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Which non-starter release are you looking forward to the most for each faction?

Math Mathonwy

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Good thread!


Guild:  Peacekeeper.  Not necessarily in gaming terms but I loved my old Metal 'Herbie' so an updated version would be fantastic!


Ressers: Dead Doxies


Arcanists:  Probably would be Coryphee.  But I would want the Colette starter first!


Neverborn: hmm...Insidious Madness I guess.


Outcasts:  Ashes and Dust


TT:  Don't collect them..


Gremlins:  Sammy..love the art, fluff...everything!

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for me...


10T - Lone Swordsman. might not be the best one out there... but he already has a special place in all my misaki crews. <3

Archanist - Slate Ridge Mauler or Blessed of December. Either one since I didn't pick up either of them in metal so now I'm currently SoL

EDIT: Silly me...

Guild: Guild hounds

Ressers: Night Terrors

Neverborn: hmmm Spawn Mother? (though that new hound sounds cool!)

Gremlins: Wild Boar

Outcasts: Sue, obviously. hehe

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Guild:  Peacekeeper.  Not necessarily in gaming terms but I loved my old Metal 'Herbie' so an updated version would be fantastic!



arrgghh suddenly I feel the need to repaint my peacekeeper now.


To stay on topic...


I want the witchling handler! I can't find one anywhere.

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Anything non-beast for Arcanists would be nice, since I don't play Marcus.

We haven't had a new release in quite a few months so hopefully that heralds something juicy soon! My own musing is that perhaps Colette was meant to be released recently but Wyrd decided to change the sculpts based on forum feedback (but I could be/probably am entirely wrong. Just wishful thinking ;))

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*Sigh* Says it all!


My picks are fairly easy


Guild - Rider (And Peacekeeper... oh and Austringers)

Ressers - Rider

Arcanists - Rider

Neverborn - Rider

Outcasts - Gotta also go with Sue. *Hums Johnny Cash tunes*

Gremlins - Mancha Roja... I'm not particularly bothered by the Gremlins but this guy looks epic! 

Ten Thunders - Shenlong and Co.... My gawd do I want my hands on those. 

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Guild: Tough for me since I have Austringers :P. Want to say Wardens, but will go with Abuela 

Ressurectionist: Guild Autopsies

Neverborn: Also a tough one. Widow Weaver, Black Blood Shaman and Stitched would be good to see in plastic. If I had to pick one would go with the Shaman

Gremlins: Sammy. Though the wave 3 Mechanized Porkchop and Surviviors would also be high on my list

Arcanist: Coryphees or Arcane Effigy 

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Why does every thread have to be derailed by you three?

If I choose one per faction, my list would be:

Guild: Warden (Not a huge fan of the current model, they also happen to be ridiculously expensive.)

Ressers: Philip and the Nanny (Just because zFiend thinks I should use him to lead all my crews.)

Arcanists: Silent One (If crew boxes would be taken into account, it would be Kaeris.)

Neverborn: Gupps (Outside crew boxes that is.)

Gremlins: McTavish (Also the crocs)

Outcasts: Ashes and Dust (I hate the old model passionately.)

10t: Komainu? (Actually it is Shen Long box.)

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Why does every thread have to be derailed by you three?


ZFiend started it!


Admit it, the forums would be boring without us around. We also contribute before we  Dirial  derail stuff 


Also, it's only the European half of the day, when our friends beyond the great pond sleep and we are bored.

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Okay, that bit about the necropunks being crooligans is still blowing my mind, is that from a story somewhere?


As far as models to look forward to, for Ressers, if I have to pick one, Doxies. Close second is The Drowned.


I don't play much else right now, but Coryphee will get me to finally paint up my Colette crew and give make my way into Arcanists.

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Guild - Peacekeeper, no great interest in getting it, but I like seeing what the big constructs turn out like

Resser - Necropunks, for my Levi

Arcanists - Large arachnid, this is a tough one but I think these are the ones I "need" the most

Neverborn - Hooded rider, for my Levi (also I like the riders)

Outcast - Ashes and Dust, for my Levi

Ten Thunder - Fermented river monk, to prepare for Shenlong

Gremlin - Nothing, I'm just not interested in them at all

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Hmmm this is a scary thought to my wallet but something I do anyway.

Guild - new Austringers

Arcanist - Gunsmiths (everything else comes in the ironsides / Colette box)

Ressers - can't resist the wave 3 so Lizzy Lovelace

Neverborn - hmmmm .. Hooded rider just so cool.

Gremlins - uh.. Not the biggest fan. So.. Probably rooster riders so I can use just the giant roosters.

10t - the lone swordsman. No question.

Outcast - Sue. Really want him already

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