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Hey all,

This is inspired by an oooooooooold thread over on the PP forums, where people discussed who should play who in a Warmachine movie (off the record: time has vindicated my suggestion of Christian Bale playing Prince Vladimir Tsepeci. Having said that, there's probably a lot of people on the Bat-Vlad wagon now, so may not be a great thing).

So, I would love to see what people think here :) let's expand on it a bit: who you would like to see playing who, and if possible, which story line you'd like to see focused on.

Here's my suggestions:


I like the Malifaux story, but it would either have to be done as a TV serial or HEAVILY cropped for film. As such, I'm gonna say let's just focus on a few Master origins for the Guild, with some hints at the bigger line. The Wyrd Chronicles stuff is probably best.


Perdita: Penelope Cruz. No question.

Francisco: Danny Trejo. No question.

Lady Justice: Christina Hendricks. Again no question, although it'd be a shame to cover those beautiful eyes. Alternatively, Scarlett Johanssen from Iron Man.

Lucius Matheson: Hugh Laurie. I'm having extreme Blackadder flashbacks here. Combine that with a dash of House... DAMN.

Som'er Teeth Jones: Danni DeVito. See Batman Returns. Alternatively, Ron Jeremy (just.... stay with me people).

Mortimer: As per Som'er.

Nicodem: Christopher Lee. Beard optional, but would be awesome. Out of character, but BADASS.

Seamus: Hard to say for me. Originally I would have gone with Sir Anthony Hopkins, as I read the V1 rulebook with Hannibal Lecter's voice playing Seamus, but from Rising Powers onwards I heard Brad Pitt's Mickey the Pikey (no thanks to my regular gaming buddy Turelio). So really it's up for grabs. The costume is either green or periwinkle blue.

McMourning: Jackie Earl Haley. See Twisting Fates as to why.

Rasputina: Izabella Scorupco (Natalya from GoldenEye). I can see her having fun with this, plus that Russian accent is hot.

Marcus: Pre-Twisting Fates, Danny Glover. Not sure who would play younger, buffer Marcus. Maybe Old Spice Guy ("Hello beasts, I am the man you wish your master would smell like.")

Miranda: Paris Hilton YES REALLY. Not sure why, but I can see her rocking this role. I blame Repo.

Anyway that's me out of ideas... anyone else have any suggestions?



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Oooh, that's a gooood choice for Kirai. I'd originally pictured Ziyi Zhang due to Memoirs of a Geisha, but your choice works for me.

Also, came up with a Colette option: Carla Gugino. Mostly due to Sucker Punch. On that subject, does anyone have any suggestions for Cassandra? From pure swordwork I want to say Emily Browning (same movie) but I can see an argument for most contemporary ice skaters or gymnasts.

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Colette is a difficult one, I'm scratching my head over her. Cassandra's a tough one too though, but then the Showgirls wouldn't be that easy to cast. However, Katie Cassidy (Nightmare on Elm Street, Taken, Supernatural, etc.) might make a good Cassandra. With Colette I just had Erica Durance just pop in my head, not sure how that would work out though, lol.

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Can't say I agree with many of these choices.... apart from Christina Hendricks, perhaps.

Paris Hilton, seriously? And it's Myranda..

Kirai needs to be younger looking, vulnerable, weak and preferably Korean =] I see either Kim Ok-bin from Thirst:


Or Lim Su-jeong from A Tale of Two Sisters and I'm a Cyborg, But That's Ok:


Colette needs radiate innocent virility and adult cheekiness, she's young and wide eyed, but she's not as innocent as she appears. Audrey Tautou is heading in the right direction, but still isn't right.

For Marcus I was immediatley drawn to Idris Elba from The Wire (also Thor and Luther), but then thought against it. I then had a brainwave and without wandering too far from The Wire decided Peter Clarkes would be best, he's got that aged look and those fortunate enough to see him as Lestor Freamon in the Wire are aware of his almost professorial charisma - though he would have to work out =]


For Seamus I was also drawn to The Wire's Dominic West, but then realised I was just obsessing about The Wire again and stopped there.

If I were to ever make a Malifaux film (fingers crossed), I would go for a mostly unknown cast, even if I had the resources to cast anyone I want.

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i would have

mortimer-bob hoskins

kirai- lucy lou

Colette-natalie portman

seamus-andy serkis (he looks so much like seamus)

nicodem-christopher lee

perdita-salma hayek

hoffman-patrick stuart

sonnia-kiera knightly

Huh... straight up did NOT picture Bob Hoskins in that role. In hindsight, nobody would do this better :D and the Christopher Lee/Bob Hoskins duo would rock the screen something fierce... I like it!

That's pretty much as far as I agree with you though. To me, Lucy Liu's too old for Kirai, but would be a rockin' Misaki. And if anything I can't imagine Natalie Portman being old enough to play Colette (who I picture as a more mature woman; say early 30's. Think MILF here people; still young enough to rock your world and old enough to know it). She might work as Cassandra however.

Patrick Stuart... funny thing. Turelio suggested to me that he'd actually make a good Ramos, with James McAvoy playing Hoffman. I like it; a younger & older side of the same steampunk coin, and nicely throwing back to X-Men.

