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The Zinc Lich's Malifaux Personality Test

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Hello Malifaux forums. I am The Zinc Lich, and, over the course of community building in my local area, I've been told that I have a unique talent. I can tell someone's Malifaux master future by listening to you talk about your favorite video games. There's currently a thread on the General Discussion boards abut finding a test online, and I figured, if I was going to make this a thing, I might as well make a thread for myself, rather than totally derail someone else's thread.


The rules are simple. Just tell me about your favorite game. The more details you put in the easier it is to answer. Of particular note, I'd like to hear about:


-Your favorite characters.

-The most memorable moments.

-the things you wish you could take from that game and put in other games.


After that, I will post a master that I feel you will enjoy, along with my reasoning for it.


I am also currently collecting votes for what you all think I should play next. Go and read my gamer bio here and PM me what you think I should bring to the upcoming Campaign!


Now, without further ado:

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khylis, on 26 May 2015 - 12:00 AM, said 

Alright..you have my attention..this looks fun. 


Favorite armies from strategy/CnC style games.: Zerg from Starcraft,Space Marines and Tau from Dawn of War/WH40K,Night Elves from Warcraft 3,and House Harkonnen from Dune:The Battle for Arakhis.(but i hate them in the books and movies)


Favorite Yuh-Gi-Oh Cards: Amazon Archer and Injection Fairy Lily.


Favorite Anime: Cowboy Bebop 


Favorite FPS Weapon: Halo Plasma RIfle.


My recommendation would be Kaeris with Born of Flame and a couple of Gunsmiths. First off, you mentioned the Tau and Space Marines from DoW, the two races that are most well known for standing and shooting in reaction to being charged. The Tau bring sacrificial units to throw up as a smoke screen, while the Marines just soak damage so well that a small number can keep a horde occupied while the rest of the army shoots. That immediately put me on the shooty side of the shooty/filthy divide.


Night Elves and House Harkonnen both have huge melee tanks (literally and figuratively) that their smaller forces want to stay away from (Harkonnen because the Devastator tank explodes, and NE because it is a primarily melee game and they are a primarily ranged faction). That's what moved me towards Arcanists as opposed to Guild; the Guild's elite forces tend to be extremely skilled variations of "dude what has gun". You could play with a Peacekeeper, but if you want big stompy things, Arcanists is the faction that you really want to be playing.


Amazon Archer and Injection Fairy Lily are both cards that deal with the power of Sacrifice, the same way that the Tau use Kroot allies. One gets deals damage by sacrificing your monsters, and the other gets stronger with the sacrifice of your life points. Born of Flame gives you Flame Gamin for doing what you want to be doing with Kaeris, anyway: killing suckers who are on fire. These fire gamin aren't going to hang around long at two wounds, but they can still spoil charges and tie up shooting models just fine while your ranged models keep on firing. You can also kill them fairly easily to light enemies on fire to power up Kaeris and the Gunsmiths. You also have a trigger to create Pyres to block line of sight and add oomph to your push effects.

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Grim Fandango - I like the Casablanca part the most.

Civilization V - I only play single, either with a random Civ or one I haven't gotten the achievement for. I prefer to go for Conquest victory.

Tomb Raider (1996) - I haven't played it recently so I can really remember which part is the best, but I really liked it when it was new.

Everquest - I raided with a Ranger from Kunark to Omens of War (with some breaks here and there).

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No particular characters a few bits stay in memory. Having a mission to kill a high value target and being given the sniper rifle to do it but using the gauss gun(rocket launcher) instead also using the persuadertron to take over most of a cities inhabitents and blazing enemy agents with massed firepower. I'd take the upgrade and research parts of the game to other games.

Blanka and guile favourites in streetfighter.

Favourite gw game was bloodbowl due to the team management and experience sides of it. Favourite character was mighty zug.

