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Vote! Which Ten Thunders captures your interest the most!

Jonas Albrecht

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Okay, yes I'm stealing Ratty's entire post. It's okay though, because he's just a computer program.

So who are the Ten Thunders Masters, and how do they play?


Honor-bound Misaki Katanaka, Mistress of the Ten Thunders, leads her Brothers and Sisters in her father’s name, waiting for the time when she will ascend as Oyabun of the Katanaka Clan.

Misaki is a scalpel with which to slice out the heart of your opponent's crew. She can stalk her prey and then leap into the fray, taking out key models with surgical precision. Her crew are made up of models that help her in this task. The Torakage can cover her advance with smoke bombs and subterfuge. Yamaziko can give her the focus she needs not to harm herself in the pursuit of her target. Shang can make sure luck is on her side. Ototo, well Ototo just really hits things.


Conniving Jakob Lynch is caught between two dangerous masters, playing both sides against the middle in a game that can have only one outcome.

Jakob Lynch is a support master, able to manipulate fate and stack your hand. His totem is the heavy hitter of the pair, and some would argue the thing in charge. The Hungering Darkness not only can do damage but he can infect models with the Brilliance which it then uses to control and manipulate them. The Hungering Darkness has a parasitic relationship with the rest of its crew using them to keep itself fed with Brilliance.


Ambitious Mei Feng uses her mastery of metal and fire elemental magic to insinuate herself into the Miners and Steamfitters Union, drawing the attention of Viktor Ramos and his Arcanists.

Mei Feng is a melee caster, She excels at fighting multiple opponents, being able to dart into combat using her own constructs as stepping stones, once engaged she can move from opponent to opponent laying down damage and burning tokens. Mei Feng can combo her spells and strikes together into chains, which though card intensive allow her to pull off some impressive feats.

Below is a small cheat card I've made to help you keep track of your combos.



Mysterious Yan Lo is a man trapped between life and death, pursuing his curse across the Breach, his service to the Ten Thunders in Malifaux providing him more clues to ending end his centuries-old plight.

Yan Lo seeks spiritual energy to give him the power to break his curse, he collects this energy from those that die around him, each death moving him one step towards his goal and providing him with new powers. He is assisted in his quest by the ancestors of the Katanaka clan. When these ancestors' physical form are destroyed their souls return to him, granting him abilities. He may also re-knit the flesh of the fallen to make these souls new bodies and return them to the field of battle.


Arrogant Lucas McCabe and his gang of black sheep loot the relics of Old Malifaux for his employer, the Governor General, while supplying intelligence and the choicest items to his true masters, the Ten Thunders.

McCabe rides into battle on his trusty steed with his choice of the best relics he can get his hands on. Thus allowing you to customize him to task at hand. He can scout the battlefield due to his mobility immobilizing the enemy with his Netgun. When dismounted, he is very capable of taking care of himself in melee, and even when the situation is most desperate he finds a way to succeed against the odds.

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Jakob looks so fun and I think his background story will be fascinating!

I am still slightly confused though as to the role Ten Thunders will play, initially I thought they were there own separate faction, but evidently they each have a master per faction, I am confused though as to the characters true affiliation, Mei Feng for example being a Ten Thunder but working for the Arcanists?

If there is anywhere someone could point me to for more information that would be


Mr. Soulstone

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Jakob looks so fun and I think his background story will be fascinating!

I am still slightly confused though as to the role Ten Thunders will play, initially I thought they were there own separate faction, but evidently they each have a master per faction, I am confused though as to the characters true affiliation, Mei Feng for example being a Ten Thunder but working for the Arcanists?

If there is anywhere someone could point me to for more information that would be


Mr. Soulstone

Yeah, the book, buy it and you will find out with the rest of us. ^_^ jk, I am thinking that the Ten Thunders are infiltrating the other organizations *which helps to explain why there is no outcast/ten thunders master*

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I really like the cheat sheet card for Mei Feng, and the potential that it sounds like she may have with Kaeris, and voted accordingly, but if any I might end up getting Lucas, assuming I like the actual figure and he seems like he'd be fun/effective to lead crews with.

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As much as I love minion misaki I really don't like the model they have of her as a master. The goofy over the head backwards kick just looks ridiculous. I may very well play her but I'll definitely substitute another model.

Lynch is interesting as mainly a neverborn player I'm intrigued, but..

..I've been branching out into arcanists slowly and the Rail crew is the one I'm most interested in. Mei looks very dynamic and bad-^%$ (whereas misaki looks dynamic and badly posed). I'm not sure all the combos she can apparently whip out will match my play style but I'm most likely going to give it a shot.

Yan Lo interests me, I'll be curious to read how he works and maybe proxy him. Ressers is another faction I'd like to start developing. He may or may not be a good place to start.

The guild guy holds no interest for me. No surprise, C Hoffman is the only guild master I'm interested in. Probably because he's the least guild like being essentially a transplant from arcanists.

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I have to think that using minion Misaki in place of master Misaki will be acceptable. She is the same character, after all.

The guild guy holds no interest for me. No surprise, C Hoffman is the only guild master I'm interested in. Probably because he's the least guild like being essentially a transplant from arcanists.

Well, just to throw it out there, McCabe is pretty literally a transplant from Ten Thunders. The description even says his gang is made up of "black sheep."

I'm not telling you to play him, but he might not be all that Guild-like. (I'm not sure what would qualify as "guild-like" though.)

Edited by NeuroFire
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I have to think that using minion Misaki in place of master Misaki will be acceptable. She is the same character, after all.

Totally agree....her original model was one of my first favorites. Although, in my opinion, the new Misaki is fantastic! I can't wait to get her. But to each his own....a lot of people like the new Perdita/Sonnia/Raspy....while I prefer the originals.

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Really, getting a Dragoon for Guild is awesome enough, but I'm insanely curious as to what this "customization" element is, and what Relics McCabe has access to. I note that each of the Masters mostly have a playstyle that is both somewhat familiar, and very unique. Mei Feng uses her crew as stepping stones, like Colette, but she's a melee fighter whose attacks move her through her crowd. Yan Lo might sound like another summoner, but Izamu's card hints that his Master will gain buffs from the deaths of his crew, and perhaps the ability to bring them back into play. Jakob Lynch sounds a little like a grow list, but with a totem that does the fighting.

Whatever the shape these Masters take, they sound like a lot of fun, as well as heralding some new concepts in Malifaux.

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Tough choice between Misaki and Mei Feng, but it had to go towards Mei. Love the idea of combos. Sort of feels like a video game, but on the tabletop!

Although to be honest, i'm not going for her crew, i'll wait for her individual model to come out.

Looking at all the rumours about the 10T so far, i guess i can have Mei as a Master, but leading the 10T (I.e. Borthers, archers, etc.)

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