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Plastic Nekima


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What's the deal? Why is she so small now, and will there be a nightmare edition that will do her justice in the future?

Models not being the right size seems to be a common theme with the plastics, I wish it would just get sorted already.

I also notice that all the threads discussing this have been locked for some reason. Id like to keep this one open so that Wyrd can assess community interest in such a project and to get feedback.

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Oh god, not this thread again....


To your first point: because that is the size wyrd decided they want her? This applies to your second point as well, in that "plastics being the wrong size" is not the case here, this isn''t a mis-sculpt or anything, this is the size they wanted her.  Whether you agree with that or not is your perogative, of course, but assuming is another "oh, the plastics are ALWAYS going wrong" is most likely an incorrect assumption to make.

Personally, I prefer the smaller size, first because she's easier to transport, and secondly, because I prefer her and Lilith being roughly the same size (body-wise) and the 12 foot wingspan being the reason she's height 3.  Your opinion may vary, of course :P


And most of the threads that were locked are almost a year old, since this started around gencon last year :P

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No, she isn't the wrong height. Maybe Wyrd will do a Nightmare edition of her, but if they do its not going to be because oops they made her the wrong size. However she is no more likely to get a nightmare edition than anyone else in the game at present, and they never announce upcoming nightmare editions until just before the gen con they come out at.

Personal opinion, if they ever do make her such, it will be awhile. I have a feeling that they are going to make all the factions get a nightmare edition before circling again. TT still needs one.

Arcanists get one this year.

Guild have one.

Gremlins have one.

Neverborn have two

Outcasts have two

Ressers have two

TT none.

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What makes you so sure she isn't the wrong size? I mean, I'm somehow finding it hard to imagine that the Wyrd specified that she needs to be Lilith-size when they ordered her to be sculpted and produced. Similar to I don't believe that Wyrd wanted the Brass Arachnid or the Young LaCroix to be the size they are.

I'm not saying that it is impossible that they wanted but I do think that the plastic size discrepancies are a far more likely explanation. Unfortunately Wyrd has taken the modus operandi where they explain these sorts of mistakes away as "it was meant to be so" so we will likely never find out.

And I'm not even accusing Wyrd of anything here as that is essentially the only sensible way to do it. Admitting that it was a mistake would mean that they would be sorta obliged to make another one which is tremendously expensive. So I understand why they do it like this and bear no ill will towards them.

But I am surprised that people are so adamant that it must be that Wyrd planned for the new Nekima to be a Ht2 model while giving her a Ht stat of three.

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Mostly because I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and Wyrd has previous form with actually saying when things were done wrong and redoing them (cf. the Victorias box), or just saying "It's a bit wrong, but we're not redoing them (cf the female multipart box), so if they don't say anything at all, I'm more inclined to think of it as "as planned" rather than "It's wrong, but we're not going to admit it"

And also, because other theories sound too much like conspiracy theory and wishful thinking.

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Mostly because I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and Wyrd has previous form with actually saying when things were done wrong and redoing them (cf. the Victorias box), or just saying "It's a bit wrong, but we're not redoing them (cf the female multipart box), so if they don't say anything at all, I'm more inclined to think of it as "as planned" rather than "It's wrong, but we're not going to admit it"

And also, because other theories sound too much like conspiracy theory and wishful thinking.

Heh, funnily enough, I think that my interpretation is giving them more the benefit of the doubt - your interpretation would mean that they thought that the size of the current Nekima and Young LaCroix and Brass Arachnid was a good idea, which IMO paints a less than flattering picture of them than my theory.
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I have no issue with the size of the Brass Arachnid - whilst I get annoyed at putting it on a 30mm base, it makes total sense to me that it would be bigger then the steam arachnids, being the prototype and all.

Similarly with Nekima, if two people (her and Lilith) and the same size, but one has a 12 foot wingspan and the other doesn't, one is clearly going to look more imposing than the other,  regardless of whether they can look eye to eye with each other.

