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Mei Feng as TT


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Greetings all,


I recently picked up the Mei Feng Box as well as a bunch of Arcanist models, however I am currently looking into playing Mei Feng as a Ten Thunder master and was wondering what would be good models to run with her. I already have access to Toshiro, Ashigaru and Komainu as the games that I play there are typically a fair few corpse/scrap markers about that I would like to make us of. I have also been looking at picking up the Misaki box so I have access to the Torakage as these seem like decent scheme runners/hunters.


Are there any other models (released in plastic) that would be of benefit to me?



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Just 10T models? I've found that Mei Feng makes a fantastic Master for supporting a powerful ranged crew, or even better, combined arms. Samurai or Katanaka Snipers, Guild Pathfinders and Traps are all quite effective ranged attackers, with the Samurai and Snipers being good (or great) at ranged, and still being able to thwomp in melee. Then back them up with contents from the Rail Crew box, Workers and Kang, and her Foundry friends, Metal Gamin, possibly Survivors. Vent Steam in the early turns can get you a few extra AP out of your shooters before they're dead against another ranged crew, or a spell-casting monster like Sonnia or Leveticus. If you want all out melee, your options are all over the place, Toshiro bringing Punk Zombie can be great. I would be careful to try to get all constructs in her crew. It's not as important as you'd think. Rail Walk is just one thing she does.

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If it helps the models that I own are currently

Mei Feng, Emberling, Rail Golem, Rail Workers, Metal Gamin, Union Miners, Joss, Johan, Steam Arachnids, Steam Arachnid Swarm, Howard Langston, so all in all I think I have the constructs more then covered (plus with the Komainu) so was looking at the other options available to her

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In all honesty, I don't think there is a 10 Thunders model she wouldn't use. Archers and Snipers are good if you're going for the ranged force, Samurai do decent ranged and melee, Oiran can help the positioning game. Illuminated can beat face. And so forth


Its all depenmding on what you want to do with her crew, and how out the box you think.

You have most of the "obvious" models for her, so now its about filling in the gaps you have. And a large amount of that is dependant on how you play her.

If you want more melee focus, then Graves and illuminated and Izamu are options, or you could look at a huge Ranged group and just use Mei as a Scheme runner/hunter and rely and Fuhatsu along with Archers, Snipers, Pathfinder sand Samurai to blunt the opponents attack.

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My plan in so far as I have one is to use Torakage as flankers to act as scheme runners/ hunt scheme runners and possible also use Mei Feng for the same type of task. I typically favour minions in my lists so am likely to include Toshiro (plus the fact that I can make use of Corpse Counters). I would need a couple of rail walk targets so most likely include 2x Rail Workers and a single Komainu the rest was what I was looking for advice for. I plan on attending a fixed master tournament in September and have also set myself a limit of bringing along 15 models max so I am currently attempting to whittle down the choices to 15.

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Mei runs ranged defense, minion support, kills light-middle weights herself, likes a little fire and a few constructs.


Once you've got 2-3 constructs, I'd say you'd do well with just about any minion since TT excels at good minions. I'd tend to avoid henchmen or enforcers who don't fit into a good synergy with her, simply since there'd be more efficient options.

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I posted a thread about my take on Mei Feng a couple weeks ago, so I'll just reiterate what I said there.


1. Mei is purely combative, so having the support crew to help with objective running while she fights is key.  I like "Seismic Claws" with her a lot, and others have mentioned "Misdirection" and "Wings of Wind" too.  Be sure to keep a decent cache though, in case you need to burn a stone for the Mask trigger.


2. I like Metal Gamin a lot. If you're going up against a list with Constructs, all the better. They're resilient, cheap, and provide a decent means for her to Rail Walk.


3. TT Archers would be magnificent. If you can find a carrier for "Blot the Sky", and keep them in range of the carrier, all the better.


4. Kang is an all around great Henchman. As a secondary combatant, he pulls his weight and then some. If you're going up against Ressers or Arcanists, taking him with the "Hard Worker" upgrade are pretty much auto-include.


5. Emberling is the best totem she can have alongside her. What I like most about it is that it's not Insignificant. If you need a model to drop Scheme Markers, he can easily do that for you.


Good luck!

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I can't believe noone has said High River Monks yet. 6 stones, good DF, great tarpits, fast, able to net more attacks on charge, ruthless, and able to hand out burning to increase Mei's damage on her claw attack. Not bad for six stones.


Imo, Metal Gamin are going to be your low cost minions that can be jump points.

Monks can be scheme runners and front line fighters, and if you're looking for some more durability, grab a low river.

Kang and Toshiro are going to be your upper level beaters and buffers.

Mei will likely be doing the midfield heavy lifting. 


I can't wait for Sparks and Mechanized Porkchops. That being said "Survivor"s didn't have foundry at the time of the final beta release. We'll see if thye pick it up in the live release. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just played a game today using monks of high river, Komaniu, and Sensei Yu. All three were amazing with her. I must say that build utilized the emberling so well. Giving models burning 5-6 then moving the emberling at the end of turn to kee them burning was awesome. All the way around, with those models being recently released, Mei got a huge boost in 10T and can certainly see her breaking out of the concept that she is better in arcanists.

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That being said "Survivor"s didn't have foundry at the time of the final beta release. We'll see if thye pick it up in the live release.

