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Your Nemesis Model


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Obviously different people will play different models with varying levels of skill against you.

But I am wondering if other people have one or maybe two models that really stick out to them that, for their points, are an eternal thorn in their side.

(So, I get that Izamu can be a pain, but he costs 10, too)

I will start by saying that every Adepticon and whenever I face them in store, that the Convict Gunslinger just has it in for me.

I *HATE* that model even more than Von-Swill.

I think that model comes with some sort of "Add five :masks 's to your hand during the draw phase" ability that is not printed in my book.

Hate him/her...

Edited by Gruesome
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Generally I don't have too many models that are that troublesome. One thing that I do find a little too good though is Totems casting Magical Extension. The ability to get a 2 or 3 stone model casting a nasty spell and you can't meet the target to resist it because they've boosted it with a Soulstone.... shudder!

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I play the most annoying faction(Neverborn), so i'm not bothered by much. I would say the most annoying model to most people is the stitched together or insideous madness. They are just auto includes in so many lists. They will surely be Smacked with the cuddle bat in the future. At which time I will promptly rant on the forums, like when they released marcus and rasputina avatar.

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well, this past weekend (due in part to my opponent flipping amazing cards, and my lack of decent flips) Remi LaCroix killed Lady J and the Judge before turn 3. It was impressive as hell! Of course, the lesson here is that even if it's a weak model, the fate deck still controls all. I once lost McMourning to a desperate merc. I wish i were lying about that too, but i'm not.

Lucky for me, now that the player looks like he might end up a regular, and that my fiance just picked up the Ophilea box, i have a feeling Remi will end up on this list.

My only real nemisis in the game is Taelor. I don't know why, but she always has it in for me. So in turn, she becomes priority number 1. I usually lose at least one model before i take down the hammered giant, but i don't care. as long as she is off the board i feel safe. :P

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Either Nicodem or Mei Fang. I've lost almost every game against Nico I've ever played. And even though I've only ever played Mei once, she cleared half my crew off the table in one turn.

For a normal model, Samael. That little son of a dirty gunslinging twat always manages to take out just about anything I have before it even gets close. In one game, Sam took out two of my models as they went for an objective (half the time they were had cover, even), before I got Taelor in there to smash him to smithereens.

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Well, to be fair, models like Izamu screw with everyone.

I guess that I sort of meant, for non-masters/soulstone users that cost less than say... 7'ish?

I forgot about my other hated model... The Watcher... (Pretty much solely because of aSeamus)

Convict gunslinger and watcher... hates 'em....

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Ophellia, there really isn't an easy counter for her. Cover...paired. Engage her...squee, gunfighter and aim high. Terror...she burns 1 mid card and or stone. Oh, and she can walk 18" and do an amazing amount of damage that can also ignore armor. One of the most underrated models in the game. Ugh

PS - Yeah, Pandora counters her but who doesn't Pandora counter?

Edited by Fastenhate
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Ophellia, there really isn't an easy counter for her. Cover...paired. Engage her...squee, gunfighter and aim high. Terror...she burns 1 mid card and or stone. Oh, and she can walk 18" and do an amazing amount of damage that can also ignore armor. One of the most underrated models in the game. Ugh

Agreed. My Perdita was one of the toughest to beat crews at my LGS until someone started playing Ophelia......she went through me like **** through a pig. And Young LaCroix..........grrrrr.

Also greatly hate Jack Daw.

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Ophellia, there really isn't an easy counter for her. Cover...paired. Engage her...squee, gunfighter and aim high. Terror...she burns 1 mid card and or stone. Oh, and she can walk 18" and do an amazing amount of damage that can also ignore armor. One of the most underrated models in the game. Ugh

PS - Yeah, Pandora counters her but who doesn't Pandora counter?

Sue. Sue is so good and he's even better if you can give him some healing... And he counters Pandora.

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For me i think i would have to go with Von Schill, As he just puts my mind in such a downer for the game before it even starts when i can see him, i mean he is a great way to drain SS from your opponent, but i personally find him very tiresome to play against :(

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Ophellia, there really isn't an easy counter for her. Cover...paired. Engage her...squee, gunfighter and aim high. Terror...she burns 1 mid card and or stone. Oh, and she can walk 18" and do an amazing amount of damage that can also ignore armor. One of the most underrated models in the game. Ugh

PS - Yeah, Pandora counters her but who doesn't Pandora counter?

Anything that targets WP makes her life hell. My first several games were Lacroix vs Dreamer. I was usually tabled by turn three. At the latest.

Seriously it was just sad how badly Wp duels messed her gang up.

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Ophellia, there really isn't an easy counter for her. Cover...paired. Engage her...squee, gunfighter and aim high. Terror...she burns 1 mid card and or stone. Oh, and she can walk 18" and do an amazing amount of damage that can also ignore armor. One of the most underrated models in the game. Ugh

PS - Yeah, Pandora counters her but who doesn't Pandora counter?

Well, this is a first. Never heard that before.

My nemesis is Ratcatcher Hamelin. Since most of my crews can't actually target him.

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For two of my friends, it'd have to be the Wub-Wub aka Ramos' Electrical Creation. They target it like no other when it hits the table.

One game, we finally learned why. It floated to the middle of Collodi's ranks and exploded, killing 7 puppets and finishing off Taelor, who was down to one wound. All that was left of Collodi's forces were Collodi, one Marionette, one Wicked Doll, and the Widow Weaver, who was still back in his deployment zone. Ramos had scrap for days.

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