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First, Do Some Harm [Starting McMourning and Grimwell]

Fire At Will

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After a hell of a intro game at my local store me and another guy are going to start collecting Malifaux. We've decided to both to a bit of a slow-grow thing with it, so we're starting off by splitting  the two person starter set when it comes out, with him taking the Neverborn and me taking the Guild, and each picking up a starter crew box. Because I'm a sucker for a theme, I'm going to pick up the Body of Evidence crew with Dr. McMourning.


I understand that McMourning isn't the strongest option if you take him as Guild, but I'm hoping that he won't be terrible (though, in the end, I think he'll be fun, even if he doesn't have a lot of his poison shenanigans), and taking him means that I can also branch out into Resurrectionists if I feel like it (which I probably will... I'll probably end up collecting all the factions...). I'm not sure if I'm asking any questions beyond general Guild McMourning advice, but I thought I'd start this thread so I can gather my thoughts in one place.


Cheers, and glad to be here with you all!



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Well, they're both doctors and officially work in clinical environments, so they could at least both be based similarly to a strong theme and not look out of place at all.


Witchling Stalkers can remove conditions on models, which ties in nicely with Nurses. Also, the Brutal Effigy can help McMourning heal even more.

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Considering the era we're in the simple fact that they're both surgeons puts them "in theme" with each other. At least in my book. They also have some overlapping support effects - between the Good Doctor's Injection and "By the order...", Grimwell's friendly move, Heartsbane's pushes, and the Nurse's Meds shenanigans you could have a Neverborn-esque control list.


I'd pick up the Brutal Effigy, Sonnia's crew box, and Hoffman's crew box if I were you. Stalkers are golden, especially with Nurse's, and Hunter's will bring some fantastic offensive movement control in the form of their Chain Harpoon. Plus you'll get two awesome masters and a glass cannon of a henchman that may actually fit the crew really well.


I find that Guild McMourning is an extremely flexible master. He doesn't do the poison-bombing/mass-summoning filth that Resser McMourning has on offer but he's still blazingly fast and an extremely capable single target assassin. He brings a variety of tools to the table that Guild often lacks - attacks that ignore armor and HtW, attacks that target Willpower, Condition damage, Ca attacks, etc. and is just a riot to play. I always take On the Clock and Plastic Surgery (mostly for the push when he takes poison damage) and I'll run Evidence Tampering as a way to deny Protect Territory and because I like being able to steal spleens at a 6" range.

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Thanks, guys! I probably should have said "aesthetic" rather than "theme", but it was like 1am when I posted this.


I'll look into buying some witchlings in the future - like I said I'm going to be slow-burning my spending for this game in the near future, so I don't want to just run off and pick up a couple of new masters - it'll let me get a handle on both the game in general and one Master in particular.

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I agree with Dirial but I also agree that the McM's box plus the Guild from the Starter set is a good set to start playing with - no need to buy a dozen boxes straight away. Play with those models to get a feel of the game and the crew and then decide what you want to add. There's plenty of options and McM plays nice with essentially all of the Guild models.

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I wouldn't say getting Witchling Stalkers seperately is a waste; I often need more than the 3 that come in the crew box when using Sonnia. You can always proxy the extras of course, but in a tournament it might not go down too well (although I certainly wouldn't be bothered by it). It is the only Minion that I have more than 3 of however.


I do go for the crew boxes if I want the Minions though, just in case... gonna be a damn slippery slope getting the Punk Zombies for Toshiro though.

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Re: Stalkers in and out of Sonnia's box: Sonnia is a bit of an outlier here. While it is very true that you shouldn't get things that come with a master unless you get that master's box, you may find yourself needing 1-2 more Stalkers if you end up using Sonnia and her Reincarnation upgrade (and if you're super lucky with keeping your initial Stalkers alive and well). Of course, that isn't reason NOT to get Sonnia's box, so I definitely agree that if you want Stalkers you should get her box.


As for other additions, I have heard wonders about adding an Executioner or two to Guild McMourning's arsenal. And while I am not 100% sure of how that works, I have heard it from numerous sources so there must be some legitimacy to the claim.


~Lil Kalki

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He can push them around with his (0), and can give them precise, also Nurses can give them great buffs and heal them and a Witchling can remove the negatives from the Nurses. A Precise Executioner with +2 damage to melee attacks and armour 2 will ruin anyones day.

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The executioner is great if you expect your enemy to place tons of scheme markers for no reason turn 1-2 and not try to attack you.

I guess he is more durable if the entire enemy crew is made up of metal gamin! Maybe I should try him against arcanist every now and then. ;)

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I keep reading the thread title as "First, do some ham" and sort of expect an Ulix thread (until I get to the part in the brackets).