I also don't see a role for them in any list, Gremlin or Mei Feng if they stay the way they were at the end of the beta. They aren't utterly bad but completely overshadowed by other options.
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  • 3 weeks later...

gonna hijack this thread instead of starting a new one... >.>

Mei remains the only 10T master I haven't had any experience with, either playing as, or against, and I have a question.

I was given the rail crew box by my brother but it did not include Mei or the Emberling. So I'm looking at picking it up again but I need a little justification on this front. I own all the other 10T masters including shenlong (woot Gencon!). Is there anything that Mei is going to bring to the table that I don't already have from so many others?

"She is a lot of fun" is a valid answer too. lol. I've wanted to try her out for a long time, but now, with all the other things I have for our faction, and already owning the majority of her box set, I'm wondering if she's worth picking up. I could proxy... but I hate doing that.

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gonna hijack this thread instead of starting a new one... >.>

Mei remains the only 10T master I haven't had any experience with, either playing as, or against, and I have a question.

I was given the rail crew box by my brother but it did not include Mei or the Emberling. So I'm looking at picking it up again but I need a little justification on this front. I own all the other 10T masters including shenlong (woot Gencon!). Is there anything that Mei is going to bring to the table that I don't already have from so many others?

"She is a lot of fun" is a valid answer too. lol. I've wanted to try her out for a long time, but now, with all the other things I have for our faction, and already owning the majority of her box set, I'm wondering if she's worth picking up. I could proxy... but I hate doing that.

She's a lot of fun!

Mei is a very capable assassin like Misaki, but my experience with Misaki is that she's a very single-target person, while Mei with the proper upgrades can chain multiple attacks off triggers, including chain Tiger Claws or chaining Tiger Claw into a kick. If you manage to catch your opponent in a cluster with either terrain or other models stopping your original targets from being pushed around, you can get a lot of milage.

Mei is also a very useful take against factions you anticipate having a lot of quality shooting. Taking the Wind upgrade is great because you have no competing (0) action, and it means you can push something, then double Vent Steam and EOT push after moving during your activation, bringing her up to around the rest of your models then giving enemy models double negative flips to Ca/Sh attacks until the next time Mei activates.

She also gets a lot of quality models in book 3, with the two Gremlin Foundry models (particularly the Porkchop) being awesome, and the Emissary-specific upgrade for her being brutal as well as the Emissary synergizing with her ability to hand out Burning.

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I used to see her as a less-lethal Misaki. She really is not that. The Vent Steam ability, and the Hard Worker and Vapourmancy upgrades are her defining features, IMO, as is her immunity to Slow and Paralysed. She's very powerful against ranged crews, constructs and armour heavy crews, and with Kang in tow, undead-heavy crews will hate her with a passion.

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For me, Seismic Claws is the mandatory upgrade since it unlocks her ability to really chain the hell out of attacks with triggers. Then I take the Wind upgrade as mentioned before just because of the mobility options it unlocks for my crews, then the third slot is usually Vapourmancy because of its great ability to splash Burning before a charge (good for damage + flip with Tiger Claws, but will become even more useful with Emissary's Df debuffing) and the Vent Steam trigger as mentioned. I don't often take Hard Worker except against Arcanists, and then it usually goes on Kang.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, Seismic Claws is the mandatory upgrade since it unlocks her ability to really chain the hell out of attacks with triggers. Then I take the Wind upgrade as mentioned before just because of the mobility options it unlocks for my crews, then the third slot is usually Vapourmancy because of its great ability to splash Burning before a charge (good for damage + flip with Tiger Claws, but will become even more useful with Emissary's Df debuffing) and the Vent Steam trigger as mentioned. I don't often take Hard Worker except against Arcanists, and then it usually goes on Kang.

I've always put "Hard Worker" on Kang, myself too.  It's also a good upgrade against Ressers, since "Hard to Wound" comes up pretty often against them.

Her crew is honestly my "Go-To" whenever I face Ressers, Arcanists, and Neverborn now. 

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Misdirection on Mei is superb. Never worry about wasting a SS for a Mask again.

*takes another swig of beer

*raises monocle to eye...

*pokes eye

*raises monocle to other eye

*looks at Meis' card...


I don't see a df/mask built in??



"Oh, you missed Mei Feng and I spent a stone for a mask. She pushes 5"".

"Oh, this time you hit Mei Feng and I spent a stone for a mask. You hit someone else within 2"".

<3 Mei Feng with Misdirection.

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Misdirection on Mei is superb. Never worry about wasting a SS for a Mask again.

*takes another swig of beer

*raises monocle to eye...

*pokes eye

*raises monocle to other eye

*looks at Meis' card...


I don't see a df/mask built in??



That's why I said "SS for a Mask".

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I usually use what we call in my play group as wooden defense.




-Hidden agenda


-Conflux Of combat

-command The Graves


The idea is to make 3 steam vent and play summon 2 komainus per turn with toshiro ,generating scrap with porckchop and emisary. Kamaitachi push Mei to move the bubble, Mei can push Mctavish or Toshiro, emisary auto push and give fast and push probably Mctavish.He can push himself with his (0) action too.At the end of the turn Mei push again fot the wings. You have a very hard and fast crew which it grows fast in number and have huge damage with perma fast Mctavish,

Edited by Linar
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