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Unlikely or Odd Kills/Deaths


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I Had Lord chompy bits appear in front of Raspy, face to face sort of thing, fail to hurt her with stones, then have her 0 action, and hit me with the 2 dg spell, down to 4hp left. She then punches me in the face, as cant cast any damage on me, down to 1WD. Then her essence activates, pokes me in the eye, i die, get replaced by the dreamer, dreamer gets poked and has spells cast on him next turn (essence again gets the final dmg on him) Then finally, my last model left in the game, Coppelius comes, and the same happens to him, raspy hits him down to 4 Wd, and Essence gets him dead, 3 turns, 23 WD down by an Essence of power and Rasputina in "mele" Not something I've done but had it done to me, was a shocking game:P

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I Had Lord chompy bits appear in front of Raspy, face to face sort of thing, fail to hurt her with stones, then have her 0 action, and hit me with the 2 dg spell, down to 4hp left. She then punches me in the face, as cant cast any damage on me, down to 1WD. Then her essence activates, pokes me in the eye, i die, get replaced by the dreamer, dreamer gets poked and has spells cast on him next turn (essence again gets the final dmg on him) Then finally, my last model left in the game, Coppelius comes, and the same happens to him, raspy hits him down to 4 Wd, and Essence gets him dead, 3 turns, 23 WD down by an Essence of power and Rasputina in "mele" Not something I've done but had it done to me, was a shocking game:P

Most memorable game of 2011 and I wasn't even playing.

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Yesterday I was playing Zoraida/Collodi against a friend with Colette.

Zoraida was up on very very high flat elevation, about 10 inches up. Colette was getting sick of Zoraida's Voodoo Doll harassing her Coryphees, but she didn't have any tough units with Flight. So she buried her own Manikin with Disappearing Act and then unburied it up next to Zoraida at the end of the round, then used Illusionist to switch places on her next turn so that she would be right up in Zoraida's grill and able to attack with Magician's Duel. It was clever way to get up there....

...but Zoraida just pushed her off the elevation with Repulsive (and spent a Soulstone to make it stick) and Colette plummeted down 10" to her death -- she tried Death Defying as a Slow to Die and failed.

My opponent politely resigned at that point.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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Last night we played Zoraida vs Hoffman. The Doppelganger ran up to grab the treasure and got pounced on by his mech rider and hoffman. it quickly became clear that she was not getting out of there alive but Copellius and a stitched were nearby so she copied the C's ability to do 4 Wds to anyone who kills him and then gambled her life (stitched) with Hoffman so he was in the unenviable situation of both outcomes sucking for him. She died a lot but did some major damage on the way out.

My favorite is probably playing Lilith vs Von Schill. A mature Neph pounced on Von Schill second turn and killed him outright, even getting the rip in half trigger off. Von Schill gets his slow to die and stabs the Neph in the head almost killing it right back.... which is damn impressive after you've been ripped in two.

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My oddest (and funniest) kill was with Some'r;

He killed one of Ramos Arachnids and discovered what really powers them (such a kind hearted man setting that poor piglet free).

My most unlikely (and second funniest) kill also involved Some'r;

He loaded up some extra gun powder in the old Boomer (rubbed the jackolope's foot on the barrel for some extra luck) and took a well aimed (focused) shot at Santiago Ortega intending to soften him up (reduce him to 1 Wd) for the coup de grace (pulling a Piglet out of his gaping chest). I had all the cards, Wds and AP to do it (8 Wds, 3 AP, 13 :rams for guaranteing Dumb Luck Trigger, 11 of :tomes for cheating Damage to Severe, 13 :Crows for Come and Get it Trigger, and 2 extra low cards to discard for the piglet), cheated in a 13 :rams to get the trigger and success (with only a :-fate modifier that was cancelled by the :+fate from focus), ready to cheat damage after the flip and the damn Red joker comes up laughing (this was the first activation sa had 48 cards in that deck), killing Some'r and Santiago walked away battered and bleeding but alive.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Funniest death, probably my 1st game of Malifaux. 4-way game, and I was running Somer (yes yes I know). Anyway, he'd gotten Lady J down to the dregs, almost killing himself in the process. So, with the game about to end, Somer runs in and swings at Lady J, hoping for the Dumb Luck trigger. It comes up, and he takes damage. For some reason (remind me, is she Slow to Die?) there was a healing flip..... and she gets the Red Joker, while Somer bites the dust.

