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I Pay Better questions


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Hey all, I had a quick question as to how the general Outcast upgrade "I Pay Better" works.

This model gains the following ability:

LFN: Friendly Mercenary models within 10 (Aura) may discard a card at the start of their activation to gain the Focused +1 condition.

My question is if you can only do this once at the beginning of your model's activation, or if you can do it multiple times. 

E.G. Discard 3 cards to give the model Focused +3 


As this is a 1 cost general upgrade the second option makes this upgrade seems significantly more powerful than any of the other 1 cost general outcast upgrades. The only 2 cost upgrade being Scramble.


Thanks for all the help!

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It gives the model the ability to discard a (singular) card. If the model were supposed to be able to discard multiple cards for multiple foci it should be stated on the ability.

...and the upgrade is ridiculously strong even with the current wording.

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Agreed.  Discard 'a' card.  So, only use it once.

This one's an autotake for me.  Great with the trapper - I don't know that double positive is really any more beneficial than single positive flips, but it does mean that if they're hitting something behind cover they still get positive.

But all over the table it's great.  Outcasts have too many reasons to drop cards and not enough ways to gain them :P


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Sue is a good choice for card draw. Although he Hurt(s) himself, he can also protect himself well with his (0)'s.


17 minutes ago, CapnBloodbeard said:

This one's an autotake for me.  Great with the trapper - I don't know that double positive is really any more beneficial than single positive flips, but it does mean that if they're hitting something behind cover they still get positive.

Trappers at Focus range can really control the board, as well.


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16 hours ago, SlackerLM said:

It does say you can only discard one card per use. that being said, multiple focus+1 doesn't really help you, unless you have the Black Joker in hand. 

If you are attacking something in cover or has :-fatefor other reasons, focus +2 is good. But sure, there are diminishing returns on :+fate.

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9 hours ago, Bengt said:

If you are attacking something in cover or has :-fatefor other reasons, focus +2 is good. 

I agree on both points. Multiple models having :+fate or :+fate:+fate to get the job done is good tactically. If you have to go higher to negate a:-fate:-fate, make sure that any models in following activations are not under resourced. If you have the last activation of the turn, know where the Black Joker is, a higher focus is not a bad idea. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 0:40 PM, PhisherKing said:

Hey all, I had a quick question as to how the general Outcast upgrade "I Pay Better" works.

This model gains the following ability:

LFN: Friendly Mercenary models within 10 (Aura) may discard a card at the start of their activation to gain the Focused +1 condition.

My question is if you can only do this once at the beginning of your model's activation, or if you can do it multiple times. 

E.G. Discard 3 cards to give the model Focused +3 


As this is a 1 cost general upgrade the second option makes this upgrade seems significantly more powerful than any of the other 1 cost general outcast upgrades. The only 2 cost upgrade being Scramble.


Thanks for all the help!

And this works for each model right?  So if I have two mercenary models within 10, I can discard a card for each?  Sorry if this was answered, maybe I lost it in the previous posts.

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On 4/9/2016 at 10:06 AM, CapnBloodbeard said:

I don't know that double positive is really any more beneficial than single positive flips, but it does mean that if they're hitting something behind cover they still get positive.

It is beneficial for the exact reason you stated at the end.  :) 

Having a free AP just to "Focus" is big with this crew.  It's one their best ways of getting around "HtW" with ranged weapons as well.  And if you're not going to be using a bad card in your hand anyway, it serves a better purpose in this case.

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And then there's the card's synergy with Tara's ability to toss around fast like a party favor... Three ap and a free-ish focus is nice. And there's also Hans being able to free focus, discard Scout the field, use a one action to do his "Smile you son of a..." and pop off an important upgrade turn one (I'm looking at you, Nix/Ratjoy...)

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7 minutes ago, Memnaelar said:

Does the model that has I Pay Better (and I realize that this is a general aura question, but I'm not certain of the answer) eligible to use its benefit?  Or do models providing an aura generally not gain the benefit unless so specified?

Models are considered to be within their own auras, so unless the originator is somehow excluded ("other models" "enemy models" etc) then you can use its benefits. Since I Pay Better is Friendly Mercenary Models, then the model with the upgrade could use it provided they were a mercenary.

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