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Lucius Guild Best Companions


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Lawyer, always at least one. One or two Rifleman and an Austringer paired up as my fire base. Guild Guard in anything but Reckoning.


I'll usually include a Hunter or the Lone Marshall as an independent flanker/scheme runner and your choice of Dashel/Ryle/Sidir.


Once wave 3 drops I'll be taking Mounted Guards, Sanctioned Spellcasters and Queeg pretty regularly.

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At the moment, my top 5 would be Samael, Witchling Stalker, Doppelganger, Rifleman, Lawyer, but it changes from time to time.


Mine are easy. Riflemen when I need some damage, Lawyers for overall utility but mainly as Reminders of a Worse Fate, Doppelganger copies either Burn Them Out or Samaels weapons, Samael does his usual thing, and, well, Witchling Stalkers as Minions to order around.

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Interesting to see Samael getting some love when he gets so routinely panned on the forums!


I love that guy. Sure, he is made out of tissue, but he packs a punch.


When playing Sonnia, I keep him 5" behind her, to charge anything brave enough to engage her.


With Lucius he is in mid-range, tag teaming with Doppelganger, making use of all the extra Witchling Stalker AP. It's not always successful, but always fun. Think Papa Loco.

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Lawyers are essential for making Commanding Presence worthwhile. The rest of the models I listed just do what they do - though I will say that I use the Austringer more often for Deliver Orders than I do for shooting things.

I like one big tough henchman to help anchor the list. Ryle works great in that capacity but Dashel and some Riflemen will make things evaporate with very little issue.

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Really like Wardens and Death Marshals with Lucius. Being able to get multiple Pinebox attempts a turn is great for getting people in the box. Warden are just fantastic at making the horror duels and being able to give off ranged paralyzes. 


Sam combined with Dashel and Riflemen can be a fun combination. If they hide in cover burn them out, if they aren't in cover have the riflemen shoot them.

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Oh, and Pistolero's get even better when they can move without loosing their defensive aura. Two Guild Guard with a pistolero standing behind them are tough as hell to remove for any non-blasting master and it's a formation I take pretty much any time I intend to hold ground.


This is a pretty cool trick actually. 

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Wardens number 1 for me +to horror means they don't need to hang around with lawyers to benefit from lucius wandering around the board.

Lawyers obvious synergy also df/wp 6 is good.

Dashel buffs riflemen and can beat serious face if needed.

Riflemen lots of damage at a decent range made very good by the sarg!

Haven't found any other auto includes but hunters are pretty good.

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I almost always run doppelganger for cheating initiative and interacting while engaged. Whatever copycat shenanigans she pulls off are gravy. Tannen is great for Chatty and Mr. Graves hits hard and adds mobility from Show Ya the Door.

Beckoners are nice for lures and possible brilliance chicanery. Haven't used Candy yet, though she looks solid for Sweets/Sours fun and healing up Devil's Deal targets.

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I always champion the beckoners more than most.  I've gotten some great use out of them.  They can shoot into combat and can kite an opponent or ally  around with their Lure+build in trigger.  With Lucius that can really help you get slower models moving on turn one.  Lure in a crew with a gunline is really nice, as with a 18 inch lure range you can pull models into Riflemen range, and then the riflemen erase that model from the table.


I also like the run Lucius with the Hunter, who isn't listed here.  Who with his harpoon and end of turn push, can slow then move away so the model he slowed can't hit him (unless they have extra attacks).

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I think Suprisingly Loyal is good enough just for the Doppelganger as Cheating Initiative helps keep the Soulstone pool full.


I`m thinking Doppelganger + Sidir with Empty the Magazine x2 or just the Machine Gun.


Doppelganger + Samuel +Witch Hunt is also cool

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Unfortunately doppelganger + Sam + witch hunt is about half your crew and Lucius doesn't do anything for them. To often when I bring mimics into Guild I'm left feeling like Lucius is relegated to the roll of matchmaker.


It's a hell of a match, though. I just fill up with Stalkers and have fun.  :D

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