Young LaCroix I have no opinion on, since I have never played against Gremlins,them not being a real faction and all :P

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Justin has said in at least one Podcast (can't remember which one) that he made the base size of the Outcast minion The Guilty 40mm after the beta because of the size of the model. This doesn't answer the Nekima/Young LaCroix/Brass Arachnid issue, but it does shed light onto what can happen behind closed doors.

Remember, we are the consumer of their product, the only input we give and decisions we make are during the betas and whether we, each personally, buy a model. Malifaux is still Nathan and Eric's game, they have the ideas, they have the final say in art direction.

If you think a model doesn't look right or have an idea for a model who's artwork hasn't been released, you can come up with (new) concept art. My friend designed the layout of the cards we all currently use during the original M2E open beta after not liking the original design.

Wyrd is open to community help, so if you think you have a good (or better) idea show them.

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Remember, we are the consumer of their product, the only input we give and decisions we make are during the betas and whether we, each personally, buy a model. Malifaux is still Nathan and Eric's game, they have the ideas, they have the final say in art direction.

And Nathan and Eric are consumers to the model casters, they get input but they are also at the mercy of the manufacturers. The model casters can and do make mistakes and when they are a very large ocean away, it is not always possible to correct these errors in a timely or inexpensive manner. At some point monetary outlay and deadlines wins over artistic vision and scale accuracy. In short, some times good enough must ship to continue to feed further development.


I dont mind this, however I did mind the denial of an issue at all. Thankfully the company has seemed to shift away from that line of crap.

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I think the Nekima model is great and I also think the size is absolutely fine. As she's Lilith's sister I'm happy that they are roughly the same size, wings not included.

Well they are not supposed to be same size anywhere in the fluff. Nekima is supposed to be the biggest one.

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Well they are not supposed to be same size anywhere in the fluff. Nekima is supposed to be the biggest one.


... and Sonnia can unleash Cherufe, Candy turned into a teenager, incorporeal Leveticus is training with young Zoraida in the bog, no one in the Guild suspects Colette of working for the Arcanists despite having fought her commanding Howard Langston around multiple times...

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... and Sonnia can unleash Cherufe, Candy turned into a teenager, incorporeal Leveticus is training with young Zoraida in the bog, no one in the Guild suspects Colette of working for the Arcanists despite having fought her commanding Howard Langston around multiple times...

Well you take Perdita the size of the voodoo doll and say that's fine and we're okay. Until that. Nope. That reasoning doesn't work on a model that is clearly way too small to accurately present the model.

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Well you take Perdita the size of the voodoo doll and say that's fine and we're okay. Until that. Nope. That reasoning doesn't work on a model that is clearly way too small to accurately present the model.


Not saying anything on the model... I'm indifferent to this particular issue and won't get dragged into the fight. I just wanted to point out that the fluff gets changed, and even doesn't relate to the game in a lot of manners...


Also, voodoo doll Perdita would be kinda cute. I'd buy her.

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Anyone else remember the time when Nekima was Ht4, and lots of people complained about the impracticallity of transporting a slender, dynamic Ht4 model with huge wings around?


The current Model is a reasonable representation of her current rules.

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Especially due to the fact that the initial listed price was 35$ which is in line with what was expected.

I think this is the biggest indication that the model was mis-cast and made to small. 


Whilst the Ht characteristics can be arbitrary sometimes and I'm sure we an all give examples where they don't match the models do generally have a size that matches their Ht characteristic.  Ht 2 models are generally human size with other Hts being scaled appropriately (Gremlins being Ht1, Peacekeeper/Mounted things being Ht3, etc.).  In the fluff Nekima is supposed to be bigger that her sister and she has Ht3.  Compare her model to the Enslaved Nephilim who is also Ht3 and she is tiny.

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Compare her model to the Enslaved Nephilim who is also Ht3 and she is tiny.


That would be awesome, but the Enslaved Nephilim is Ht 1, and not very big. As long as you don't compare him to zFiend's voodoo doll Perdita, that is.

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