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How do you think that Wyrd is going to avoid having so many SKUs

Math Mathonwy

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From the starter-only Henchman threads we have learned that Wyrd pays a lot of attention to the number of SKUs they offer. Malifaux however contains lots and lots of models that appear as singles in lists most of the time.

Wyrd has released a lot of single model boxes lately (stuff like the generic Totems, Doppelganger, Hoarcat Pride, Hans, Bishop, and so on and so forth). Now, sometimes they surprise by including two models in a box like Executioners but that doesn't really solve the problem of SKUs, though it allows for a more expensive box which is likely good for Wyrd.

With Wave 2 there's quite a bit of single model releases that are forthcoming like Effigies, Merris, Sammy, various robots, mercs, Tuco, and so on.

Do you think that Wyrd should combine some models into one box? Like Merris and Sammy for example.

Also, what is your opinion on selling all the boxed set Minions as separate boxes as well? I think that it is very justified for some models like Witchling Stalkers or Belles (Bayou Gremlins!) that you are somewhat likely to need more than three of but for some it is of kinda dubious benefit. I mean, no one is likely to use more than three Ronin or more than three Silurids, right?

With many of the Ten Thunders boxes, they don't sell the Minions individually. If you want to get The Illuminated for your Zoraida crew, you'll be buying the Lynch box. Or if you want Torakage for you McCabe, you'll be buying the Misaki box.

Should Wyrd automatically release the crew box Minions separately or should they do so only when players are likely to need more than what's included in the crew box?

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I had a long thing all typed up but decided to just make it a TL;DR because I was going to make it even longer to make it more comprehensible.


The summation of my post was: Wyrd won't control SKU creep. I say this because I assume they want to keep making things and (without adding another few hundred SKUs first) retiring models would be unpopular.

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I do wish more models had a Rare stat, even if its 3-4 on something fairly expensive, simply because it opens up options for the combo packs.  The single purchase plan for SKUs is generally very popular with players, and seeing things like the Executioner come with all you can legally field is awesome.  I'd be perfectly happy to see that extend to things like Death Marshals being Rare 3 for example.


It's worth noting that a lot of SKUs are already being cut.  While there's a separate, minion only set for most of the boxes, the box sets are still generally replacing at least 3 SKUs (Master/Henchman/Totem).  I wouldn't be at all sad to see different kinds of bundles in the future either, but it really does seem like the current model limits the SKU creep pretty well.  The bigger challenge will be seeing how model releases are planned going forward post Avatars.  I wouldn't be at all sad to see combo packs though, particularly if they were well designed Enforcer/Minion sort of deals.

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I had a long thing all typed up but decided to just make it a TL;DR because I was going to make it even longer to make it more comprehensible.


The summation of my post was: Wyrd won't control SKU creep. I say this because I assume they want to keep making things and (without adding another few hundred SKUs first) retiring models would be unpopular.

Given that there are 10 Skus for Fate Decks alone I dont think buy that "Sku Creep" is really a huge concern.


I do think that the consolidation of models is likely if for no other reason than it allows multiple models per sprue and doesn't require individual packaging. Both of these things reduce costs. Not a fan of it at all but I've already fought that fight and am to tired to really care any more. It frees up money for other games I guess.

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Almost all of the single boxes remove one SKU (metal) to add a SKU (plastic).


What I'd actually love to see is alternate master boxes. Alternate posed master and totem, then a different set of support models. Gets the same effect as the support type boxes while adding some alternate masters and totems to the mix, which is fun and cool.


I'd certainly love a Marcus box with a slate a slate ridge mauler, some raptors and molemen or something.  Or a Viks box with Bishop, desperate mercs and Vanessa? Lots of fun possibilities.

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Not only that, but their SKU setup is WYR#####


They have 100k possible variations before they run out. If they then switch to hexidecimal (omitting I and O for clarity), that number goes to 45.435 Million Skus.


I desperately hope that Wyrd is successful enough to switch to hexidecimal SKUs out of legitimate need.

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Yeah...it's share of shelf space. You need to be able to fit most everything in a reasonable space. Not every company gets 30-40 feet of shelf space in a LGS like GW does.




Also it's about turn rates.


Let's say a store sells 10 Malifaux models a month, and Malifaux has 10 SKUs. They're getting one turn per SKU (on average).


Now let's say Malifaux expands to 20 SKUs, but still averages 10 sales per month. All of a sudden we're half as appealing to stock, while customers are showing just as much interest in the product as they did before.

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a Stock keeping Unit. They are refering to the number of different packages of different models available rather than the number of different individual models if that makes sense. So Lady j's crew box is one SKU, then the 3 Death Marshalls packaged seperately in their own box is another SKU even though the Death Marshalls in the 2 boxes are identical.


I like the idea of releasing models in boxes of one. I wouldn't be so keen on the idea of releasing 'support packs' as that forces you into certain list builds or forces you to buy models you won't use.I wouldn't like to see different models bundled up together for the same reason. One thing I'd really like to see done differently is when there are boxes of minions released and they are the same skulpt as the minions in the crew boxes. Bayou Gremlins comes to mind as an example. If you buy the Some'r box you are very likely to end up running duplicates of the bayou Gremlin models as the gremlins in the stand alone pack are the same sculpts as the ones in the crew box.

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I for one would like combo packs where it makes sense: Desolation Engine and Abominations, or Datsue Ba and three Seishin would totally make sense. Some models that are single model now would also make sense in multiples, like Austringers or Wardens.

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Yeah, fair points Dirial. I agree actually. Some models just belong together like Rat King and rats, the abomination engine and co. that you mentioned and coryphee/coryphee duet. These should definately be released together in one box. What's that Outcast thing? Ashes and Dust or something, those models would also belong together in one box. I suppose there are actually lots of modls that naturally go together then!

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An Enforcers box would be very useful - gives people who usually stick to the thematic crews another option to try different synergies. Also opens up the otpion to collect the whole faction (which works in Wyrd's favour)


"I have the Sonnia starter - what should I buy next?"

"Witchling Handler is good and she comes with the Exorcist who is useful, especially against the Ressers."

"OK, bought it, what next?"

"Well, since you already have the Exorcist, you might as well branch out to the Lady Justice box in order to get The Judge and the Death Marshalls for Sonnia and a second Master to play with. Also remember to try Lady Justice with the Witchling Handler and three Witchlings!"

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What about some more random pairings like, say, Exorcist and Witchling Handler? Or Jaakuna Ubume and Rafkin? Essentially those models from a given faction that can be used by several different Masters and that you aren't very likely to take in multiples.

 No, I don't like that idea for the reasons I mentioned above. It feels like either you're being forced down a particular list building route or that you are having to buy 2 models when you only want one! For example, I don't really want an exorcist but I would buy a Witchling handler if one came out in plastic. so from me it's a yes for multiple models in a box when they are directly linked (rat king and rats, coryphee and coryphee duet etc.) but no to random pairings of different models.


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