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Ten thunders outcast master?


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I feel like it wouldn't really fit the fluff to have the 10T infiltrate the Outcasts. The Outcasts have little to no connection between themselves, they're not an organisation like the other factions can (to an extent) claim to be. This means that, in order for the 10T to be succesful in getting leverage among the Outacsts, they would need to infiltrate on a per Master basis, which is a lot of resources to commit for relatively low gain.

But that's just fluff talking. If Wyrd can think of a good way/reason for that to happen, I'm up for it :)

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If there are plans to make an Outcast/10-T Master then you're unlikely to find out, unfortunately. The only people who might know are the Wyrd staff themselves and perhaps the playtesters (who have signed an NDA). So you're not likely to hear from either.

Thinking about it, your best source of information would be any interviews given by the Wyrd staff to the various podcasts. So that might be your best bet for future info.

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Misaki was an outcast before she became a ten thunders master wasn't she? I was just hopeful maybe she'd keep on some of her outcast connections I guess.I don't have the book so I don't know too much about the fluff sadly.

Misaki can hire some mercenaries at no additional cost, and they gain Ten Thunders as a faction. Overall I feel an Outcast/10T master is redundant since both factions have similar hiring tricks in that it is very hard to predict what a player will play when playing either faction. Its just harder to predict for Outcasts than 10T.

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I feel that Misaki is pretty darn close to an Outcast master without being an actual Master. Basically she pays more for Freikorps stuff.

Maybe that was the intent and then when Misaki's rules finally came together they figured out that she (and her crew) are basically the Viks in so many ways and made the decision to not pull the trigger. Then, without enough time left, they couldn't drum up another Master to Dual into Outcasts/didn't want to overload the book...

As a strict Outcast player, I'm okay with the decision. Though moving forward it would be great to get a Dual Outcast/10T Master.... someone who is on the fringe with the 10T... Maybe a Support style Master like a Wu or a Wu-Shaman....

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I don't think they will make one. Just because outcast (IMO) are an coalition of groups that fall under the outcast title. Having an Outcast master without lots of retriction breaks to many of the build rules. Right now if you have Somer and Vikis in a brawl you can take all outcasts reguardless of theme. I think they will keep making Misaki style outcast masters where she can take certain outcasts easily, without being outcast themselves.

I'm predicting outcasts are going to be just gremlins and Mercs moving forward, with just a couple Soulless/undead/hamelin style models just to stop people from complaining. You can already see they are merging Mercs and Gremlins with McTavish, Bert, Gracie & Wong. I would also guess that some Mercs are going to move to TT in the future.

I personally don't have an issue with this, I would be disgruntled if gremlins were dropped. Mercs I found are rarely kept as a favorite crew because of their lack of synergy.

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If they were to do it, I feel that it would be another mercenary master. Misaki as a master isn't a mercenary anymore, but I could seen them throwing in some more Ten Thunders mercenaries. I think what would be more likely is a dual faction special forces that has mercenaries. The only reason they would really be outcasts is so that the Vicks and Schill don't pay extra, since as masters, they can only hire mercenaries. Either way, I don't think it's very likely.

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If you want to see the future for the Viks its all in Venessa. Don't be surprised if she brings friends and the sync Merc players want.

The Von Shill group will have Hannah.


Why? Because unlike other henchman Ophelia can only be taken by Somer.

So it looks like Outcast are doing ok, but really we have two factions squished together and one(that I can think of) construct. A group of specialist that where forgot in the third book. Lastly to add salt to the wound we missed out on the ten thunders hotness.

Sad panda.

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If you want to see the future for the Viks its all in Venessa. Don't be surprised if she brings friends and the sync Merc players want.

The Von Shill group will have Hannah.


Why? Because unlike other henchman Ophelia can only be taken by Somer.

So it looks like Outcast are doing ok, but really we have two factions squished together and one(that I can think of) construct. A group of specialist that where forgot in the third book. Lastly to add salt to the wound we missed out on the ten thunders hotness.

Sad panda.

Anyone who can take Hamelin the ratcatcher can take Ophelia.

