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Marcus Preview


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Why not Bette Noir 2 comes with a model see manifests out of.

I'm not really a fan of the new Wendigo. For Bete it makes sense as that's her whole schtik, but why does the Wendigo need a victim modelled in? Does it tell us anything about the Wendigo? Not really.

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I love it. Every bit of it.

The new art direction Wyrd has is fantastic. It's weird enough to be iconically Wyrd, and I think the models end up having a ton more character because of it. If the Lady Justice crew looked like they do in the recent preview art when I started the game, there's no way in hell I'd have been able to resist buying it.

It's gonna be hard enough now. :)


I've been focussing on Marcus in the playtest and it's such a relief (after the Justice scare =P) to know his crew will look so awesome, not to mention a far far better line-up than his original starter.

Myranda does look quite odd, but anything's better than her old model. Rattler and Cerberus look great. Jackalope looks amazing, and suitably adorable. The ape (must keep mouth shut) also looks brilliant. I love Marcus, and his crew looks so much more uniformed while maintaining the unique aspects of each beast.

Now I have a name to come for if Marcus' crew doesn't turn out after the beta. *wink*

Seriously though, I'm super excited to see how everything plays in ME2, and Marcus and his dysfunctional but lovable critter crew is at the top of my list.

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I really like what i'm seeing here, with one tiny exception... the pointy end of Marcus' belt. I had the same issue with the artwork for the Diablo III barbarian... I just do not get the fascination with "Feral" men wearing pointy horns like that. I mean... it would be neat if no other model could ever be within 1 inch of him or they would take 1 wd due to it's pokey-ness... nah, I kid... I kid... but those horns are getting sculpted away for sure.

For the rest of the box, I love it. I love the Marcus stuff we have now, and I can't promise I wont use the current alt sculpt more than the new plastic one (and maybe the old Jackelope, we'll see how it looks when I have it on my painting table.)

I have been wrestling with either using Lady J, Lilith, or Marcus (my favorite book 1 masters) for the beta testing this summer, and now I think this might have swayed me to going with the beasties. My only hope is that we can finally have a Marcus crew that doesn't always need some Silurids. I love them, I just didn't like how I felt that I always needed to bring them.

Oh well... we're under 10 days till the answers will start rolling in!

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I'm pretty excited for the primate, and perhaps with the rules changes I'll have a reason to own the rattler and cerberus. However, I think that Marcus's art is rather bland. It's as if each time they resculpt him, they just add another 20 lbs of muscle.

Edited by Clevelander
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Now I have a name to come for if Marcus' crew doesn't turn out after the beta. *wink*

If I had my way that ape would be a panda (common sense really), but alas I'm only one man (but what a man!) =P

I agree with Marcus' belt skull. I'm not a fan of skulls in general, but it's worse when they look like they'd just get in the way. Marcus has always been a very agile character, but I can't help but think it'd be hard to weave through the trees with these big horns poking out.

Now we just need this art as a wallpaper.

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I'm pretty excited for the primate, and perhaps with the rules changes I'll have a reason to own the rattler and cerberus. However, I think that Marcus's art is rather bland. It's as if each time they resculpt him, they just add another 20 lbs of muscle.

He's becoming more and more of a neanderthal with each new sculpt. More muscle, bigger jaw, broader brow... I'll stick with my old sculpt for sure. The original Marcus sculpt does the best job of portraying my conception of Marcus which is as a highly intelligent but physically capable man. AltMarcus looks like a savage man who has been overtaken by instinct. Plastic Marcus just looks like a brute.

To put it another way, Marcus, in my mind, is a man capable of sitting down for a formal dinner and behaving himself. He would likely hate it, but he could. Alt and Plastic Marcus make me think he would act like the beast in Beauty and Beast.

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I didn't want to buy Marcus again

But the rattler and Marcus himself almost warrent it alone - and I like the look of the new kitty cat - plus the ape...likely ape box exclusive so will likely need to buy it anyway

I also think the new Myranda ia an improvement but would wait and see on that one

Only model I don't like is the new Jack, the old one seemed more fitting but we'll see

Of course the rules may change all this, but so far god darn it Wyrd how much of my money do you want to take?

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There is a reason for that actually and a fun one that I'll be happy to see come to light through story in the future.

Suffice it to say, Marcus is much older, and possibly the most book intelligent, of all the Arcanist masters seen to date. There are also steep prices to be paid for certain magics as well.


He's becoming more and more of a neanderthal with each new sculpt. More muscle, bigger jaw, broader brow... I'll stick with my old sculpt for sure. The original Marcus sculpt does the best job of portraying my conception of Marcus which is as a highly intelligent but physically capable man. AltMarcus looks like a savage man who has been overtaken by instinct. Plastic Marcus just looks like a brute.

To put it another way, Marcus, in my mind, is a man capable of sitting down for a formal dinner and behaving himself. He would likely hate it, but he could. Alt and Plastic Marcus make me think he would act like the beast in Beauty and Beast.

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i'm not easy to please but I gotta say i'm a fan of the new razorspine. It needed to look scarier and intimidating. I'm still waiting to see something that looks like it came out of a horror movie though..... Some of the art to me is sort of childish.

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i´m gonna be (like we say here in Spain) devil´s lawyer, but i don´t like them

marcus looks like he´s reciently moved from the bronx (yeah broda´)

myranda... some people like "the croods" movie or what? XD

the tiger... now it looks like the three hyenas from lion king fusioned in one

i only save from the burn the snake (but it´s ekans the pokemon XD) and the king kong

but opinions are like masculine attributes, we all have one but it´s wrong get it into others by force

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The Tiger really does look like a sabertooth/smilodon. I can understand that it looks a little less like a modern tiger, a little more like a hyena, but that's what the body shape of a sabertooth liked like, really thick neck, broad jaws, and such. Plus, it's waaaaay better than the current option, in my opinion.

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