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Does anyone use these models?


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There are a few models that I have wanted to try out but can't seem to find a place for. Does anyone use these models?

  • The Forgotten Marshal
  • Hayreddin (I actually have used this one a few times but he's hit or miss)
  • Gravedigger
  • Jaakuna Ubume
  • Draugr
  • Sloth
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The Forgotten Marshal: I have tried him several times in GG17. He's not terrible, but not impressive either. I have no opinion on him to be honest. Should play him more.

Hayreddin: for 6ss he's pretty good and I use him more often than previously (but not very often). Mainly with Yan Lo (for free Vitality on turn one) and Reva (I like to pair him with Bete Noir to make her average damage spread better).

Jaakuna Ubume: has potential, but she's too weak for current standards. Needs a buff.

Sloth seems too expensive for what he does. I have the model, but never actually hired him. Draugr are simply meh. I have no opinion on Gravedigger, except that their sculpts are amazing.

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Heyreddin's the only one of those I've had a significant time with. Due to his high stats and mobility he makes a good flanker and at 6SS its a bit more forgivable when he falls. I haven't had much luck getting a lot out of Vitality since the moment he can farm the most from it is usually the point when my opponent has the most opportunities to get rid of that annoying plus flip on damage. He doesn't make it into every list, usually only when I dont have to worry about his death costing me VP.

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3 hours ago, bimpi said:

Hayreddin with Seamus and his 0.50 flinlock is amazing :)


I have tried him in a Seamus list because he and a lot of the models I take with him have a jump of 2 damage between weak and moderate (and two more with his gun). The main problem is that my opponent often gets just as much use out of Heyreddin's aura as I do, especially against crews with a lot of forced movement (i.e. neverborn). I've used him as a scheme runner or scheme interceptor, but then I feel I don't get enough out of his plus flips to damage. 

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I think Jaakuna is a good pick in Ours. 

Give her unnerving aura and position her near the centre but still scoring. Use her lure to pull a decent enemy model into the non scoring zone, she’s pretty good at keeping them there while they slowly disintegrate.

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Have used hayreddin a few times, mostly as a medium flanker. Outside of a bit of yan lo T1 jank, i find his speed and damage output to cost ratio is what I want him for. At 6ss he is well costed.

Jaakuna ubume sees a reasonable amount of play, again almost exclusively with yan lo. Molly and McM usually play too aggressive and have better crew synergies. Lure is an amazing ability all crews should have, but I normally want jaakuna for the hazardous terrain. The ability to heal her and give her armour can occasionally be fun. Easy transfer of AP due to being spirit is situationally useful. I have yet to deny sanzu effectively, but it could be useful one day.

Marshal has been hired mostly because I like the cut of his jib more than for any strategic reason. He is decent in certain schemes like vendetta or the above mentioned surround them. The summon on death has actually saved the game for me before.

Not used the others, draugr seem most disappointing on paper. Faced sloth once or twice ages ago when the seven were released, he was an okay area denier. Grave digger looks quite good to me, anything that positions/protects corpse markers should not be sniffed at in resurrs.

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I've found Hayreddin to be one of the most underrated and underused models in the faction since the points adjustment.

At 6SS, his stones to hard stats (def 7, wk6, flight and that gun...) ratio is already a solid value even if you ignore the more difficult prospects of properly using his vitality points and proper aura positioning. You could safely ignore that stuff and play him as a scheme runner/scheme runner hunter and he's perfectly worth it.

Once you figure out how to leverage the rest of his card, he gets pretty strong. Your money ability on the vitality track is the 2 point 6 inch place. Every so often you live the reactivate dream, but that's not what you should be shooting for (the heal is sometimes nice, but he tends to die all at once, so you won't get as much out of it as it seems). Raising his vitality to 2 is pretty much a cinch with masters like McM, Nico, Kirai and Yan Lo that tend to hurt their own crews (or themselves). Just don't run him too far ahead round one and activate one of the self-harming models before him turn 2 and you can send him on his merry way with 2 easy vit on his second activation of the game. Anything after that is gravy.

His aura can be used to buff the rest of your crew, but I think that's where folks run into trouble with it. He's squishy and it can be a double edged sword, so in the thick of things is not where he wants to be. However, landing within 4 inches of something and taking advantage of the aura buff on your own shotgun shots is where its at. Move + Place within 4" (or vice versa) + shoot + slug trigger is his bread and butter and will one shot most scheme runners or finish off something big that the rest of your crew softened up very reliably. If he survives until later in the game and isn't preoccupied with schemey stuff, then you can think about bringing him into the main fray.

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On 5/30/2018 at 10:27 PM, McSkip said:

Whats the synergy between molly and grave digger? I dont get it

Because Molly needs a million cards and generates a million corpse markers, so you sit the digger near the centre and have it pick up all the corpses.

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19 hours ago, esqulax said:

I have played against Hayreddin a few times after his buff, and I feel like he is just generally good now for 6ss. 

I agree that Hayreddin is a bargain at 6 stones, but the problem I always run into is what to drop from my crews to put him in. He doesn't have any particular synergies with anyone and he often displaces important support models.

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1 minute ago, spydr261 said:

He doesn't have any particular synergies with anyone and he often displaces important support models.

The former is true (maybe with the exception of Yan Lo), but the latter is something which has more to do with your attitude and game habits than with Hayreddin himself. Ask yourself: do I have to play the same support pieces every game? I know it's hard to leave that Doxy/Belle/Nurse/Chiaki/whatever you think of on the shelf, but sometimes what you at first consider a suboptimal list turns out to be less (or not at all) suboptimal once you get used to it. I can't help but think about a friend of mine from Krakowball team who forgot to take his Carrion Emissary with him and played without it at ITC this year, yet he won every or almost every game, despite that for Reva, a master he played, Emissary is considered by many (if not all) to be indispensable.

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On 6/2/2018 at 6:19 PM, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

The former is true (maybe with the exception of Yan Lo), but the latter is something which has more to do with your attitude and game habits than with Hayreddin himself. Ask yourself: do I have to play the same support pieces every game? I know it's hard to leave that Doxy/Belle/Nurse/Chiaki/whatever you think of on the shelf, but sometimes what you at first consider a suboptimal list turns out to be less (or not at all) suboptimal once you get used to it. I can't help but think about a friend of mine from Krakowball team who forgot to take his Carrion Emissary with him and played without it at ITC this year, yet he won every or almost every game, despite that for Reva, a master he played, Emissary is considered by many (if not all) to be indispensable.

Oh that's interesting :) I must say, that I never can find a place FOR Emissary in Reva crew ))) is there any ressers reports or at least rosters from ITC? I see some nice topics in other factions forums... Haven't your friend thought about making some kind of report?

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36 minutes ago, Sagrit said:

Oh that's interesting :) I must say, that I never can find a place FOR Emissary in Reva crew ))) is there any ressers reports or at least rosters from ITC? I see some nice topics in other factions forums... Haven't your friend thought about making some kind of report?

No, I don't think so. It's too time consuming I'm afraid.

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