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Anyone who can take Hamelin the ratcatcher can take Ophelia.

Leveticus can't take that Hamelin. Hamelin can't take that Hamelin.

That leaves the Viks, and they are only allowed to hire Mercenaries during Scraps, and I don't believe you can ignore that via Hamelin (he lets you go out of faction, not ignore normal requirements).

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If you want to see the future for the Viks its all in Venessa. Don't be surprised if she brings friends and the sync Merc players want.

The Von Shill group will have Hannah.


Why? Because unlike other henchman Ophelia can only be taken by Somer.

So it looks like Outcast are doing ok, but really we have two factions squished together and one(that I can think of) construct. A group of specialist that where forgot in the third book. Lastly to add salt to the wound we missed out on the ten thunders hotness.

Sad panda.

Well, we never wanted to be with you smelly humans no way, no how!

*blows a raspberry*

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Leveticus can't take that Hamelin. Hamelin can't take that Hamelin.

That leaves the Viks, and they are only allowed to hire Mercenaries during Scraps, and I don't believe you can ignore that via Hamelin (he lets you go out of faction, not ignore normal requirements).

Well Sommer, Leveticus and Hamelin can't hire Von Schill either. So each outcast Henchman can only be hired by 1 outcast master and by almost every other master in the game (Although hoops may need to be jumped through).

I don't think there is any need for an outcast/ten thunder master. But then for all intents there are 4 outcast factions so which one would you want to put the dual in?

It serves very little real purpose in the mercs faction, as they can be hired by any faction. Gremlins could work, but I don't see them as a faction the 10 Thunders would both with. Hamelin is so far out on his own I can't see him working with anyone and Leveticus has a huge hiring pool that is completely faction irrelevent.

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Well Sommer, Leveticus and Hamelin can't hire Von Schill either. So each outcast Henchman can only be hired by 1 outcast master and by almost every other master in the game (Although hoops may need to be jumped through).

I don't think there is any need for an outcast/ten thunder master. But then for all intents there are 4 outcast factions so which one would you want to put the dual in?

It serves very little real purpose in the mercs faction, as they can be hired by any faction. Gremlins could work, but I don't see them as a faction the 10 Thunders would both with. Hamelin is so far out on his own I can't see him working with anyone and Leveticus has a huge hiring pool that is completely faction irrelevent.

I'm not really clear on what you're trying to argue here. Yes, you're right, Outcasts have some of the most limited hiring options in the game. Leveticus, as it has been shown in other threads, actually does not have a particularly large hiring pool. Hamelin doesn't, either. They're all quite limited in many ways.

To further lose out on another Master choice in Book 4 sucks. It didn't need to fit in with the other Outcasts -- that's why they're Outcasts. But to argue that Outcasts didn't need another Master? Neither did any Faction. But now Outcasts have even fewer hiring choices, when they were already limited.

It was, in my view, an unfortunate choice. I owned everything Wyrd released until Book 4, but as a primarily Outcast player, I was disappointed to not get a new Master, and I haven't purchased anything new thing starting with GenCon.

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I guess I was trying to say that Outcasts have as many leader options as the other factions. Yes, two of them are henchmen, and they all have restrictive hiring lists so that they can't overlap much. But that is how Outcasts are. I was also trying to answer Amor s complain tthat they gave outcasts 2 hench, and that Ophelia is restricted by only being hired by one master

I don't think a dual faction Outcast 10 Thunder master is needed. This is in part because of the outcast hiring restrictions. Rules wise I think any outcast master needs to be restricted to a subsection of the outcast pool, but the ten thunders need to be not be so restricted that it can only use "its crew" when its 10 Thunder.

I like the outcast releases in Storm of Shadows. I think that they have recieved a good selection of models for Mercenaries and Gremlins. There is a good range of Undead and constructs for leveticus. I don't know that hamelin got very much out of the book.

I am actually much happier with what they got than if they recieved what the other factions recieved. Because then then would have had a new master and a small subset of models that would help that master but not really support the crews that already existed.

