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What does this game need?


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With a lot of Twisting Fates miniatures already at our disposal and a lot of games played since last GenCon a new book is most likely on it's way. So what will be in there and what does Malifaux need?

This question came up at my LGS and we started to discuss the topic. In the end it was clear for us.

A new master for every faction and additions to the current Special Forces.

I know that there has been speculations about the misterious special forces book but i think it would be vital for Malifaux to get some new masters. We've been playing the same masters for 2 years now and for me those were the most entertaining years in my wargaming history but always the same masters is getting old after a while.

So what do you guys expect or wish for book 4 and what do you think would be a good addition the flesh out the game in general.

I personally would love to see English Ivan and the washhouse crew

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I suppose more masters and minions will allow for more variation but I dont think thats the case for everyone. So many times on here I see people write, take this master and then this and this and this for most awesomeness (bit like kung fu panda langauge) and they probably dont get much variation. I like to take loads of different models and that gives me billions of combos. I wont win many games but its fun, I really couldnt imagine taking the same crews week in and week out...boring

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Honestly, I think that with a game like Malifaux, that wants to stick to skirmish size and avoid power creep, adding more and more models is a slippery slope (and one I'd likely support till it was too late).

That's not saying Wyrd should close up shop (ever), but it does call for something different. I'd love to see the move to user created content, with Mordheim kind of campaign rules (but 10x better) and kits that allowed you to create your own personal characters moving from the rather repetitive sculpts to more optional builds. I think that would really open doors to the kind of personal, intimate narrative play people expect from a game like this.

Just my thoughts as we get closer to the inevitable Panda Wars takeover.

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Also it would be graet if a grand Reset could be done... Malifaux 2.0 or so...

Please god no! Thats what completely alienated me from GW long ago. I think just possible re-releases of the books, including the completed errata, or a compendium type book with similarly updated info would be enough.

I would love to see some kind of campaign rules, which if they plan on making minions able to upgrade into henchmen etc then that could be involved with a campaign type system.

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Aside from Book 4, I think the game needs 3 things:

1. More strategies and schemes - C'mon how many times can we play stake a claim, body guard and grudge?

2. More Masters, Henchmen, minions and avatars - I think a master and 2 henchmen each faction... 2-3 minions and an alternative avatar for the current masters. But If I had to choose, more henchmen please.

3. A re-release compendium of the books. Perhaps a new updated mini rulebook (2012 version) and a complete book of fluff and models so far. I'd like to have the fluff and models in one book (I'm saving space.. an e-book would be nice) for easy reference.

I'll be happy if one of my wishlist happens... I'll be ecstatic if 2 of 3 happens... I'll be drooling if Wyrd gives us all 3!

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I'm not sure about extra Masters, even while that it would be great for the playerhood, but maybe not the best for the game.

What I really wanted to get is extra Special Forces: 1 Henchman for each Faction (maybe 2 Outcasts), 3 or 4 new models for them, 1-2 for the current Henchmen, and 1 extra Avatar for each Master.

I would not add any new Rules, but I fear something new will come. Maybe Strategies and Schemes, but I don't feel they are actually needed.

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I agree that more masters and minions is a slippery slope: because Malifaux's game-play is so different and some masters have such a completely inovative way of doing things, the sheer variety of individual rules makes it quite difficult to remember who does what in one's own crew, let alone the opponent's; I'd fear that too many variations, and too many options could be mind destroying (hell, when an avatar comes on the field, my brain is already smoking thinking about what that model was supposed to do!).

The safer option would be to release models with rules which aren't too different, allowing for easier assimilation and remembering, and also to keep faction balanced (ie all factions have more or less access to the same-ish stuff, yet still keeping some key differences), which I think is more or less what Wyrd has been doing so far.

Special forces and Henchmen upgrading of normal models? Why not, but CAMPAIGN yes!!! I'd love that campaign/story telling to come to the fore; could Mallifaux become one of the first to replace tournament scene with something more... original? Something more storytelling-ish somehow? Tournament campaign kinda thing? And ditch the ugly gaining ground time limit, to promote a more vibrant, richer tournament scene!


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hmm... a Malifaux themed animated movie... or short movie..

---------- Post added at 02:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

Will work for Hamelin, or as a counter to him?

Also, Malifaux needs more stories released, maybe more Chronicles?

And an RPG :)

+1 on more Chronicles... i loved those articles... Seamus vs. the Ortegas really set the pace for me.

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Malifaux is in no need for new masters, and I am sure there will be none in the book. What it need is some good campaign rules (how many times can you just play one off games?) more special forces (that alone almost gives the game new masters), and multi player rules. Why do game designer think all gaming groups have an even number of players at all times and that no gamer is ever going to want a big multi player bash? It is skirmish game for crying out loud, multi player rules are a given!

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In theory Special Forces could be used to add more models "safely" in that they could be used to make sure that unintended synergies are minimized (since you can't have models from two different special forces at the same time) but that would require very careful development that might not be possible.

Campaign rules might be good but experience and getting new skills for models as complex as are used in Malifaux sounds like a bad idea simply because remembering the differences an experienced model has compared to a normal one would be an immense hassle if there's several experienced models on the table at the same time. Also, balancing it would be an utter nightmare. Finally, I don't think that it fits the fluff all that well considering the uniqueness of many models.

So yeah, campaign rules would be welcome, but no experience system for individual models.

More and better balanced strategies and schemes would be my number one wish, however.

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