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In magic i like everycolor but red, green was my favourite (elves deck). In Starcraft i like the Terrans but i have some fun with Protoss too, i tryed with Zergs but i cant have so much control over the game that the little bugs need. I also played Game of Thrones LCG and I like Lannisters for their control. I like Scum in Xwing. I had played a few years LoL, my rol was Support (Janna,Sona,Zyra...) I also use Cassio and Renekton, and the  yordles!! I like to be at the law-side (not necesary the good guys or the freelance-mercenary and never pick rebelds)


I like charm, so have an speaker guy (like Ramos). Good guy people but naive (Hoffman) is not my style.


I dont like Asian theme, so 10t is no choice. I currently had Outcast (Levy is may main, but also JackDaw, Tara, Viktorias and Vshill in order of use) and Gremlins ( i will get all but currently i have Ophelia,Zoraida,Sommer...Brew is soon i hope) 

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Interesting!  Okay, then, this could be a bit odd, since most RTS games just don't do it for me.  But I do like...


Batman: Arkham City.  I hold this up as the best-designed game I have ever played.  With a really good mix of combat/stealth/puzzles/plot points, a great job of having you advance over the course of the game while still having things feel powerful and fun at the start, and stellar voice acting (all of these traits reach their zenith in Mr. Freeze) and a great sense of a living environment which changes over time, it's just incredible.


Soulcalibur 3.  I like several games in the series, but 3 will always be my baby.  Haters gonna hate, but I maintain that 3D fighting games are much deeper and more tactical than 2D ones, and 3 has my favorite combination of speed, diversity, and simply technical controls not bogged down by too many gimmicks.  I largely play Sigfried and Zasalamel, but have been known to switch to Ivy if I just want to win.


BioWare RPGs are a huge part of my background.  Lising every game and every favorite thing would take much too long, so I'll simply say that Jade Empire had my favorite setting*, Mass Effect 3 had the best gameplay, Mordin Solus was the best character (followed by Jack from the same game, Dorian from Inquisition, Morrigan from Awakening, and Jaheira from Baldur's Gate 2), and my favorite moment was the big reveal from Knights of the Old Republic.  The recent games having tighter gameplay but looser plots saddens me.


For just day-to-day fun, I log a lot of time playing classic 3-D beat-em-ups: Devil May Cry (pre-reboot), God Of War, Bayonetta, etc.  I enjoy the fast pace and over-the-top setting, along with occasional moments of oddly brilliant story (see also: Bayonetta 2).



* But please don't advise a Ten Thunders master by default.  There's too much Thunders around here already!

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Warcraft III: Undead, who doesn't love liches? <3

Starcraft: Terran, because... music! and vultures!

Heroes of might and Magic: Tower/Wizard, Love me some chain lightning!

Chrono Trigger: Magus, the awesome music would do great in just about any game.

Soul Calibur 2: Nightmare/Taki. Logged over 14 days played on my old gamecube. Loved it to bits, the timing on guard impacts and breaks are so much better then the other series.

World of warcraft: Undead warlock. Downing huhuran in aq40 serverfirst with one single hunter left alive.

Guilty gear: I-no

Street fighter: Cammy

Ragnarok online: Blacksmith

Dawn of war: Chaos Marines

Warhammer: Lizardmen


Usually i play support in any rts/mmorpg, unless there is chain lightning. There has to be chain lightning!

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OK, I'll bite!


Warhammer Fantasy- Ogres, Warriors of Chaos and Tomb Kings

WH40K - Necrons (I always digged the Egyptian inspiration from these guys)

Warmahordes - Skorne because Roman / Greek inspired samurai slavers with 4 armed pachyderms is awesome! 

Dawn of War - Necrons, just sheer filth! 

Warcraft III - Orks, The Tauren were always pretty badass. Plus Rasta Trolls were a thing! 

World of Warcraft - Jumped heavily between a Draenei Elemental / Resto Shaman, Gnome Death Knight and a Human Holy / Disciplinary Priest

Soul Calibur Games - Mitsurugi, Yoshimoto, Ivy and Nightmare

Warframe - Nova, Saryn and Ash (Anti-Matter Powers, Toxin and Posion Powers and finally Super badass Ninja type)

Tekken - Yoshimtsu exclusively, I basically acknowledge no other character! :D

Mario Cart - Waluigi when available, otherwise Princess Peach (Always fun smashing people with a princess!)