It was funny in hindsight :)

Best kill was recently. I managed to get Turelio's Baby Kade into combat with Killjoy, and so the little darling teleported out and left his 100% healthy Teddy behind. A swing and a miss later and it was Killjoy's turn to hit. Hard to Wound and a bad combat flip meant he was at :-fate:-fate:-fate to wound... and up comes the Red Joker. Followed by a 12. 14 wounds and a cloud of stuffing later, no Teddy :D

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About a month ago I was playing Mcmourning vs Lilith. We had shared deliver a message. Lilith transpositioned my nurse with her terror tot to get in range for deliver a message. Lilith used brood mother on a mature nephilim so it could kill the nurse before it could deliver message...but the Lilith player forgot I had bete noir. So after nurse dies, up pops bets, delivers message and scores 4VP. Later that turn my bete noir gets killed and as her slow to die action attacks the mature nephilim triggering slit jugular with only one card left in the Lilith player's hand, instantly killing the mature nephilim and getting me 2VP for kill protege....that is 6VP scored by bete noir single handedly in one turn. Not exactly a weird death or kill, but an unlikely turn of events to be sure.

Edited by von Clausewitz
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I am recalling one of my earlier games where I still played with the Jackalope:


I sent Shikome after her prey, which was Johan, IIRC. Shikome comes in, wrecks the poor guy, damages Taelor a little bit. The Taelor activates and kills Shikome, pushing the Jackalope into base contact before she goes. Then I activate the Jack and charge Taelor (Jack's charges do +2 dg) and flipped a red joker. Nasty sharp pointy teeth, indeed.

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About a month ago I was playing Mcmourning vs Lilith. We had shared deliver a message. Lilith transpositioned my nurse with her terror tot to get in range for deliver a message. Lilith used brood mother on a mature nephilim so it could kill the nurse before it could deliver message...but the Lilith player forgot I had bete noir. So after nurse dies, up pops bets, delivers message and scores 4VP. Later that turn my bete noir gets killed and as her slow to die action attacks the mature nephilim triggering slit jugular with only one card left in the Lilith player's hand, instantly killing the mature nephilim and getting me 2VP for kill protege....that is 6VP scored by bete noir single handedly in one turn. Not exactly a weird death or kill, but an unlikely turn of events to be sure.

So the Lilith player had started the game with the Mature Nephilim instead of growing it? That sucks for Lilith. This scenario is one more example of why people should always account for Black Bettie and / or Killjoy. Yes, please transposition my widdle minion with yours, oh-so-close to your master and your protegee or other objective I'm after.

Speaking of Mature Nephilim, it's not an altogether unlikely kill, but it certainly took my gf by surprise and ticked her off: Turn 2 I popped up Chompy in charge range with a Mature, charged in, and one-shotted it, flipping red joker and severe for the kill, after she'd worked so hard growing that Tot into a Mature in the first place.

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Had Dead Justice move in on Rasputina but with only a couple of wounds left at the end of one turn, lost initiative and she got charged by an angry Ice Golem and then thanks to Riposte and a red joker on the damage i managed to 1-shot the Golem into oblivion, spent my last soulstone on damage prevention for the resulting explosion, keeping J on 1w to then activate and carve Rasputina up

Was all in all an incredibly close game but that moment stuck in my mind

Edited by Stonedog-7
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Sam being blown up by a Wychling stalker is the best I can manage I was covering a flank with a skirmish line of stalkers backed up buy Sams traps when a nearby got Wychling charged by and shredded by canine remains & I forgot the resultant blast was 2" from the base edge.& that Sam had been shot a bit earlier.

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I find myself recalling another time when I was playing Marcus v. Dreamer, who was sporting a Teddy. Don't remember the circumstances too well, but Marcus was able to get 3 attacks off, because... he does that occasionally, especially against chars that rush in. And I was flipping so many negatives for I don't remember what reason, but I was able to get the Red Joker on one of the attack flips and cut the Teddy down a bit...

Then I shuffled my deck and did my last strike to reveal the Red Joker again! Teddy died that very activation from wounds suffered :D

Edit: I remember why I was taking so many negatives. There was a special feature where all melee strikes and spells were at a -flip (which I was able to cancel with Wild Heart), coupled with Teddy's htw2... but it worked out in the end.

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Not kills deaths just odd card things:

One attack i flipped an ace to hit. He flipped an ace to defend. That left me winning. I cheated a third ace in order to get the trigger I wanted. Must be the only time I've cheated an ace when I wasn't trying to lose.

In one game of Marcus vs Vik we had two cool events. I tried to shapeshift with myranda when I didn't have the cards in my hand to cheat it. It's a hard Ca but she made it. Later that turn One vik tried to promote a ronin into being her new BFF sister (which requires a 13 of I think one particular suit). he didn't have this in his hand either but pulled it off the top of the deck. The fates were rewarding major gambles that day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a fun kill the other day with Sonnia versus Rasputina:

I decided to bring along the Executioner to round out my forces, but there were two or three times I'd mentioned that I should have brought the Judge or another model in its place. Then turn 3 or so, I had him jump off a ledge, suffer 4 dmg from the fall flip, swing on 'Tina & decapitate her, with just an ace! [With paired weapons, both my flips were aces, so I picked the crow for the decapitate trigger.] My opponent flipped a 2 on defense, tying with me, and only had one card in hand and no soulstones, so off with her head!

Oh, and, adding insult to injury, thanks to his ability "Love my job," he healed up all wounds he'd just taken from falling.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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