually usable in-game Weaver Widow Henchman who is capable of summoning Teddy.

...I'm going to have a somewhat focused Wave 2 playtest, it seems.

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While Datsue-ba makes sense for Kirai, in book 2 the Ikiryo was running around with spirits before Kirai realized what was going on. I could easily see it being a Henchman...but on the other hand, if they keep its unique summoning mechanics (which I hope they do), a beefy Enforcer would make sense.

I'm looking forward to finding out, regardless. @___@

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I think (and hope) that the 7th Arcanist master is going to be Damian Ravencroft. He is already described in the fluff as a powerful individual, so I could easily see him as a pure or dual master.

I'd guess that Tigress Bel would be his henchwoman.

I'd love if English Ivan became generic henchman for Arcanists and the rest of Ivan's crew (Mr.Dewwalt and Ms.Havenhand) to be enforcerers.

Rose Crawshaw (steamfitter from Twisting Fates) could be Kaerises henchwoman.

---------- Post added 08-24-2013 at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-23-2013 at 11:51 PM ----------

@Helm: Those are my plans as well for Wave 2 beta.

Puppets & Molly for me please...

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