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Taking the Devil's Deal


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I've been playing a lot of Lucius lately, and starting to get the hang of him. The one ability of his that I really haven't gotten any use out of so far is Devil's Deal. I can see how to use it if I declare Neverborn, where Depleted and (relatively) easy access to healing flips make it extremely good. In Guild it has been a really corner-case ability for me, and while that's fine I was curious to see if anyone else was getting more mileage out of the ability.

I've considered running with Ryle or Candy rather than my surprisingly loyal Mr. Graves, but that cuts my mobility down quite a bit. I've also considered the Governor's Proxy, but the Scribe's defensive aura and built in Red Tape seem too good to lose. The Friekorps Librarian is an expensive enforcer with a once-per-turn heal and nothing else that I need... And that's it off the top of my head as far as available healing is concerned.


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I just use it whenever I need to keep Lucius alive and don't really try to mitigate the cost. If something big is threatening Lucius then any weak minions around him are liable to be paste shortly regardless of wound count anyway.


If you want to use it more like a rechargeable battery then Governor's Proxy is probably the way to go although you'll want to keep Graves or something to move him around and I'm not sure you'll make back the 3 stone cost by healing from Devil's Deal.

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When I have used it generally I have ate the Scribe and not bothered with worrying about healing.  They are disposable tools, as such when I need it they die for my cause.  As I tend to take larger crews with Lucius I generally don't worry to much about it.  That said I generally try to be reasonable at the same time, if I can use the stone and will be good I will use the stone.  I generally only use it when I want to keep my stone for some reason and if that is the case the Scribe is often the first to start getting the Axe as he cost 2ss and if not attacked can give me two soulstones worth out of the ability.

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The Scribe has usually been my go-to. Mostly because he tends to be in the area when I need the stone anyway.

In my fantasies there are tricky things that I can do with it, dealing damage to Graves to get Black Blood out, or killing my lawyer where I need him for Finish the Job. Reality seems to dictate that there's always an easier way to get it done though.

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I've considered running with Ryle  --- cuts my mobility down quite a bit. 


You wot mate? My experience with Ryle is that he's damnably fast for a Guild model and his gun has a reasonable range to boot. Tough as nails, too, if enemy lacks armor piercing attacks. One or two turns of Socially Repressed and he's bound to be in a reasonable spot to "lay the dakka" as some would put it and heavens have mercy on anyone in melee with him... He punches HARD. =P


So yes, I highly recommend using Ryle in a Lucius crew; almost (but only almost) more so than good ol' Captain Tassels!

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Which actually does contribute, because it clarifies incorrect advice given that other players may read.

saying something is wrong and being a douchebag about it is contribution only in that its pure criticism. it doesn't help answer the original question. the response could have been worded so it explains why it would work (sidir can only become the target of enemy actions) or suggest anything which would synergy with devils deal.

lets get the post back on topic and play nice

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Calling Myrrä a douchebag might be a little over the top, don't you think? You are talking about a user who is, in my eyes, nothing short of a rules wizard and usually very helpful to newbies. That he/she/it came across a little cross is at least unusual, but also probably prevented some playing errors. No reason to start a war over.

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Lucius is my main master, and I make very little use of devils deal.  Because of his backline nature, he is rarely attacked, and since when I attack with him I am usually trying for red tape more than anything, the positive flip isn't nearly as useful as it would be otherwise.


If you could use it for refliping init or for card draw that would change things considerably though.

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Lucius is my main master, and I make very little use of devils deal.  Because of his backline nature, he is rarely attacked, and since when I attack with him I am usually trying for red tape more than anything, the positive flip isn't nearly as useful as it would be otherwise.


If you could use it for refliping init or for card draw that would change things considerably though.

Don't you use Hippen Sniper?

getting the trigger from that for dropping schem markers is well worth the stone, so worth 3 wds even more

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To be honest with Hidden Sniper I have never used the trigger to drop a scheme marker as I rarely have trouble dropping them where I want anyway with him.  Instead I generally use it for damage so it is all about Critical Strike.  Never forget the time during the beta where I focused and then used it against the Viks.  Was able to cheat in enough to kill Vik of Ash as he was out of Soulstones *Vik of Blood had died moments before to Issue Commands and Lucius taking a walk*.

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Calling Myrrä a douchebag might be a little over the top, don't you think? You are talking about a user who is, in my eyes, nothing short of a rules wizard and usually very helpful to newbies. That he/she/it came across a little cross is at least unusual, but also probably prevented some playing errors. No reason to start a war over.

You should see him play, he looks like a wizard, sure is a rules wizard but he sure as hell ain't noob friendly. He's like Gandalf from hell.

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You should see him play, he looks like a wizard, sure is a rules wizard but he sure as hell ain't noob friendly. He's like Gandalf from hell.

Photographic evidence - this pic of Myyrä was taken last Tuesday:


If you look closely, you can see ZFiend's eye reflecting from the top of Myyrä's staff.

In order to contribute something useful, the mere threat of Hidden Sniper once prevented me from dropping Scheme Markers properly the way I wanted to. Which was horrible. You don't need to use it when the mere threat of it can mess up your opponent's game.

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