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I need some help from you guys! 


Just started my journey with M2E this year, I play with Rasputina

I'm one of those players the like a "theme" to my crew, so i want the mins I use to be part of The Cult of December

Saying that, I know there aren't a lot of the M2E mins out as plastics that are part of the cult, so at the moment I'm not spoiled for choice.


To my problem, I use Rasputinas box and the AoD mins, but I can't for the love of me get the big guy to work :/

He usually ends up doing nothing or just dying very  early on


Should I just wait for the likes of SnowStorm to be released as plastic, since I find him more versatile?   


Anyone got any handy tips for a aspiring  Arcanist?





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I'm no Arcanist player, so my knowledge is very limited. As an opponent, I don't like the Golem when he comes to the party late. Once Turn 3 or 4 have come around, I often lack the means to deal with him.


Are you aware of the Tactica Wiki? YOu can read about the Golem HERE. Perhaps, if some good advice rears its head in this thread, we can expand that page with added knowledge.

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I have only played Raspy a few times.  The way I would use him is to start by throwing Ice Gamin forward so Raspy could use them for Ice Mirror.  Once that is done, you walk him up using him to support Raspy by going after any models that may be targeting Raspy.   


Like I said though, I do not play Raspy regularly.  

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I find the Golem (without Snowstorm) is good for securing an area, but bad at moving.

So I might use him in Turf war, or Reckoning, but am much less likely to find a use for him in Squatters or stake a claim (although Toss is pretty useful for those games...)

He isn't an auto include for me, but he certainly has a place.

Personally mine almost always comes with imbued energies, just for that extra walk when I need it.

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But neither of those models are out in plastic yet! He said he doesn't want to play with metals. I find the ice golem to be very intimidating to play against. His melee output is sick and God help you if you allow yourself to get stuck in base to base with him. Never underestimate the psychological impact of him on your opponent! His smash attack will one shot almost any model in the game. On top of that he can throw smaller models around which is a very handy trick in a slow crew.

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I've never played with him, but have been against him a bunch. 


What Jimbo said - his threat is pretty big, and if your opponent can't bring enough force around to get him, Mr Golem is going to be wrecking face.


If you're a newer player, try keeping him a little further back behind your lines for just one more turn. I remember when I first started that I had a similar problem with Howard Langston/Rail Golem. These big meaty models are big threats, and as one commenter to a game said "nothing in this game can survive unsupported". I learned how to use the rest of my crew, and my model activations to ensure that I was getting the most out of my big beaty models. 


Lastly, he's gonna die. He's a huge threat with Df 3 (?), if your opponent wants him dead, he'll be dead. Your goal is to ensure that while killing him, your opponent loses sight of all the other things he needed to do that turn. :P Like scoring points.


Good luck!

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Ive found just having him slightly back from the ice gamin with sub zero is useful. Anything that attacks them gets one chance to kill them before ending their activation then he gets to charge in if needed. Armour of december is good if your opponent doesnt have access to ignore armour making him even slower but potentially armour 4.

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I use the golem a lot as I don't have a snow storm model and like him a lot. I don't leave home without imbued protection on him which bumps him up to a hefty 12ss but Df4, armour 2(plus more when raspy casts armour of December on him), ten wounds and the ability to discard the upgrade to prevent damage means it takes some concentrated effort to take him down.

But his ability to throw gamin into ice mirror position, or throw enemy Ht1 models away/into each other can be invaluable. The. There's the huge threat he poses, especially in turf war. Your opponent has to get some models up into the centre of the table so being slow isn't an issue. And with the ice gamins (0) he does weak damage of 10!! With any model in range or he has the option to hand out slow with his (1) attack which he can do three times.

When played properly and not just thrown into combat looking at his damage track on smash he's capable of being a dominating force in most stratergies. Take the 12ss hit with the upgrade and thank me later ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you everyone once again for the replies!


I'll start experimenting with him, probably throwing in a upgrade and keeping him on the back line and then letting him move up and do his stuff ;) 

And as you've said, I like the threat that he poses!


I go and do my homework and see how it goes, thanks a bunch! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

With Raspy, I use the Golem as her personal bodyguard -- Raspy really suffers to melee attacks, and he makes those attacks *very* hard to get.  Many people won't even venture to my back-field if he's back there.  Then, turn 3 or 4, bring him in to clean up whatever the Acolytes, Gamin, and Ice Mirrors didn't take care of.

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I have a list with Snow Storm, Ice Golem and Metal Gamin.  Ice Golem throws Metal Gamin up the board and walks, Snow Storm moves up and pulls Ice Golem into base contact, Metal Gamin gives protection of Metal and Raspy/wendigo get some Ice Pillars up if they need protection.  You now have a df6 Ice Golem and Snow Storm generally 12" up the board ready to rip face on turn 2.  Has backfired a few times buy can also be devastating.  


I used to primarily play the fluffy crews as well but as my collection got bigger I started to venture out more.  I find that fluffy crews perform well but you will be more competitive when you are open to venturing outside of them, especially when you start to look at mercenarys.

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