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Beacon of Knowledge Box - Somewhat Baseless Wondering


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14 minutes ago, Krosanreaper said:

That's one thing they don't go into mostly just saying that they are a little better than the other gamin so Sandeep has one more option than 4pt dudes and the 8pt Banasuva.

They mention a few of the gamin upgrades Sandeep gives out and I've seen them elsewhere. There are three "Commands" and three "Visions"


Commands in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / +1Rg :melee, +3Rg :ranged

Commands in Fire - Model may not cheat fate / Model is immune to slow

Commands in Wind - Model may not attack / Other models in :aura3 get :+fate to attacks


Visions in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / Constant Yammering :aura6 like on Zipp's card

Visions in Fire - Model may not cheat fate / May interact while engaged

Visions in Wind - Model may not attack / May interact the turn it is summoned

I like  that mix.

Its basically "schemes or kill"

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Ya the only thing that wasn't too clear is if Banasuva also needs to attach one of those upgrades, I sounded like it does. and those are some big drawbacks. I'm hoping that Banasuva is also a minion, witch is never mentioned, so he can take Sandeep's placement action and still move if he take one of the Earth upgrades.

For the record this is the stats for our big flaming friend as per that podcast


Df Wp Wd Wk Cg Ht

5   4    8    5    7   3


Flaming Demise, Melee Expert

This model may not be hired. When this model is summoned sacrifice it unless another friendly gamin within 2 takes two damage that may not be reduced, then sacrifice all other friendly totems

ATTACK ACTIONS________________

(1) The Thousand Arms of Justice (MI 6 / Rst: DF / Rg: :melee2): Target suffers 3/4/5

   "With a couple of useful damaging triggers"

TACTICAL ACTIONS______________

(1) Toss: Like the Ice Golem

(0) target a friendly gamin within 8, select an ability or action printed on the target's car that this model does not already have. This model gains the chosen action or ability until the end of turn

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I think you'll have to plan ahead to summon banasyva, what do you want from him, and pick the down side that fits that job. Not cheating is the most versatile, but quite harsh. He doesn't want the not able to attack. If you're holding an area then not moving can be fine. But you need to get his placing right.  

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2 hours ago, retnab said:

That's a lot of cool stuff, thanks for sharing! I assume then that the Commands and Visions are separated across the two Limited upgrades? How are his other upgrades, the Academic one and the one nobody's mentioned?  And how about Kudra?


Yes the upgrades are split three per limited. They don't talk about the other upgrades or Kudra but I'm keeping a lookout for more info.

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21 hours ago, floso said:

Hmm I hope banasuva doesn't have to take an upgrade. Are there any models except hans that can remove upgrades that arcanists can hire?

well if you summon him t he same rules apply to him as other gamin minions so will need an upgrade. summon him into melee with the no move but extended range one, or go with the no cheat but immune to slow.

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2 hours ago, Kobayashi said:

Now I wonder, was the box painted and based, if yes, than people seem to have too much time at GenCon. TOO MUCH TIME!

Too much time to tell us what's in the new book so far at least :P we need details, still too many unknowns!

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No one has answered the critical question:  How well was Sandeep painted? 

I know last year, I tried buying and assembling stuff at Gen Con, I barely got to "assemble and prime the models".  Buying the box, painting it, and then placing second is like the Malifaux triathalon.  :)

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4 hours ago, solkan said:

No one has answered the critical question:  How well was Sandeep painted? 

Poorly. I didn't have all the paints I needed and I had very little time between tournaments and volunteer shifts to get it taken care of. On top of that, on my best day I am a slow painter who hits tabletop quality with three hours per model painted. It's taken me five years to be able to manage this amazing level of mastery.

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On 06/08/2016 at 4:50 AM, Krosanreaper said:

Commands in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / +1Rg :melee, +3Rg :ranged

Visions in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / Constant Yammering :aura6 like on Zipp's card

So they could still use Sandeep's The Path of Salvation since a place is not a move?

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6 hours ago, Bengt said:

So they could still use Sandeep's The Path of Salvation since a place is not a move?

Yes. It's pretty essential.

6 hours ago, Bengt said:

Another thing about the summon upgrades, do the Gamin/Banasuva die/sac if Hans were to shoot it off?

No. Discussed this with Justin before I played him.


14 hours ago, katadder said:

well if you summon him t he same rules apply to him as other gamin minions so will need an upgrade. summon him into melee with the no move but extended range one, or go with the no cheat but immune to slow.

Yeah, he needs to take an upgrade. I used fire  most frequently, especially if I could have the buff summon nearby. I didn't get much work out of him with the scheme upgrades. Without the positive he was spending a lot of time just sitting there eating up attacks. He's relatively ignorable in that mode and you could likely save trouble and cards by summoning a normal instead 

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8 hours ago, Fog said:

Poorly. I didn't have all the paints I needed and I had very little time between tournaments and volunteer shifts to get it taken care of. On top of that, on my best day I am a slow painter who hits tabletop quality with three hours per model painted. It's taken me five years to be able to manage this amazing level of mastery.

I know you're being humble about the paint job, but from this side I'm seeing that it was even more impressive than previously related.  Because it wasn't just a tri-athalon, it was a pentathlon--assemble, paint, tournament, volunteer and shop. :huh:

Congratulations on doing so well.  :)

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3 hours ago, solkan said:

I know you're being humble about the paint job, but from this side I'm seeing that it was even more impressive than previously related.  Because it wasn't just a tri-athalon, it was a pentathlon--assemble, paint, tournament, volunteer and shop. :huh:

Congratulations on doing so well.  :)

He did the same thing last year with the Ulix box too (although he didn't take it into the final tournament). @Fog is going to need a intervention one of these years

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58 minutes ago, harlequeen said:

He did the same thing last year with the Ulix box too (although he didn't take it into the final tournament). @Fog is going to need a intervention one of these years

It's becoming a tradition.

3 hours ago, retnab said:

Actually that raises a question I haven't seen answered so far, what are the details on his summoning spell (range, TN, triggers, etc)?

You're looking at needing 4+ cost and a mask. Normal summoning range. No triggers.

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