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Will o' Wisp and Zoraida - Looking for confirmation


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2 minutes ago, Bodiless said:

Another bonus for Zoraida lists, or rather Eternal Bad Juju, is that they are cheap and annoying and swampfiends. People will definitely try to kill them.

Awesome :)

So if I assume 3ss, I can do:

Mama Z

Juju, Eternal Fiend, Hexed Among You

Spawn Mother



2 Waldgeists

2 Wisps

If that all works, it's a helluva cool list, and actually has game! Animal Shape/Tarot Reading would be good options based on schemes.

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5 minutes ago, Joel said:

Wisp+sorrow could be good too, they can copy the paralyse action and use it for 1ap...

Interesting. Going the Pandora crew route, they could also copy Paranormal Activity off the Poltergeist. 

Edit: Where's Teddy? would also fit into a general WP attack crew...

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6 minutes ago, feagaur said:

are they melee enough to copy flurry? or the flurry cast thing.

There are just so many options I'm salivating!!

Not really. If you had something with crummy defenses you just needed to plink to death I guess you could. Oh, and it is tactical only, so the paralyze on the sorrow is actually a no go. Alas! 

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Really pleased Zoraida got a bit of a boost, id like her to have a useful zero action as well though. We shall see. She has 3 main abilities, doll, obay and bewitch. And the first two don't work on masters. (id like a trigger or stone requirements on her obay to allow it to target masters,  but that's just me). I hope there is something to help with these two shortfalls too., just to give me a little more to do with her. Let's wait and see. She's still my favourite tho. 

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I'm not a huge fan of Zoraida anymore, but the last time I used her effectively, I hired my crew to do what I needed, and she just bewitched enemies, so my crew had any card they needed.  Moving away from a themed crew for her is the way to go.  Obey on a friendly is useful sometimes, but I don't see my crew needing many more AP to justify doing that instead of getting cards.

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7 hours ago, iamthefly said:

She also had a problem in that and model with condition removal  just completely negates her. So a 4ss Witchling Stalker can just remove hem or  bewitch or burning etc and make it like Zoraida never showed up. Is a bit stupid now I think about it. 

They're 5 ss, huuuge difference ;) 

Most lists don't feature more than a single stalker and they go down easily so it shouldn't be a huge problem to prioritize killing it. Apart from that their dispel requires a specific suit so they don't really remove conditions automatically. In a pinch you could even put a 50mm model between the stalker and the conditionee so they don't see each other ;) 

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12 minutes ago, Twg said:

The wisp can now copy her egg laying action so extra eggs. Apart from that......no.

I don't have the book, but as far as I know, they can only copy her (2) Tactical Action, Nesting Pool, the action which summons Gupps, not Ley Eggs action, a (0) Tactical Action, which places Egg Markers.

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15 minutes ago, Twg said:

Damnit! That sucks!

It seems like a huge boost for her summoning to me. Without Wisps she has to do her (0) to place a marker and then do her (2) on a following turn as it can't done if she has taken the Lay Egg action on the same turn. Meaning you can either get a Gupp every other turn or several Gupps late in the game when they wont have time to do much.

With a Wisp she can do her (0) Lay Egg every turn (she doesn't have any other (0) is it's basically free) and do whatever with her other AP while the Wisp follow her around and do Nesting Pool every turn (since the Wisp hasn't taken the Lay Egg action). Giving you a Gupp every turn (at least until the opponent feels forced to kill your Wisps :P).

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