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Avatars of Malifaux


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To expand on the earlier comment, in the most recent beta for the third and upcoming book, each faction got one 10 SS enforcer, which has multiple 0 cost upgrades available to it. There is one 0 cost upgrade for each master, and these upgrades are specifically restricted to only being taken if that master is leading the crew. Dual-faction masters have only one upgrade which is also dual-faction, but the emissaries themselves are single faction, so while the upgrade remains constant, you'll have to take the emissary of your declared faction if you decide to take one.


In addition to the master upgrades, the emissaries carry a general theme of gaining a stacking condition when gaining VP from the strategy. This stacking condition provides them with a regeneration-esque healing ability, and can be consumed for a large effect.


There is also a generic Emissary upgrade available to all factions and exactly the same among all factions (but with a different name in each faction). This generic upgrade gives minions + to attack duels in an aura, and gives the Emissary a (0) action to discard a soulstone to draw two cards, then discard two cards (cycling).

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It is, yes. They will be releasing specific models for the Emissaries later on, but as far as I know the avatars will continue to be valid to use as Emissary stand-ins even after release, so you can continue fielding your avatar models in regular play.


You may also be interested to know that there will be avatar rules in the game as of book 3, but they are limited to a new system of campaign play which Wyrd is rolling out. The campaign features weekly events, persistent injuries, and persistent upgrades/loot as well as a barter system. This includes the ability to buy avatar upgrades for masters.

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They will also be usable as their Avatars, the rules for which will be in the campaign rules for the 3rd book. (A few may not work here, as they will need to be on a 50mm base, So Raputina, and colette, don't work or need rebasing).


Avatar Rasputina is on a 50mm.  

You might be thinking alternate-pose Rasputina, who is on a 30mm.

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I believe ZFiend means this (the original) Pandora:


This one is the one on the 50mm:


aPandora was always on a 40mm, custom base and all, but yes, she would need rebasng nowadays.


~Lil Kalki

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Well every faction got a few new models. A group of mercs with one member per faction who are members of a band is one set of models.


Ressers for example got:


The Carrion Emissary

Lizzy Lovelace [Hannah's sister, and Traitor to the Friekorps] (as a note this might not be her final name, and she was also known as missingno during the play test)

Sloth [Resser Band Member]

The Forgotten Marshal [Traiter to the Guild Marshals]

Hayridden(sp?) [Traitor to the Nephilim]


Neverborn got:


The Mysterious Emissary

Wrath [NB band member and the henchman leader of all the band]


Corrupted hounds



Every faction got a similar amount of models.

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So, 5-ish models per faction with a focus on crazy new rules stuff and dipping into other factions' tricks?  Sounds awesome!


Thanks for the info - as someone very new to Malifaux, the details of a lot of things which most people talked to death ages ago are a little opaque to me.

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