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My inability to walk into a store and buy a hat like a normal person has long been a subject of humor amongst my friends. ...

I had to do quite an extensive research to understand that :D

Noggin Monster entry on My Singing Monsters Wikipedia showed up as a dead end.

A boat made out of wood. Probably not.

A small quantity of liquor, typically a quarter of a pint. Nope.

A person's head. Finally :D

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I'm usually Greeny (a childhood nickname) on most forums, but some awkward misanthrope had already got that here (me being late to the party) the story that sold the game to me was about Lazarus in Ampersand, and I had just read China Mieville's 'Railsea' which uses the ampersand a lot as part of the story convention, so after building my first crew with an Ampersand theme I decided I'd play with that and put an ampersand in my Ampers&nd. 

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Secondly, Spindle is a character from The Malazan Book of the Fallen, a series by Steven Erikson, who rates highly among my favourite authors.

Must try reading these again!  My friends rave about them but I got about 200 pages into the first one and realised that I just didn't have the time to do my PhD and read such a lengthy series of books!


No reason a person can't do both gamer conventions and tough mudders. :(

Yeah, I got this when I used to do Thai Boxing/Kickboxing too!  But I've just learnt to embrace my geekdom (mainly because I don't give a f**k what other people think of me!)


Mine is a combination of a childhood nickname of Jonah (because I used to be pretty clumsy (I still am, but not to the same extent) and when playing a game of 40k in my local GW managed to break the stores Carnifex, Lictor and Hive Tyrant in  one game and somebody said you're such a Jonah because of the character in the Beano/Dandy (still not sure which one) and it just stuck.  I like it though, it's cooler than my given name of Michael and even my wife still calls me Jonah!  The maul bit got added when I couldn't use just jonah for an e-mail address and was because of Darth Maul from Episode 1 (I was young, what can I say!).  Now I just pretend it's about rugby!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I got this when I used to do Thai Boxing/Kickboxing too!  But I've just learnt to embrace my geekdom (mainly because I don't give a f**k what other people think of me!)

Well said!  I got the same reactions, but for me it was Judo/Brazilian jiu Jitsu/weightlifting.


My name comes from my high school basketball coach constantly yelling, "You guys play like Molly-poos, cause you ain't got no moxy!"  We had no idea what it meant at the time so we just shortened it to moxypoo and referred to each other like that.

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  • 1 month later...

Mine is from the old SNES RPG Lufia II: Rise of the sinistrals which i bought sometime in the 90's. The character Idura is a pink armored snob with an epée. He's a quite stupid henchmen to the main villains and his problem is that he just won't die. Luckily the name is never taken on any forums or games so i've used it for at least 15 years now. In wow someone shortened it to Ida which is a common swedish girlsname. So yeah, i was called by a girls name for the last 10 years. Used to it now.

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In my first week of Officer training my platoon was shown the South Park video about ginger kids and how like vampires they burn in sunlight because they have no soul. However you do get some gingers who can go outside and they are called daywalkers.

There was only one other person in my platoon who was ginger and he left after 4 days. Turns out in Iraq and Afgahnistan I do burn in sunlight.

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I'm naturally a very fast mover. People often complain I walk too fast for them to keep up, even when I slow down. Some Tolkien fan compared me to Strider, and the nickname stuck. The spelling difference is because Strider is usually already taken.

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  • 3 months later...

I must say that it makes me quite sad that this thread is no longer active. That's why I decided to resu... scitate it.

You thought I'm gonna say resurrect, didn't you? Never!


So, would anybody else like to share what does their nickname mean and how did they get it or come up with it?

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Went through a few usernames previously, but after seeing a David Attenborough documentary on Pangolins I was quite taken with them. I think they're in other games though as Pangolin is usually taken as a username. When I started playing Battlefield 2142, I wanted Pangolin in there, and figured it takes place during the onset of an ice age in the northern hemisphere, so ArcticPangolin it was.

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Actually I was given that nickname in School... 'cause there were too many Michaels and my last name is Niebler. 

Maybe there is a link to my very eating habits, which were a bit, let's say unrestrained, at that time - so they made me the little guy from futurama

Edited by Nibbler
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I was looking for something scientific and to do with photography for DevArt and I came up with this, essentially they are substances that become toxic/irritant  on exposure to light/ light makes it worse. Considering photography , I like plants (where they are found) and I don't like bright lights it all made sense!

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