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7 Outcast Masters?


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For some reason I always found it weird there were no Outcast Ten Thunders.

I think this might change.

Fluff wise it would be cool if it was a renegade ten thunders figure. Possibly the new character from the Dead of Winter story.

He has his own personal army so I'm wondering if not a possible master.

It would round out both factions closer to their seven master list and ten thunders have filled out every other faction.

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I've had more than a few conversations about this topic with folks who are pretty interested in the outcast's future- I started Vickie, and have had a soft spot for Levi for a while, but if my math serves me- guild are getting McM, and giving Lucious, ressers are getting Tara and giving McM, neverborn are getting lucious and giving zoraida. Gremlins are getting zoraida. That leaves gremlins needing to "give", outcasts needing to receive, and arcanists needing to do both. WILD theory- Raspy becomes an outcast/arc, and one of the new grems, probably a caster (Wong?) becomes a grem/arcanist.

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I wouldn't mind if outcasts got a good caster/ranged. I play both Gremlins and Vikies/Schill, so I am concerned about what the final outcast/gremlin crews will be. I am a pure faction player.

I think both the Gremlins and outcast need a Raspie/Sonnia style master. Hopefully they give them one.

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I really thought it made sense that Outcasts didn't get a 10T crossover. The Thunders are infiltrating the organizations of Malifaux. The Outcasts aren't an organization. Even the Brewmaster isn't really a 10T, he just kind of shows up to "help." The Thunders don't really want him there.

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I'm thinking Misaki will be dual faction outcasts now. She kind of was anyway (can hire Outcast Mercenaries), so that would make sense. That leaves us with:

1. Viks, 2. Von Schill, 3. Hamelin, 4. Leveticus, 5. Tara, 6. Misaki.

I think the last will be a gremlin. They used to be part of our faction, so it would make sense we kept one of them.

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I'm hoping Burt gets promoted and will be dual Outcast/Gremlins.

And I also think it likely Misaki becomes dual Outcast, mainly because she can hire so many mercs already.

If Burt gets promoted, it would probably be only to Henchman but I wouldn't be surprised if he was an Outcast/Gremlins master.

Misaki becoming dual faction Outcast/10T makes some sense so I wouldn't be surprised there, neither.

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I'm personally hoping Tara will have enough model options so that we can assemble her either more or less undead-y depending on whether we prefer to play her Outcast or Resser (kinda like the different legs on the Strongarm suit, but this time with head/torso).

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Well, regardless of who she's working for, she's dead, right? I mean, she's undead, at least, according to Mack & Justin. The last time we saw her, she was getting shot with some finality (though her Resser buddy was there to "help out.") That character was also confirmed as a new character in the game, Katrina, I think. I can't remember if she was said to be a henchman, or maybe a totem.

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She may be dead, but there's quite a difference between a bullet hole in the chest and being completely rotted.

I'm also hoping Hannah will be another master with a more supportive style to her (perhaps with an offensive spellcaster and some sort of engineer and slightly different sort of freikorpsmen in her box). Additionally I'm hoping for a pure spellcaster Master for the Outcasts (perhaps someone with Neverborn ties with more minions like Killjoy in the box).

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I don't think that Misaki will be 10T/outcast. I have the feeling that the most beginner friendly master of a faction should remain pure (like Perdita, Seamus, Raspy, Lilith, Von Schill). So with that logic, Misaki should be pure 10T since she has the most straightforward play style, comparing to the other guys in 10T. Well, unless the last 10T master is easier then she can go dual. (We are still missing 1 10T master, right?)

Fluff-wise, isn't she the boss of the thunders in malifaux? Why would the boss infiltrate this ragtag band of mitfits? Shouldn't she, as the boss of 10T, be more concern about THE man in Malifaux(aka the guild)?

There will be a 10T/outcast and his/her play style will focus on hiring mercs or flooding the board with cheap stuff, I think.

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