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Lady Justice - Uma Thurman

Perdita - Jordana Brewster

Sonia Criid - Miranda Otto

C. Hoffman - James McAvoy

Doctor McMourning - Simon Pegg

Nicodem - Christopher Lee

Seamus - Johnny Depp

Kirai - Ziyi Zhang

Marcus - Denzel Washington

Ramos - Patrick Stewart

Rasputina - January Jones

Collette - Natalie Portman

Pandora - Mia Wasikowska

Lilith - Angelina Jolie

Zoraida - Helena Bonham Carter

The Dreamer - Isaac Hempstead-Wright

Leveticus - Tobin Bell

Viktorias - Abbie Cornish

So'mer Teeth Jones - Jonah Hill

Haemlin - Billy-Bob Thornton


Lucius - Hugo Weaving

Molly - Maggie Gyllenhaal

Kaeris -

Collodi - Andy Serkis

Ophelia - Ellen Page

Von Schill -

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We had this thread a few years ago, I'd trying to remember.... (could always search but, meh). Anyway, these are my thoughts....

Perdita - Salma Hayek (Penelope Cruz!? Really!?)

Lady J - Christina Hendricks (gargle.....)

Sonnia - Sigourney Weaver (although she may be a bit aged now...) Helena Bonham-Carter?

Hoffman - ???????

Lucius - Hugh Laurie (Genius casting there OP!)

Seamus - Sam Rockwell

McMourning - Sam Rockwell or David Tennant

Nicodem - Christopher Lee

Kairai - ????????

Molly - If only Zoey Deschanel could act.... plenty of hot young things to fill Molly's role though.

Ramos - Gary Oldman

'Tina - I think Amy Acker would be great, she can do ice-cold no bother (Illyria in Angel S5)

Marcus - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Collette - Alison Brie, because she should always dress like Collette! Also, she does 'cheeky' very well.

Kaeris - ???????

Lilith - Christina Hendricks

Pandora - ?????

Zoraida - ??????

Dreamer - ??????????

Collodi - Andy Serkis

Viks - Amanda Seifried

Som'er - Andy Serkis (CGI)

Levi - Christopher Lee

Hamelin - ?????

Von Schill - ?????

There should be absolutely no sign of Johnny Depp or Tim Burton anywhere near it.

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Lots of interesting replies on here, glad to see it's taken off as well as it has :) didn't know about this thread a few years ago though.... if anyone finds it we should probably add a link.

I find it interesting that pretty much everyone agrees on Christopher Lee as Nicodem :) and that everyone disagrees on Perdita (what can I say, I still see her as the book 1 & 2 young & spunky Master, not the book 3 hot but grizzled vet Master). The rest... always fun to see who comes up with who, and I'm enjoying the wide variety of people eligible to play Marcus.

Anyway, just had an idea for Old Man Levi... Peter Cushing. Not sure why, but that lean craggy face screams Levi to me. Yes, aware that he's no longer of this mortal coil, but we have CGI for that.

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Yeah we had this thread a while back....and i think i suggested KAte Winslet for Lady Justice....but then i have a thing for Kate Winslet!

Sonnia Criid: KAte Beckinsale

C Hoffman: Patrick Stewart

Seamus: Dominic West

PAndora: Megan Fox

Lilith: Christina Hendricks

The Viks: Hayley & Hilary Duff (lol)

Edited by Absolution Black
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Since Colette is fuller figured, I can't see Portman as her. However, Itjhink Alison Brie could actually work as her! What people need to remember about Colette though is she is not as young or as niave as she makes herself out to be, she'd actually be nearing 30, she just has a wide eyed mysticism about her for anything she likes and thinks should be hers. She is also very intelligent, cunning and will play her cards very close to her chest.

Zoraida - Michelle Pfeiffer (just look at Stardust to see how well this would work!).

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Hugh Laurie as Lucius? Really? Nobody thinks he'd be better cast as Leveticus?

It's this attitude....


.... Combined with this costume...


... That locks it for me :)

Levi could work, but I don't like the idea of artificially ageing him for the role. Peter Cushing would've been a lock, but he's shuffled off to wherever it is good actors go (appropriate for Levi, but no). Ian McKellen maybe?

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I'm sure I mentioned this to Borzag ages ago, but Hugh Laurie needs to be the Gremlin Taxidermist. Specifically so that he can be called 'Greasy greasy spot spot'.

(Seriously, go watch his last scene before the credits in the final episode of Blackadder 2. It's the hair...)

Also, personally I'd be barracking for Zooey Deschanel to play Collette. But then again, I think she's dreamy... :love:

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  • 6 months later...
It's this attitude....


.... Combined with this costume...


... That locks it for me :)

Levi could work, but I don't like the idea of artificially ageing him for the role. Peter Cushing would've been a lock, but he's shuffled off to wherever it is good actors go (appropriate for Levi, but no). Ian McKellen maybe?

Dude, the costumed Hugh Laurie made me laugh... thanks!

So I guess the Governor General would be played by Stephen Fry? LOL

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ----------

Som'er should be Steve Buscemi, cg'd to be a bit more gremlin like.


I can already hear Buscemi aying Som-er here.. Some-er there...LOL

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