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December Releases up on Warstore

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Initial reactions...

The Crooked men look pretty good, though I prefer my old metals. (Well, I like the old lantern guy a ton, even though the new set is solid.)

Really excited about the new Leveticus crew. A huge improvement on all counts: Where I used to not really like the look despite really liking his character, I think his crew looks really nice now.

Agreed about the bit of a surprise on Hoffman's crew.

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The Leveticus crew set looks amazing! Ryle will be in the Hoffman set I think, the image just isn't showing the whole box. You can just about see a little bit of mechanical attendant on the right hand side of the box. I'll be pretty shocked if Ryle isn't in there. I'm pretty excited about that release - just what I want in time for Christmas! If I had one complaint it'd be that Hoffman looks quite well-built. I'd like to have seen him sculpted much more frail and skinny looking to match the fluff.

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Hoffman box is definitely a bit disappointing, particularly at the new $50 standard.  Might just be the size of the Guardian I suppose.  The Watcher definitely looks like a good sized model.  I was hoping for a couple of them though.  It's a box of things I want with no redundancy though, so its not like I'm going to skip it either.  Impatiently waiting for Austringers and Hounds though.  Maybe there's hope for the Black Friday sale.

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That's one ugly Lost Love. Also, QC for the win!!!

Not sure is it any worse than the one in the Kirai box though. :P

We shall see if these actually hold up. Would love to get that Leveticus, first I will Gmort do his good job and see how many pieces the faces are etc.

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I'm just seeing an image of the Hoffman box, nothing showing what it actually comes in. Might have another watcher in it. hopefully will get a picture of the pigapult soon

The standard for the M2E boxes has been to put all models on the front except one totem which is on the side. If there are duplicates of a model there are that many in the art as well. 

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...particularly at the new $50 standard.

You noticed that too huh? I was holding out hope that the move to plastic would at least keep things the same cost though it looks like that ship may have sailed already.


Skirmish/ squad level games seem destined to be pricier to produce due to a tendency toward "unique" models and low model counts.

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I don't know whether "sexy" or "vomit inducing" are better descriptors for Levy's Abominations, but I must own them!  Love the new Leveticus sculpt too.


Hoffman's crew looks great, and I think the Crooked Men are a definite improvement over the old ones (they don't appear to be that crooked though).

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