Dragon Age - I usually got drawn in by the lore about Mages however with Inquisition I loved my Ranged Rogue. 

Yu-Gi-Oh - Six Samurai (All variants but my favorite was always Irou) and Fortune Ladies (Dark and Light)

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The rules are simple. Just tell me about your favorite game. The more details you put in the easier it is to answer. Of particular note, I'd like to hear about:


-Your favorite characters.

-The most memorable moments.

-the things you wish you could take from that game and put in other games.


I will put you to the test ;)

Game: Planescape Torment. Its such a gem. Its a game whose emphasis is to actually tell a story more than anything else. The mechanics are manageable, but quite out of date. The combat system especially (I'll try to get through without much fighting as often as I can). Nevertheless, the game have a rich story, manages to develop meaningful relationships with the protagonist with his supporting cast, and it the protagonist is shaped by the players actions. The world is different, yet very believable. (Honourable mentions: Elders Scroll III: Morrowind (fantastic world, history, tons of exploration), The Witcher (like the protag), and Mortal Kombat 9 (such a fun fighter))


Character: Plenty to choose from. NPC:s, your party, as well as the protagonist are all good picks. I will go with the protagonist though, the Nameless one. His past is unknown (he suffers from amnesia), filled with choices both good and bad, and his future is for the player to decide how it should be shaped. His goal is to end his life, that is all I will say ;)

Most memorable moment: Its a toss up between a couple of scenes, but I will go with the meeting with Ignus. The lunatic, deranged, Wizard that is constantly ablaze. He shares a past with the protagonist that is very telling, and interesting.


"The thing": The emphasis on telling a good story, as well as implementing mechanics of how the story can be told through gameplay. Too many games fail on this, even those who try valiantly.


Really looking forward to hear the answer!

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This is what he got for me

Alright, the answer is still a little fuzzy, but so far I am leaning towards Seamus as my official answer (and not just because you have the Mad Hatter in you list of favorite characters).


In both series, the first character that you mention is the main character. There isn't a lot in common with either of them, aside from their status as main characters. They are both central to the events of the story, and no one can argue Seamus isn't central to the stuff going on. They both have big impacts on the world around them, and Seamus is the most wanted man in Malifaux. They are also both on journeys. Really, that is what both Kingdom Hearts and the AMA games are about: wading through metaphors to find out some kind of truth. There is no master in the game that moves like Seamus does. You get to choose where and when to approach from, which makes every game the story you want to try and write.


Seamus isn't a protagonist, but it IS Malifaux we're talking about. Truely good people tend to just die faster.


You also mention The Cat and Zexion, which are both manipulative characters. Physical disputes are beneath them, they choose to play smart instead of playing strong. Neither one really wants to take part in conflicts as opposed to manipulating other factors to decide things for them. For every step forward Seamus takes, he also takes a step back after he has made his mark for the turn. No one can engage him unless he wants to be engaged, and he usually doesn't want to be engaged. He is the master of the Belle's crew, and no one controls the board like the Belles do. With a little bit of creative movement and Lures, you can make sure that the enemy is dancing to your tune instead of vice versa.


I'm also taking some liberties considering you have Castiel as an icon. If I had to pick a character whose narrative role feels like playing Seamus does, I couldn't think of a better answer than the Angels from Supernatural.

