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Metal Gamin Errata - 6 months later


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So it's been over half a year since the metal gamin got it's errata. I'm thinking some people have had enough time to figure out where the little guy stands compared to where they were before. Do you notice the change from how it used to perform? Is it still a solid model, worthy of it's 4ss price tag? Is it still the #1 consideration for mech rider's summon?

So for me personally, I didn't find the change had a huge impact on how I played the metal gamin and I still find myself hiring it from time to time. The loss of H2K seemed somewhat needless as I don't really think it was every an issue for the metal gamin, but at the same time I hardly notice the loss since it usually only ever takes a single point of damage anyway. I was aware of the whole protection of metal on itself loophole, but I never used it on the gamin. I often found better targets to protect rather than themselves anyway. 

I still find the metal gamin to be decent, but I will admit I find its purpose to be a little more allusive than the other gamin models. Specifically I find it's protection of metal ability to be frustratingly and needlessly difficult to use. I really wish it functioned more like the Guardian from guild with it's "protect" ability. On anything other than a static shooting model, I just find it way too difficult to stay within it's bubble. As a bodyguard, I think it's really lacking, but as a cheap tank, it does a decent enough job.

So what are other peoples thoughts since the glory days of the pre-errata'd metal gamin?

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Personally I am occasionally fielding one now as opposed to almost always one and sometimes two. I am taking Railworkers more often as a cheaper durable minion.

I do look at the Effigy first though when I have 4ss I want to spend

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Before the errata, I felt like I had to take at least one Metal Gamin just to be competitive, even though the little critters rarely did anything of note. Since the errata, I haven't felt pressured to use them, and I've found other models to take that 4ss slot and earn their stones.

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Havent used them since the errata. their damage output is minimal, hardly any more survivable than other gamin. would rather have fire or ice that have ranged attacks, ok damage and even explode when they die.

basically the errata neutered any use they may have for their points. maybe a 3pt model now?

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I've used them more since the errata than I did before. Lifes funny like that. They performed almost exactly the same for what I use them for, and so the errata made no difference to me except I have to remember my card is out of date. (honestly the only difference is that I think once one died when it would have been saved by hard to kill)

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I fail to see a significant difference, even when summoned. Unless something with min damage 4 hits it (and if it does - you've done well because that's something else that isn't being hit by min damage 4), it still takes two hits to take it out. But then I don't think the Mechanical rider is that good, and neither are metal gamin. They're both OK, but more often than not I don't have the stones left over to hire them.


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I haven't used soulstones for any, but I've summoned them off my Mech Rider in a handful of games, mostly vs my opponent who likes using Collodi for the long range Magnetism shots.  Coming out at 2 wounds and Armor 2 is pretty nice too, makes people put in a real effort to get rid of them.

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6 month and still missing H2K. I want to use them for Mei Feng as a mobile Railwalk points who stand their ground, but the poor survivablity since the errata makes them only an expensive scrap marker. PoM was never important to me, but for effective using the bubble is a pretty small one, a simple lure will finish it off, so 5" range would be more fair than the 3" now, but as said i didn`t really care about this.

So give back H2K!!!!

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Yeah I think I would have rather it be "last until the end of the turn" and have to re-cast it it every turn instead of having it always up, but never allowing anyone to move outside of 3" of the gamin. I rarely have a use for it's AP as is anyway.

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With Porkchop coming out within a month, getting scrap down for railwalk will be pretty much child's play, making these things even less relevant.  Maybe keep one around for protecting Kang, but that's it.  And with the Mechanical Rider, I'd much rather be summoning Fire Gamin.  At least when they inevitably die you get burning out of it.

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decker, actually nothing, this tactical option is deleted from the game. Maybe Ice Gamins would be nice, cause they hurt MI attackers, but they aren`t as resilent as Metal Gamins has been before the removing of H2K. But they aren`t Foundries, so no in theme units.

It`s an subjective impression, but it looks like some other faction have more powerful units on this level, and those are still untouched (e.g. compare a Rotten Belle to a Railworker). 6 month passed and my opinion wasn`t changed by anything i`ve seen or heard.

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3 hours ago, Hunt.er said:

decker, actually nothing, this tactical option is deleted from the game. Maybe Ice Gamins would be nice, cause they hurt MI attackers, but they aren`t as resilent as Metal Gamins has been before the removing of H2K. But they aren`t Foundries, so no in theme units.

It`s an subjective impression, but it looks like some other faction have more powerful units on this level, and those are still untouched (e.g. compare a Rotten Belle to a Railworker). 6 month passed and my opinion wasn`t changed by anything i`ve seen or heard.

or compare a depleted to a metal gamin. ok insignificant but they work for a few schemes/strats and are 8 wounds, HtW, HtK, explodey death for same SS.

as corner case as metal gamin now are maybe but also alot tougher

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31 minutes ago, katadder said:

or compare a depleted to a metal gamin. ok insignificant but they work for a few schemes/strats and are 8 wounds, HtW, HtK, explodey death for same SS.

as corner case as metal gamin now are maybe but also alot tougher

To be fair here though Depleted are Df3 base, meaning pretty much everything and anything can hit them.  Even Bayou gremlins will not have a hard time.  They also have a Charge of 5" making them have little threat unless something else spreads Brilliance for them to push towards.

I still use Metal Gamin from time to time but not as often and not as often taking two.  They have still been cheaper tough models to throw into control points like Turf war and can surprise someone in those cases with how much damage they can wrack up if they do have their Protection up and start hitting with their headbutt.  But yes, they are not quite the obvious low ss pick anymore.

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I never used them before, so I can't compare. They are ok support models I've found. This past weekend I used them in a Ramos crew with Guard the Stash as the Strategy. Since this was a "hold your ground" type game, I felt comfortable using them since I wouldn't be moving around a lot and could use the boost. I had one with Joss on one marker and two with Howard on the other.

I can't say there was ever a point that the extre defense mattered, but I wasn't keeping track either. I just don't recall a point thinking that I was saved by margin of one.

What did come in handy was Magnetism. I had Exhaust Their Forces as a scheme, and getting a 0 AP 6" push was crucial. I could magnetise to a spider (expendable) and still have 2 AP left to Exhaust an activated enemy nearby.

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I play them off-and-on. Every single time I find myself really wishing they still had Hard to Kill. I know it's mostly luck, but they never end up on one wound. Either they get one-shot for six damage, or they take four damage with two wounds or (surprise surprise) my opponent brings anti-armor when I declare Arcanists and the gamin is pretty easily smushed. Yeah I'm still bitter about the errata, but I know my experience is probably not the norm.

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18 hours ago, Kaiser Senpai said:

I play them off-and-on. Every single time I find myself really wishing they still had Hard to Kill. I know it's mostly luck, but they never end up on one wound. Either they get one-shot for six damage, or they take four damage with two wounds or (surprise surprise) my opponent brings anti-armor when I declare Arcanists and the gamin is pretty easily smushed. Yeah I'm still bitter about the errata, but I know my experience is probably not the norm.

Time to start taking lists that don't rely on armour!

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8 hours ago, Kaiser Senpai said:

I'm confused by this. Could you reiterate?

You have all your opponents bringing anti armour because you declare Arcanist. If you declare Arcanist, and don't bring armour, then they have hired less effective models to counter you. 

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