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Worst Crews


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So a friend and I had a joke idea of having each of us design the crew the other person has to play with, so essentially trying to give them an as worse crew as possible.

One example I can think of would be Zoraida, McTavish and a bunch of pigs in Gremlins and enjoy looking at how the pigs charge their own models.

Anyone else got some anti-synergistic ideas?

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8 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

Of course, just spamming 25 rats is a bad crew but it's not fun bad. Consider bonus points for creatively rubbish crews!

On further discussion, 25 rats is actually probably not the worst crew.

It might be if you cram them all into the same space so you only get a couple of rat kings when they activate.


24 minutes ago, Munindk said:

Lucius without minions, mimics and guardsmen.

Or with :(

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I use outcasts so off the top of the head I would say:

Hamelin w/ I Pay Better, Sewer King, Tally Sheet
Student of Conflict 
3x Abominations
Void Wretch
SS Pool of 2

It has not a lot of synergy that I can think of. If Hamelin wants rats or the health backup he needs to summon a Stolen, which forces the sacrifice of the Student of Conflict. He cant make abominations so he cant get the Desolation Engine because he is one short. 




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This was the least synergistic Arcanist crew I could come up with, including putting certain upgrades on models that were a waste for the crew/model

Kaeris (cache 7)

-Blinding Flame (1)

-Seize the Day (1)

-Philosopher's Stone (1)

Myranda (8)

-Pack Leader (1)

-Killswitch (1)

Ice Golem (10)

-Sub Zero (1)

Angelica (6)

Coryphee (7)

Steam Arachnid x2 (8)

Essence of Power (3)


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13 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

Marcus with nothing but Pigs (Zoraida at least can Obey them while Alpha leads to Activation within Charge reach).

Obey wouldn't help unless the pigs were Wild Boars - Set'er Off is just any time the model can declare an action, so Obey will still make 'em charge... I realised this when I was playing and had just Obeyed a piglet who was too far from a Gremlin, and so I had to cheat down to make the Obey fail.


I'm trying to come up with a rubbish Leveticus crew, and all I can think is just a couple of rats and a bunch of desperate mercs.

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6 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

I'm trying to come up with a rubbish Leveticus crew, and all I can think is just a couple of rats and a bunch of desperate mercs.

No anchors is obvious, but you should take Electric Creations instead of Desperate Mercs, they are insignificant peons. Lots of Electric Creations is pretty terrible as they all blow up turn three.

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On ‎8‎.‎2‎.‎2016 at 9:32 PM, Dogmantra said:

Obey wouldn't help unless the pigs were Wild Boars - Set'er Off is just any time the model can declare an action, so Obey will still make 'em charge... I realised this when I was playing and had just Obeyed a piglet who was too far from a Gremlin, and so I had to cheat down to make the Obey fail.

I actually hadn't realized that! I read that the Obey is controlled by Zoraida but of course it's still the Pig that declares the Action. That makes my usual inclusion of a Hog Whisperer even more important, then. Thank you for pointing that out!

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