And his first inclination was neverborn. My favourite factions are Arcanist and Neverborn but I do love Seamus :D He's really good

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I'll jump in (although I feel bad you've opened this can of worms for yourself with the queue lining up lol)


WH40K - Necrons (robots and ancient egyptian mythos?  Sold.)
WH - High Elves (Dragons? Sold.)
World of Warcraft - human warlock (I loved summoning demonic minions and raining down fire on victims covered in DOTs)
FFXI - tarutaru summoner/bard/white mage (buffs, debuffs, summonable friends, all in an adorable package)
Favorite game of all time - Chrono Trigger - love everything about it, the characters, the story, the magic, the end of time, multiple endings, and Magus
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I'll jump in (although I feel bad you've opened this can of worms for yourself with the queue lining up lol)


WH40K - Necrons (robots and ancient egyptian mythos?  Sold.)
World of Warcraft - human warlock (I loved summoning demonic minions and raining down fire on victims covered in DOTs)
FFXI - tarutaru summoner/bard/white mage (buffs, debuffs, summonable friends, all in an adorable package)
Favorite game of all time - Chrono Trigger (and Magus being the favorite character)


I'm guessing he'll say Leveticus for you :P

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I'm gonna take a stab at guessing what Zinc will say

Warcraft III: Undead, who doesn't love liches? <3

Starcraft: Terran, because... music! and vultures!

Heroes of might and Magic: Tower/Wizard, Love me some chain lightning!

Chrono Trigger: Magus, the awesome music would do great in just about any game.

Soul Calibur 2: Nightmare/Taki. Logged over 14 days played on my old gamecube. Loved it to bits, the timing on guard impacts and breaks are so much better then the other series.

World of warcraft: Undead warlock. Downing huhuran in aq40 serverfirst with one single hunter left alive.

Guilty gear: I-no

Street fighter: Cammy

Ragnarok online: Blacksmith

Dawn of war: Chaos Marines

Warhammer: Lizardmen


Usually i play support in any rts/mmorpg, unless there is chain lightning. There has to be chain lightning!

My guess at what Zinc will say: Nicodem


Interesting!  Okay, then, this could be a bit odd, since most RTS games just don't do it for me.  But I do like...


Batman: Arkham City.  I hold this up as the best-designed game I have ever played.  With a really good mix of combat/stealth/puzzles/plot points, a great job of having you advance over the course of the game while still having things feel powerful and fun at the start, and stellar voice acting (all of these traits reach their zenith in Mr. Freeze) and a great sense of a living environment which changes over time, it's just incredible.


Soulcalibur 3.  I like several games in the series, but 3 will always be my baby.  Haters gonna hate, but I maintain that 3D fighting games are much deeper and more tactical than 2D ones, and 3 has my favorite combination of speed, diversity, and simply technical controls not bogged down by too many gimmicks.  I largely play Sigfried and Zasalamel, but have been known to switch to Ivy if I just want to win.


BioWare RPGs are a huge part of my background.  Lising every game and every favorite thing would take much too long, so I'll simply say that Jade Empire had my favorite setting*, Mass Effect 3 had the best gameplay, Mordin Solus was the best character (followed by Jack from the same game, Dorian from Inquisition, Morrigan from Awakening, and Jaheira from Baldur's Gate 2), and my favorite moment was the big reveal from Knights of the Old Republic.  The recent games having tighter gameplay but looser plots saddens me.


For just day-to-day fun, I log a lot of time playing classic 3-D beat-em-ups: Devil May Cry (pre-reboot), God Of War, Bayonetta, etc.  I enjoy the fast pace and over-the-top setting, along with occasional moments of oddly brilliant story (see also: Bayonetta 2).



* But please don't advise a Ten Thunders master by default.  There's too much Thunders around here already!

My guess at what Zinc will say: Dreamer?


What do I play if I hate everything? ;)

My guess at what Zinc will say: An anvil dropped from a great height



In magic i like everycolor but red, green was my favourite (elves deck). In Starcraft i like the Terrans but i have some fun with Protoss too, i tryed with Zergs but i cant have so much control over the game that the little bugs need. I also played Game of Thrones LCG and I like Lannisters for their control. I like Scum in Xwing. I had played a few years LoL, my rol was Support (Janna,Sona,Zyra...) I also use Cassio and Renekton, and the  yordles!! I like to be at the law-side (not necesary the good guys or the freelance-mercenary and never pick rebelds)


I like charm, so have an speaker guy (like Ramos). Good guy people but naive (Hoffman) is not my style.


