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Plast Craft Games will produce official scenery for Malifaux


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Great news!!! Plast Craft Games has reached an agreement with Wyrd Miniatures and will produce official scenery for Malifaux. We have been working for a while on the new line of products so the new terrain will be ready to be showed later this week.

Stay tuned at our Facebook page or Wyrd website if you don't want to miss anything!






Finally ! It was about time !  :D

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And so the death knell of the Terraclips line was tolled, to bad as I really liked that product and think it had a lot of potential.

Hopefully Plasticraft will be able to keep up with production.

Meh, I found the terraclips to be overly fiddly and not that modular. Also crappy cardboard.

I sold all mine simply because it is way more hassle than it is worth. But I guess that's another thread...

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I am very torn about this...


...on one hand, it's in theme and looks simple enough for gaming purposes.


On the other hand, the components seem very rough and mismatched.


A stair step is big enough to fit 2 or three large trees on it, the headstones are probably 7-8 feet tall (and 6 inches thick), and the mortar lines in the bricks look big enough for Mortimer to hide his arm inside of.


I mean, it looks okay from a distance, but it's very clearly game-ready.  Which is both good and bad as it's easy to play on but really screws with the immersion when you have a full table set-up as components will be mis-matched in size and any steps/platforms have to be big enough to accomodate 30/40/50mm bases instead of the relatively small "footprint" of the models sans bases.  I just realized that we don't really use steps/stairs in our games...this is why.


The price is going to make or break this.  I mean...it looks cheap (with a few tiny touches of detail thrown in here and there, like the fine iron wall sections of the picture with Nicodem or the manhole covers), so it's going to have to be priced cheaply.  I mean, if you come out asking for GW pricing on that stuff, I am just going to shake my head.


I dunno, I'm really not that enthralled by it - it just strikes me as quick and utilitarian but I have the odd feeling it's going to be far more expensive than I'd be willing to pay.

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Gorgeous looking, but clearly not to everyone's taste. :)


It's obvious the size compromise is a necessary "evil," otherwise the terrain pieces would be unplayable in any sort of game context. Immersion is all in the eye of the beholder, anyway - 30/40/50mm bases require a significant suspension of disbelief, particularly custom bases of specific terrain types.


For example, I've built custom bases for my McCabe crew with desert flora, rocks and sand prominently placed around the models. They'll look especially great placed on the desert terrain board I'm building to compliment them, but once I move them to play on any other sort of game terrain, "immersion" flies out the window. Imagine my McCabe galloping down the Victorianesque cobblestone streets of Malifaux with a saguaro cactus in tow. :P An eternal dilemma for those of us choosing to custom base our models (and an argument, I suppose, in favor of leaving model bases as "vanilla" as possible, if immersion is your overriding concern). 


I agree that the price point on these will make or break them for me as well. I'm on a tight entertainment budget, and it's been a real effort to stretch those dollars to cover the models and game gear I've acquired so far - Thank You Amazon Prime & eBay. If I'd had to pay full retail there's no way I'd have been able to start this new hobby of mine in the first place.


In summary: Great looking. I like them. Hope I can afford them.


- Nikko

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Is that........a solar panel on the roof of that pebble-dashed bungalow with a conservatory? I'm really not bowled over by the buildings. I think they look pretty ugly. The steps and gravestones also look poor. i quite like the little cart but otherwise these would have to be damn cheap and the 'next wave' stuff would need to look much better to attract me.

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Aw crap - from those new pics I just realized that this a foam terrain, don't know how I missed that - I won't be integrated it into my plastic wargaming terrain thats for sure.

I will probably still buy so I have some quick transportable terrain to use - that will be most helpful anyway and it clearly looks more playable than most normal terrain anyway so that's a huge plus. I would rather play with books and markers on a grassmat then transport terrain hard plastic painted terrain again.

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Is that........a solar panel on the roof of that pebble-dashed bungalow with a conservatory? I'm really not bowled over by the buildings. I think they look pretty ugly. The steps and gravestones also look poor. i quite like the little cart but otherwise these would have to be damn cheap and the 'next wave' stuff would need to look much better to attract me.


Some elements definitely look better than others - the cart, as you noted among them, and the trees also appear very well done. I'm wondering, will every element we see in these preview pics be available for sale, such as the cart, trees, crates, refuse cans, etc.? If accessories such as those are made available at a reasonable price, it would be a good jumping off point for those of us on tighter budgets. But, until I've seen a few real, physical reviews I won't speculate any further.


- N

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I think the accessories like the trees and crates and stuff look good and I probably would buy them if they were released in a seperate pack. It's the big stuff that I don't like. Like Omenbringer says, they look cartoony but also a bit plain (although maybe that's just the paintjob). Anyway, like I said not too othered by most of this stuff.

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Plast craft games have a website(google it) with the products they currently have for sale... Wild west style 28mm buildings 5euro 50 cents (4 gbp ish) if they can keep the new malifaux terrain line around that sort of price i'm sure it'll be a big seller!


EDIT: just noticed that the infinity items aren't around the 5.5euro mark, more like 8-15 euros, so I would expect the Malifaux stuff to be around this price.

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Plast craft games have a website(google it) with the products they currently have for sale... Wild west style 28mm buildings 5euro 50 cents (4 gbp ish) if they can keep the new malifaux terrain line around that sort of price i'm sure it'll be a big seller!


EDIT: just noticed that the infinity items aren't around the 5.5euro mark, more like 8-15 euros, so I would expect the Malifaux stuff to be around this price.

Assuming a licensing fee to Wyrd, I would bet they are in the Infinity terrain price range.

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I really like the stuff, but am still not sure if it;s pre-painted. From their other stuff I'm guessing no. I just hate spending time painting terrain that could be spent (grudgingly) painting figures. 


If the price is right though I will definitely be getting some.

They are not pre-painted from what I have been told. We're on the same page... I have too many minis to paint to be painting terrain.

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I might still pick some up if its not painted. I'd be more excited if they had partnered with 4Ground. I really like their prepoainted stuff and will be buying some of that for sure. The scale is a tad off, but is still very playable. In fact the smaller buildings work better on the 3x3 table anyway.

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I might still pick some up if its not painted. I'd be more excited if they had partnered with 4Ground. I really like their prepoainted stuff and will be buying some of that for sure. The scale is a tad off, but is still very playable. In fact the smaller buildings work better on the 3x3 table anyway.

I may still very well pick up a few of the plasticraft buildings as well. I would like to see/hold them and actually get a fell for them. I also think it would be nice to see how well they fit on a 3x3 compared to some other companies' buildings.

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