I promise if I do a thread about Ulix I'll call it either "First, Do Some Ham" or "Makin' Bacon" in your honour, Math.


So, dependent on how things go in the first handful of games, and assuming we're not both going to plonk for another Master box straight away, my shortlist for purchases are Executioners or maybe Guild Riflemen (to add a bit of ranged oomph to my list)

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He can push them around with his (0), and can give them precise, also Nurses can give them great buffs and heal them and a Witchling can remove the negatives from the Nurses. A Precise Executioner with +2 damage to melee attacks and armour 2 will ruin anyones day.


Uppers are also really good for getting an Executioner up the field faster than normal, which Grimwell can also help with. 

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I see a lot of lab coat painting in your future. I like the Dr. McMorning even though I hate the guild, with the exception of Lady J and C. Hoffman who I can like and begrudgingly understand respectively.

I am holding off my judgment on Grimwell till I read his fluff.

Conceptually, I think the Doc work well together even if they sort of forget about guns but instead will be very aggressive with slower guild models and the orderly are just going to blitz the field.

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I see a lot of lab coat painting in your future. I like the Dr. McMorning even though I hate the guild, with the exception of Lady J and C. Hoffman who I can like and begrudgingly understand respectively.

I am holding off my judgment on Grimwell till I read his fluff.

Conceptually, I think the Doc work well together even if they sort of forget about guns but instead will be very aggressive with slower guild models and the orderly are just going to blitz the field.


So I'm guessing the orderlies are fast?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, now I have a small conundrum

I'd like to start my Malifaux... I guess career is the only word, soon, and preferably with the guild, but my FLGS may not be able to get in the starter set in the immediate future and somefolks around my area want to start a slow-grow league. So I have a dillema, if I go McMourning/Grimwel, starting off in a league that begins with Henchmen-lead games, I won't actually bee able to make a lot of points (since I can't use the Nurses and such without Dr. M). I'm debating now holding off the Medical Conference and starting with a crew I can play more 'out of the box' while I get a handle on things. Thoughts?

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So, now I have a small conundrum

I'd like to start my Malifaux... I guess career is the only word, soon, and preferably with the guild, but my FLGS may not be able to get in the starter set in the immediate future and somefolks around my area want to start a slow-grow league. So I have a dillema, if I go McMourning/Grimwel, starting off in a league that begins with Henchmen-lead games, I won't actually bee able to make a lot of points (since I can't use the Nurses and such without Dr. M). I'm debating now holding off the Medical Conference and starting with a crew I can play more 'out of the box' while I get a handle on things. Thoughts?

If you are going to start with a slow grow Henchman method I would suggest holding off on McMourning if you want to go Guild.  I like Guild McMourning *so amusing* but his stuff does not play well with the Guild with out him.  You could just get Grimwell and maybe some booster boxes to fill out some more minions.  Or grab Grimwell and one of the other Guild masters that you might have some interest in.  Sonnia's box would get you access to Witchling Stalkers and Hopkins for your league with Grimwell's stuff.  Lucius's box could get you some stuff that could help fill you out if you don't want Sonnia's.

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So, now I have a small conundrum

I'd like to start my Malifaux... I guess career is the only word, soon, and preferably with the guild, but my FLGS may not be able to get in the starter set in the immediate future and somefolks around my area want to start a slow-grow league. So I have a dillema, if I go McMourning/Grimwel, starting off in a league that begins with Henchmen-lead games, I won't actually bee able to make a lot of points (since I can't use the Nurses and such without Dr. M). I'm debating now holding off the Medical Conference and starting with a crew I can play more 'out of the box' while I get a handle on things. Thoughts?

If you are going to start with a slow grow Henchman method I would suggest holding off on McMourning if you want to go Guild.  I like Guild McMourning *so amusing* but his stuff does not play well with the Guild with out him.  You could just get Grimwell and maybe some booster boxes to fill out some more minions.  Or grab Grimwell and one of the other Guild masters that you might have some interest in.  Sonnia's box would get you access to Witchling Stalkers and Hopkins for your league with Grimwell's stuff.  Lucius's box could get you some stuff that could help fill you out if you don't want Sonnia's.

Hmmm... if I did pick up Lucius' box I could use both the Lawyers and Guards with McM while he's Moonlighting.

Ok, thinking about it, I will pick up the good doctor (because I do love the models), but if a league does start before my FLGS gets the starter box I'll play with him as a Resurrectionist and then use the starter as a way of going into the Guild, rather than the other way around.

...and now I may have to start a companion thread in the Resser forum

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