I dont like Asian theme, so 10t is no choice. I currently had Outcast (Levy is may main, but also JackDaw, Tara, Viktorias and Vshill in order of use) and Gremlins ( i will get all but currently i have Ophelia,Zoraida,Sommer...Brew is soon i hope) 


My guess at what Zinc will say: Zoraida


No particular characters a few bits stay in memory. Having a mission to kill a high value target and being given the sniper rifle to do it but using the gauss gun(rocket launcher) instead also using the persuadertron to take over most of a cities inhabitents and blazing enemy agents with massed firepower. I'd take the upgrade and research parts of the game to other games.
Blanka and guile favourites in streetfighter.
Favourite gw game was bloodbowl due to the team management and experience sides of it. Favourite character was mighty zug.

My guess at what Zinc will say: Von Schill


Grim Fandango - I like the Casablanca part the most.

Civilization V - I only play single, either with a random Civ or one I haven't gotten the achievement for. I prefer to go for Conquest victory.

Tomb Raider (1996) - I haven't played it recently so I can really remember which part is the best, but I really liked it when it was new.

Everquest - I raided with a Ranger from Kunark to Omens of War (with some breaks here and there).

My guess at what Zinc will say: McCabe


Command and conquer - GDI
C&c red alert - allies
Civilisation - Romans
Age of empires - Persians
Dawn of war - eldar & orks

My guess at what Zinc will say: Something Guild?

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Alright, I love you guys, but it is going to take me a little time to get through the backlog. Being popular sure is a burden  ;)


Command & Conquer: Generals; Toxin General!

The GDI are Gremlins, period full stop. They move fast, have middling to poor defensive stats, and all of their most powerful weapons are self destructive. They win fights by getting places that the enemy doesn't want them to be and by making sure they outnumber the opponent before they commit to a fight. I spent my shift at work wondering about this, and my official answer is: Wong.
The Toxin General gives up the big blasting power of the Demolition General and the sneakiness of the Stealth General for anthrax everywhere. Toxin damage just sweeps away infantry and light vehicles, meaning you can build more anti-tank units to make up for the generally lower effectiveness your units have against them. Wong is a card carrying member of the super blaster club. You point him at a cluster of enemies, and anything without more than six wounds is probably going to be gone by the end of his activation. There are some targets that Lightning jump just isn't crazy effective against, and Wong relies on the rest of his list to clean up what he can't. Fortunately, he has Glowy, which helps the other heavy lifters in his crew get the job done.
There isn't a great analogue to Toxin Tunnels, but What Goes Up has the same feeling of winning the game with the added benefit of killing unsuspecting fools.


Semi-serious answer? Nicodem. You just have to line up Nico, corpse counters, and high crows to win the game instead of block shapes.

In magic i like everycolor but red, green was my favourite (elves deck). In Starcraft i like the Terrans but i have some fun with Protoss too, i tryed with Zergs but i cant have so much control over the game that the little bugs need. I also played Game of Thrones LCG and I like Lannisters for their control. I like Scum in Xwing. I had played a few years LoL, my rol was Support (Janna,Sona,Zyra...) I also use Cassio and Renekton, and the  yordles!! I like to be at the law-side (not necesary the good guys or the freelance-mercenary and never pick rebelds)


I dont like Asian theme, so 10t is no choice. I currently had Outcast and Gremlins.



Brewmaster! I know that you said you don't want a 10T answer, but hopefully, Brewie is gremlin enough for you. The archetypal elf deck is made up of a combination of masses of 1/1 elves and synergistic cards that take advantage of them. Sounds like Gremlins to me. You specifically choose the Lannisters for their control abilities, you select the CC-focused support roles, and even your non-duo picks are champions with access to very meaningful stuns. Not only does Brewmaster have access to his frankly ridiculous Drinking Party aura, but Pick Yer Poison, Hangover, and Blaaaargh are all really good control options. 