Straying from the topic slightly

I would argue that Leveticus has a more varied hiring pool that a normal master, say Lady Justice, although she has a larger number of possible hires (60 vs 49), they are more restriced by merc and special forces. of those 60, 6 are friekorps and 20 are other mecenary. So thats probably only 2 models from 26, leaving her only 34 to choose from.

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I guess I was trying to say that Outcasts have as many leader options as the other factions. Yes, two of them are henchmen, and they all have restrictive hiring lists so that they can't overlap much. But that is how Outcasts are. I was also trying to answer Amor s complain tthat they gave outcasts 2 hench, and that Ophelia is restricted by only being hired by one master

I don't think a dual faction Outcast 10 Thunder master is needed. This is in part because of the outcast hiring restrictions. Rules wise I think any outcast master needs to be restricted to a subsection of the outcast pool, but the ten thunders need to be not be so restricted that it can only use "its crew" when its 10 Thunder.

I like the outcast releases in Storm of Shadows. I think that they have recieved a good selection of models for Mercenaries and Gremlins. There is a good range of Undead and constructs for leveticus. I don't know that hamelin got very much out of the book.

I am actually much happier with what they got than if they recieved what the other factions recieved. Because then then would have had a new master and a small subset of models that would help that master but not really support the crews that already existed.

Straying from the topic slightly

I would argue that Leviticus has a more varied hiring pool that a normal master, say Lady Justice, although she has a larger number of possible hires (60 vs 49), they are more restriced by merc and special forces. of those 60, 6 are friekorps and 20 are other mecenary. So thats probably only 2 models from 26, leaving her only 34 to choose from.

Thanks for clearing it up.

I don't think a dual faction Outcast/10T makes a lot of sense unless it was Misaki, and we really didn't need another of 'those' Masters. So I agree, I think Outcasts have distinct themes and maybe it doesn't fit in so well, and Outcasts have as many Leader choices as any other Faction... but it was still sad to not get a Master. Henchmen tend to be less interesting, from a mechanics standpoint.

Yes, there are some good releases in Storm of Shadows. I play everything in Outcasts, but mainly Leveticus and Hamelin. Hamelin got 1 model he can hire, The Depleted. He doesn't want it. Leveticus got more than that, and there has been some discussion over whether the Rail Golem/Izamu are good choices for Leveticus. But regardless, he got nothing in theme. The Viks and Gremlins made out well, overall.

I'm not trying to say Storm of Shadows wasn't a good book or that Outcasts got nothing in it. But it was disappointing to me when I've been so excited for every other release. Maybe it's because I'm mostly a Leve/Ham guy and I like shiny new toys. I think it's mostly because I play the game by announcing Faction, and unlike every other Faction, I got no new Leader in this book to take after announcing Outcasts. But c'est la vie. Outcasts will take all in Book 5! :-P

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Misaki is pretty close. She has some special hiring rules for certain Outcasts and all.

Gremlins could work, but I don't see them as a faction the 10 Thunders would both with

I don't think Gremlins would work for a dual-faction thing, because I'm pretty sure the new Gremlins hate the Thunder (see Burt's hiring rule about coming cheap if you're facing 10T)

they would need to infiltrate on a per Master basis, which is a lot of resources to commit for relatively low gain.

I imagine we'll eventually see more 10T/Outcast minions that can work with or infiltrate the various crews (except maybe Gremlins) which would be far more practical (both fluff-wise and game-wise) than a bunch of Masters.

I don't know that hamelin got very much out of the book.

He probably didn't (I think he can hire a couple new things) but his errata was just released, so it might be fair to guess they were working on it at the time. They probably didn't want to throw too much into the mix until they got him fixed up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO, the closest and most logical explanation we could get to outcast TT master is if the TT guys wanted to know Levi's necromatic arcane secrets and somehow got a guy to be an awesome apprentice of his. Course, this is just me fantasizing.

Also, admittedly i haven't read 100% of this discussion so i am not sure if anyone covered this, but Misaki is pure TT since she went from freelance stuff to working purely for her father i believe. She had little to no connections with other masters in the first place (again, this speculation, if i am wrong, youre completely welcome to point it out), but her resources from working with her clan appear to be enough to convince some of the outcast mercs to working for her.

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