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Command and conquer - GDI

C&c red alert - allies

Civilisation - Romans

Age of empires - Persians

Dawn of war - eldar & orks


Well, the Romans and the Persians are united by a strong, fast early economy coupled with powerful rushing units giving them the ability to come out strong and swinging right out of the gate. The Persians in particular have a strong bias for cavalry and are notable for not having access to Heresy, forcing them to rush opposing Priests hard, or lose their expensive, powerful units. The GDI, as well, has less of a focus on battlefield manipulation and more on the precise application of force, winning straight up fights as long as they get to fight on even terms with their opponents.


Orks and Eldar are both races that rush hard, as well, and they are notable for needing to play a precise footsie game with the enemy (Eldar are delicate and fleet, Orks just bash stuff in melee) to win against more sedentary, shooty armies. this positioning focus is shared by the Allies in Red Alert, who just don't have the piles of armor that the Russians bring to the table.


My suggestion? The Swamp Friends. While Zoraida is the archetypal swamp fiend master, as she can hire regardless of faction, they work perfectly well with a variety of masters in both factions (My favorite is actually Ulix and Mactavish with Penelope deploying beside Boars). The big reason I suggest them is for Hexed Among You; deploying three minions (plus however many Wild Boars you want) From The Shadows is an *extreme* positioning advantage, and allows you immediately put the enemy on their back foot while the rest of your crew does its thing.

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Grim Fandango - I like the Casablanca part the most.

Civilization V - I only play single, either with a random Civ or one I haven't gotten the achievement for. I prefer to go for Conquest victory.

Tomb Raider (1996) - I haven't played it recently so I can really remember which part is the best, but I really liked it when it was new.

Everquest - I raided with a Ranger from Kunark to Omens of War (with some breaks here and there).


Well, you list an adventure game first off, which means that you enjoy stuff that makes you use your brain, and if you liked Grim Fandango, you like smiling at hijinks. Once again, I'm going to have to go with Gremlins here. I suppose Neverborn and Ressers have more brain bending going on, but there's nothing quite so amusing as seeing what happens when you put Gremlins on the table. Your most played character is a ranged specialist in Everquest, and Tomb Raider is on your list of picks, so well endowed, duel wielding adventure ladies must, on some level, be your cup of tea. Get yourself Ophelia and shoot some fools off the table.



No particular characters a few bits stay in memory. Having a mission to kill a high value target and being given the sniper rifle to do it but using the gauss gun(rocket launcher) instead also using the persuadertron to take over most of a cities inhabitents and blazing enemy agents with massed firepower. I'd take the upgrade and research parts of the game to other games.

Blanka and guile favourites in streetfighter.

Favourite gw game was bloodbowl due to the team management and experience sides of it. Favourite character was mighty zug.


Good choice on Street Fighter Characters. There is nothing so satisfying as getting a hard knockdown and dropping a slow Sonic Boom on top of someone who was so looking forward to Shoryuken-ing you.


That being said, all of your most memorable moments involve crushing the enemy through hilariously over sized death machines. In Syndicate, it's gauss guns. In Bloodbowl, it's a dude who is frequently mistaken for an ogre. Where are we going to find the biggest, meanest pile of guns in the game? Sonnia Criid. Not just because the lady herself has a well deserved reputation for turning the enemy's crew into a smoldering pile of slag, but Sam and the Witchlings are top-notch damage dealing models and Witchling Handlers are one of the very few things the Guild has to make their shooting game even stronger, thanks to her aura.


Interesting!  Okay, then, this could be a bit odd, since most RTS games just don't do it for me.  But I do like...


Batman: Arkham City.  I hold this up as the best-designed game I have ever played.  With a really good mix of combat/stealth/puzzles/plot points, a great job of having you advance over the course of the game while still having things feel powerful and fun at the start, and stellar voice acting (all of these traits reach their zenith in Mr. Freeze) and a great sense of a living environment which changes over time, it's just incredible.


Soulcalibur 3.  I like several games in the series, but 3 will always be my baby.  Haters gonna hate, but I maintain that 3D fighting games are much deeper and more tactical than 2D ones, and 3 has my favorite combination of speed, diversity, and simply technical controls not bogged down by too many gimmicks.  I largely play Sigfried and Zasalamel, but have been known to switch to Ivy if I just want to win.


BioWare RPGs are a huge part of my background.  Lising every game and every favorite thing would take much too long, so I'll simply say that Jade Empire had my favorite setting*, Mass Effect 3 had the best gameplay, Mordin Solus was the best character (followed by Jack from the same game, Dorian from Inquisition, Morrigan from Awakening, and Jaheira from Baldur's Gate 2), and my favorite moment was the big reveal from Knights of the Old Republic.  The recent games having tighter gameplay but looser plots saddens me.


For just day-to-day fun, I log a lot of time playing classic 3-D beat-em-ups: Devil May Cry (pre-reboot), God Of War, Bayonetta, etc.  I enjoy the fast pace and over-the-top setting, along with occasional moments of oddly brilliant story (see also: Bayonetta 2).



* But please don't advise a Ten Thunders master by default.  There's too much Thunders around here already!


I have nothing against Soulcal, but I will fight you over 2D vs. 3D.


Well, Siegfried, Zas, and Ivy are nothing if not rangy. They win by attacking the enemy at angles and ranges where they can't strike back. Your favorite Bioware characters are, more or less, the intellectual and the mystical, dealing with their enemies from range (except Jaheira, who kind of just turns into a bear and mauls people.). My recommendation is Collette for you. She has the magic, she has the stealth and the puzzle solving, and she has a kit that lets you scoop up victory points from angles that can't be predicted and, more importantly, can't be stopped.

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Well, you list an adventure game first off, which means that you enjoy stuff that makes you use your brain, and if you liked Grim Fandango, you like smiling at hijinks. Once again, I'm going to have to go with Gremlins here. I suppose Neverborn and Ressers have more brain bending going on, but there's nothing quite so amusing as seeing what happens when you put Gremlins on the table. Your most played character is a ranged specialist in Everquest, and Tomb Raider is on your list of picks, so well endowed, duel wielding adventure ladies must, on some level, be your cup of tea. Get yourself Ophelia and shoot some fools off the table.

Interesting. I guess the Gremlin game play would agree with me, however the main types of humour used with Gremlins (slapstick and alcohol romanticism) really put me off. Rangers were not actually ranged specialists in EQ (at the time I played that is, it's been 10 years so they may have more ranged tools now); except for 2 minutes of Trueshot every hour you would do significantly more damage in melee, apart from that they had some minor control and buff utility.

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Starcraft: Protoss(Psi stuff, robots)

Warhammer 40k: Dark Eldar (Swift, fast, surgical striking)

Warhammer Fantasy Battle: Warriors of Chaos (Martial prowess, melee experts)

D&D classes: Bard, Ranger, Druid (Usially High Charisma for all those classes)

Favourite games: UFO Defense, X-Com Terror from the Deep, Planescape Torment, Currently Playing: Witcher 3


Mortal Kombat: Johnny Cage

Virtua Fighter: Kage Maru

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Well, Siegfried, Zas, and Ivy are nothing if not rangy. They win by attacking the enemy at angles and ranges where they can't strike back. Your favorite Bioware characters are, more or less, the intellectual and the mystical, dealing with their enemies from range (except Jaheira, who kind of just turns into a bear and mauls people.). My recommendation is Collette for you. She has the magic, she has the stealth and the puzzle solving, and she has a kit that lets you scoop up victory points from angles that can't be predicted and, more importantly, can't be stopped.

Okay, I'm impressed - I've just started Arcanists, and had been debating whether to start work on a proxied Colette crew or buy more of the corebook Masters.  I guess that answers that question...



I have nothing against Soulcal, but I will fight you over 2D vs. 3D.


Tzarcastic, there is nothing that is tactical or deep about sidestepping ;)


Hey, now.  I was specifically asked to explain what games I liked and why - it just wouldn't be honest to pretend that I mistook hamburger for steak, now would it? ;)

(That said, I do love me some MvC.)

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